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About a family forced to return back to Korea after a VISA scam and agent's mistake.


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This was from days ago but Dutton has rejected their chance think just last night or so and is forced to return. Our family faced the same fate (although a great luck has given us back in the country after reapplying) and although I have changed quite a lot back then and now, it is very relatable to my circumstances. Was on the news a couple of times. Have a good look of it.

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Lot of people pay 6 even 7 figure money to an agent or whoever to obtain residency which recently most of them don't work these days because of the DIBP being strict on asylum. Not the problem of the Immigration but the fraudster.

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1 hour ago, pih5ped said:

Lot of people pay 6 even 7 figure money to an agent or whoever to obtain residency which recently most of them don't work these days because of the DIBP being strict on asylum. Not the problem of the Immigration but the fraudster.

No, its the fault of the applicant. Reasonable ideas of agent's fees are posted on the MARA website, and anyone who pays a 6 or 7 figure number is reasonable as an agent's fee is either crooked, knows trhe agent is crooked, or is plain daft, to be honest!

This was discussed a week or so ago on here anyhow.

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