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G'day mate, the carp scene in Australia is not good. Most fishos hate the carp and, it is a declared noxious fish.


Here is a list of fish in Vic that you can target. The murray cod and yellowbelly are about the best.


Barramundi have been stocked in Victoria.


Cheers, Bobj.

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Forgot to add...Might be better to check the Victoria tackle shops rather than bring your gear over.


As mentioned in the other post, murray cod and yellowbelly are the best fish to target. The murray cod grow to 100 lbs but are usually caught at about 20lbs and the yellowbelly grow to 30 lbs but usually get caught at about 5 lbs.

I'm off barramundi fishing in the NT and WA ,so won't be available for help, if you need any, for about a month...

Cheers, Bobj.

 Odd spot; the carp is reviled, yet the redfin is looked on as a good fish...:laugh:

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Kelv,

Realise i’m responding to an old post.

Lots of local reports and discussion on the Melbourne and Victorian fishing scene and quite a few avid carp fishermen too...

Carp are everywhere in Melbourne and whilst they are considered noxious, are still fun to catch (just don’t release them!).

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Hi Briandi

Thanks for that we have been here in Melbourne for 5 months now and haven’t started fishing yet.

Lot of people have told me not to realise the carp as they are considered pests

Will also try a bit of sea fishing to.

Many thanks

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Port Phillip Bay has some good snapper fishing and calamari,squid, to you,  very good eating.  I,m sure there are a few small charters in the bay. Off most of the beaches around the bay, you can target king George whiting, another good eating fish. Enjoy.

Cheers, Bobj.

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20 hours ago, kelv said:

Been to Kmart today and bought a rod and some tackle to get me going emoji106.png

Cheers kelv

G’day mate, check out the Vic fishing licences $35 a year,  I think and no rod licences or salt water licence.

Cheers, Bobj.

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2 hours ago, kelv said:

Sure is Bobj for a change ? only thing what will feel different is not putting the carp back might see what they taste like ?


No go I'm afraid unless you eat them at the waterside. All noxious species have to be disposed of within the confines of the particular waterway that they are caught in. This is to prevent them being transferred to yet another waterway. At the risk of being accused of racism, certain ethnic groups ( honest fishos know who they are) are renown for transferring fish such as carp and tilapia to an area that would make it more easily accessible to them in the future.

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Just a point of clarification. You can take carp home to eat in Victoria, but they cannot be transported alive. If you’re not going to eat them they must be disposed of and cannot be returned alive 

Looks like my previous post has been edited by moderators for containing reference to another website...fair enough. Do a google search on Fishing Victoria and you will find a lot of info on carp fishing in Vic as well as fishing in general.

Also, this time of year Australian Salmon hit the ocean beaches (Gunnamatta is my local spot). Whilst they can be eaten, I’ve yet to try one. They are a hard fighting, good looking fish that take both lures and bait...

Bigger bream (not the European version) are also more prevalent in estuaries, including the Yarra and Maribyrnong

The Yarra is unfairly maligned, it is an amazing fishery that, depending on where you fish, contains bream, salmon, snapper, kingfish, mulloway, carp, roach, eels, English perch, Murray cod, Macquarie perch, Trout...do a bit of exploring!

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That is very interesting re Murray cod in the Yarra, @Briandi.I checked it out, as I lived in Smellbum over 50 years ago and never heard of them in the river. As they are from the Murray/Darling System, I was under the impression that they were illegally introduced and, I believe it is an offence to introduce any freshwater fish to any waterway that is not part of their native habitat. I see that the cod were introduced over 160 years ago. So, I doubt that the rules were formulated then...

Thanks for that.

Cheers, Bobj.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/08/2017 at 03:08, kelv said:


We are moving to Melbourne in January and a big carp fisherman.



Old post I know but.....

Loads of pesky carp in the Murray. As I read online recently...... "Fishermen reeled in a staggering 16,660 carp in only nine hours, at Lake Bonney in the Riverland, as pest numbers explode throughout the River Murray".

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