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Back in Blighty


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Arrived back Monday followed by the dogs on Wednesday.  First thought was christ it's cold. Second thought was what have I done, but that was related to my personal circumstances not geography.  Third thought was christ it's cold.

A few days later and I am adjusting.  I am loving the media, radio 4, decent papers, news which concentrates on global events rather than sport or parochial crime and cheap and plentiful books. I am really surprised by how friendly and helpful the staff in the supermarkets, banks and libraries have been.  Everyone seems to have more time. Perhaps if I was in London it would be different ( I am in a Birmingham  suburb).

I was prepared for the bad coffee, which is thankfully better than anticipated albeit more expensive.  I was also prepared for the lousy cafe options, which are as bad as expected.

Food is cheaper, except for rolled oats. Go figure. Wine is sbout the same price but it is going to take some getting used to the fact the winery is not on the label. I am also going to have to forget about the beautiful Aussie chardonnays I love and start to explore South African and American wines.

I was not prepared for the loss of JazzFM which is no longer available on digital radio outside London. The only decent sound system at present is a CD player but a trip to the shops revealed no one sells CDs any more except for Sainsburys who only sell pop. Fortunately the local Barnados had some cracking jazz CDs including one by Miles Davis that I don't have so crisis averted.

The fur kids are loving the cooler climate and wildlife, although the wildlife is not loving them! An interesting altercation with a swan yesterday and I  suspect the squirrels will stop visiting the garden.

I am trying to ignore the fantastic Sydney forecast. 

Looking forward to a restful weekend after the big move, starting with a nice chablis ☺











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Glad you are settling back in. I read your post whilst drinking my coffee on the sofa this morning (only an instant coffee I'm afraid). Anyway, we are waiting on my husband's visa so have been experiencing a few sleepless nights whilst we wait in limbo. Your post made me chuckle and I hope we will follow in your footsteps soon! Best wishes to you and your fur kids!

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