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Need to clarify PR visa subclass 176


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Hi all,


We have this visa & are planning to move to Oz this year as our 5 years is up!

Do any of you lovely people know how it works if for example, We wanted to leave Oz for a holiday?

Would we have to apply for a RRV to get back into Australia?


I have read through all of our paperwork & looked at immigov website but I just want to double check I'm reading it right.


If this is the case, does this happen until you have citizenship?


Thanks in advance.



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As already noted, you will need a RRV to travel once your original visa has expired. If you have spent 2 years or more int he last 5 years in Australia (obviously not in your case!) you can be granted a subclass 155 RRV which gives you unlimited travel for 5 years. If you have spent more than 1 day but less than 2 years int he previous 5 years you can get a subclass 157 RRV which lasts 3 months. However, if you have not been in Australia for 3 months prior to granting of a RRV you have to provide compelling reasons why you haven't been in Australia.


Yes, this lasts until you get citizenship. Some are happy to do this, others want the security of citizenship. We applied for citizenship at the earliest opportunity, 90 days after arrival.

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