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Substantive Visa question

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My partner and I are about to apply for a partner visa.  She is currently on a bridging visa a due to appealing a visa decline decision last year.

Are we ok to apply for the visa and should we put much text in the to Substantive Visa question?

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I'd check with a migration agent as there are situations where you can't apply for a visa while holding a bridging visa, and there are situations where you can't apply for an onshore visa after having a visa refused.  So you may find she's barred from lodging an 820/801 application and would need to apply offshore for a 309/100.

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Yes, that is a very important question you need to understand.

Although she can lodge a Partner 820/801 while on a bridging visa (a bridging visa is not a substantive visa), she will need to satisfy additional "schedule 3 criteria", which for a partner visa, are very difficult to satisfy.

I strongly recommend profession advice as you are risking your $7,000 application fee.

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If you are granted a BVA whilst on a 12 month ETA which has 3 month clauses on it and only expires in9 months, then the BVA only activates once eta expires, do you have to exit at 3 month intervals as per eta? Or stay through it until eta expires and BVA activates

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