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Good morning from sunny Melbourne!! Our plane was delayed 1 hour, our accommodation booking has been cancelled last minute and our car booking has just been cancelled as well... Something good MUST happen today :-D


You know what... I woke up feeling like something good is going to happen today too! Thursdays and Fridays are usually the days where a bulk of grants come through. C'mon!!! Be done with May already!!!!

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Hi there I need help !!!

i just wanted to know how to add newborn to 186 visa applicattion

its in processing !!!!what to do???


nomination lodge 26 may

visa lodge 27 may

status application received


CONGRATS for ur Baby,



Is your baby born in Australia or overseas, there is a separate process for both cases. Bare minimum, you will need the birth certificate and the passport for the baby first, that's required in either of the cases, so get that at the earliest.


My baby was born in Australia so he can be added to the application free of charge, the process was:

1. you need to send notification to NSW PSE WITH following-

2. Get birth registration done and get the birth certificate (2 Weeks)

3. Get a letter from employer confirming they have no objection to add the baby to my existing 457 visa and 186 visa application. (1 day)

4. Send the 3 above together with the both parents' passports copies to 457 visa section to get the baby added to the existing 457 visa (passport is not needed for this step if the baby doesn't have to travel outside Australia before 186 application is processed, also the baby cannot be added to 186 visa application until he/she is added to existing 457 visa). (1 Week)

5. Get the passport for the baby (3 Weeks)

6. Once your baby is added to 457 visa and you receive the grant letter for that, send all of the above to PSE (186) section of the department along with filled in and signed form 1436 and the 457 grant letter.

7. They will then add the baby to the 186 application and send you an eMedical consent form with baby's HAP ID. (3 days)

8. Get a letter from the local GP certifying that baby is in good health (1 day)

9. Send the signed eMedical consent form and the doctor letter along with the birth certificate to BUPA Visa service email address given on their site, so that they can do an on the papers medical. (2 Days)

10. Once you get the reply confirming medical completion from BUPA, intimate the PSE section of the department so they know your application is now complete.




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Thanx masu

yes baby born in Australia.i have already applied gor birth certificate which I will get it on Monday.but passport will take at least a month so in between if my visa approved then what can I do !!!i mean I don't wanna apply for baby visa after visa grant bkz of the hefty visa fee!!!!!!

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Thanx masu

yes baby born in Australia.i have already applied gor birth certificate which I will get it on Monday.but passport will take at least a month so in between if my visa approved then what can I do !!!i mean I don't wanna apply for baby visa after visa grant bkz of the hefty visa fee!!!!!!


Immigration will hold ur application until u provide baby's passport so do not worry,just send an email to 457 department first with birth certificate,ur 457 visa grant letter,and your and your partner passport.

In 2-5 days you will give ur baby's visa grant letter for 457 and then send to nsw pse to add ur baby into 186 visa application with those documents and apply for ur baby's passport and write a letter that to let immigration knows that u are intending to apply for baby's passport ans as soon as ready you will send and upload on you immi account.i hope u will get another response from immi with acknowledge letter of ur baby and they will also let u know that ur baby already added with ur 186 visa application and then u can see in ur immi account your baby's name added.


Hope that's help you and gd luck

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For form 80, I didn't submit it before, if I want to submit it now, do I need to attach it in the system by myself or just waiting for CO's asking for?


From what I read/understood from other posts, ideally should be submitted now ... I haven't sent too, I have just sent the question to my MA on it too

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Hi everyone.


I've been lurking in the shadows following this thread for months now, but today I had some news so I thought I'd contribute.


My time line is...

Nomination submitted: 27/01/15

Nomination approved: 20/05/15

Visa application submitted: 20/05/15

Occupation: Civil Engineer

Processing Center: NSW

Home Country: UK

No Migration Agent Used


I'll add all that to my signature once I get enough posts under my belt.


So anyway, my story goes...I work for a small civil engineering contractor in Victoria, have done for 3 & 1/2 years now on a 457. HR & admin issues happen pretty slowly here as we are only a small team and I'm the only employee on a visa, so even though I passed the 2yr mark on my 457 visa a while back, my employer didn't get round to submitting the nomination until January this year. I decided not to apply for my visa at the same time as the nomination was submitted as as I didn't want to risk loosing the application fee if the nomination was declined for whatever reason. The nomination was approved 20th May and I submitted my visa application the same day. Did the medical the next week, submitted all the police checks from the UK and Australia, employment contracts, payslips, group certificates, birth certificates, proof of address, passport details, copy of my degree...everything I could think of, and everything that was required. At least that's what I thought....


Today, finally after years of working towards this (and believe me I've been working hard, 65-75hrs a week, everyweek, on salary, for the last 3.5yrs) and 9 months since the nomination was submitted, I heard back from immigration, or "Borders" was they like to call themselves these days. Of course I was expecting the email to be an approval, but no, it was a request for information. Information I don't have. They're asking me for proof of my license or registration to work as a Civil Engineer in Victoria. Trouble is I'm not licensed or registered. This request was a real shock to me as obviously I've been working in this role for 3.5yrs now, and most of our clients are Government Bodies such as VicRoads & RMS, and not once have I heard of a requirement for me to be licensed or registered. Plus when I went through this whole process years ago to get my 457 this requirement was never asked for. So I've looked into it, and the requirement for civil engineers to be licensed is only for those engaged in the Building Industry in Victoria (Just as plumbers, electricians, builders etc need to be licensed) . My company is a civil engineering contractor, we don't work in the Building Industry, all our work is highway and bridge construction. In my time here I've work with dozens of other civil engineers from the likes of VicRoads, Thiess, John Holland etc. and not one of them would have been licensed with the Victorian Building Authority, as it's not a requirement in our industry unless one is proof checking and certifying designs, which I'm not. The Construction industry is different from the Building Industry. The trouble is, I'm not sure if a case officer would be aware of this difference, as I guess it's not something one would know unless they worked in the industry.


I've emailed my case officer trying to explain the situation, and I've sent a few links to the Victorian Building Authority website where it states that "only civil engineers engaged in the building industry need to be licensed" but I think the trouble I'm going to have is convincing them that Civil Engineering construction is not part of the building industry.


I'm hopeful that they understand this, but at the same time I think it might take more than just a simple email to prove it. I'm confident that an immigration lawyer could successfully argue my case, but to be honest, right now I just want an answer one way or another, I don't think I could bear to drag this out for another 6 months. As you'll know, having the unknown hanging over you for months and years on end is a huge burden and takes it's toll. I've been in a committed relationship with an Australian girl for the last 2.5yrs and we're at the stage (and age) where we would like to consider what's next for us, and not knowing if I can stay in the country has been hard on us both. I know I we could go down the defacto route, but how long will that take and how much will it cost?? Also I wanted to get PR off my own effort., I arrived in Australia on my own 4yrs ago, and it's been a long slog to get to where i am today (as it has for everyone on this forum) and I was hoping to get a sense of achievement when my PR was granted, to feel like all my effort was worth it. But maybe it won't happen now. I've not heard of a 186 transition application being rejected once the nomination has been approved, but maybe I could be the first!


Well anyway, apologies for the long and boring post, I guess I just wanted to get that off my chest, and also let you know that another May application was looked at today, even if it wasn't approved!


Once I hear back from immigration I'll let you know. I think I have a 50/50 chance of some good news, but I'm going to have some sleepless night waiting to find out.


HI Dac, I am so sorry to hear that. Have you got any response from case officer? My occupation is Accountant, but i don't have license as well, I am not CPA yet. If co ask me to provide certificate, i don't have ! I am worried about it as well.

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Let see where it takes.

TRT 186 nomi and visa lodged 2 june 15 by MA

Occupation. Cafe n restaurant manager

No CO contact no news

"Application received"

Everything from checklist plus medicals submitted at the same time.

Many hopes to get good news as I saw few applications from 1st week of june are finalised.

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Let see where it takes.

TRT 186 nomi and visa lodged 2 june 15 by MA

Occupation. Cafe n restaurant manager

No CO contact no news

"Application received"

Everything from checklist plus medicals submitted at the same time.

Many hopes to get good news as I saw few applications from 1st week of june are finalised.

Yes hope so even I am from the first week of June and hoping to get it soon :)

its almost time for us !!!

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