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Ladies and gents please help me, it's Thursday I'm tired and trying to get my head around all the visas!


So here is my situation...


I am a British citizen and my boyfriend is an Aussie, he is heading home in April 2018 for good and by this time we would of been dating 15 months and living together around 6 months.


Which visa do should I be looking at and any other relevant information do I need to know?


Your help would be greatly appreciate.


Thank you



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Well, you wont qualify for a partner visa.
The easiest thing would be a working holiday visa if you haven't had one and are young enough. How old are you?

I didn't think I would qualify for the partnership visa.

I will be 26 when I go.

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It depends what your plans as a couple are. If you are engaged and planning to get married, there is the PMV (visa 300). But you need to apply offshore  (i.e you have to be outside Australia when you apply and when the visa is granted; you can come to Aus on a tourist visa in between, but you can't work there or stay longer than 3 months at a time).

If not, you could indeed go there on a Working Holiday Visa, which would allow you to live together for a year, and see how it goes :) I don't know the specifics of the WHV but plenty do around here and will be able to give you all the info.


Edit: in fact this thread has info on going from a WHV to a partner visa, which could apply to you. Have a looksee!


Edited by TheWayOfThePony
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If I go on a work working holiday visa will I be able to leave the country to come back for a wedding? And on the work holiday visa do I need to be back home in the uk to apply for the partnership visa?

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You really need to read the partner  visa PDF as it explains the options for on shore and off shore applications and the requirements for both.

Once you understand what is expected, then work out what your best course of action would be. TBH until you understand what they both entail and decide on your best course of action and when, I don't like to say if applying off shore may be suitable. 

From the immi site on the WHV


This visa allows you to:

  • stay in Australia for up to 12 months
  • work in Australia, generally for up to six months with each employer
  • study for up to four months
  • leave and re-enter Australia any number of times while the visa is valid.
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