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career change ideas welcomed

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Hi am a 39 years old qualified Gas Engineer me and my wife are planning on moving to Australia soon. I have been gathering information about transferring my skills from here to Australia and it seems impossible without an apprentice there are too many red tapes in that industry .I can still get a visa through my Mrs she is a registered  nurse .The question is what will I do for work what industries are easy to get into I don't mind doing short courses your ideas would be greatly appreciated

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3 hours ago, danielmpehla@hotmail.com said:

.The question is what will I do for work what industries are easy to get into I don't mind doing short courses your ideas would be greatly appreciated

Which area will you be moving to?  Employment vacancies/demands vary tremendously throughout Australia.


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Not sure how to respond to you, as you are falling into the ageism bracket for Australia. Since you will be looking at industries with only a short course or two and probably no work experience, will probably be hard. Lots of competition and younger staff who will be prepared to take a lower salary.

Are you looking to build your new skillset on top off your previous career, or moving away to anything in the hopes of finding work?

Maybe take some time to look at your own key strengths and what you can bring to a new career. Things that you enjoy, hobbies and the like and how they can be highlighted as an strength. Since you are looking at a career change, maybe spend some time with a career adviser in the UK about how to reformat your CV. The format in Australia is not really that much different.

You have not mentioned what part of Australia, you are both looking to relocate too. This could help the direction you want to take, based on the job markets there.

How do you feel about giving up a skilled career for possibly something that is not. 

If you are good with people and have that "hunter" experience(over hearing sales people in the office), maybe recruitment, sales or similar.

Good luck with your decisions and your move.

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