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Should UK GPs charge fees?


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Just read this and it does sound interesting. A top up would certainly stop missed appointments, and certainly make someone think twice about visiting their GP. Is a more Australian like system a move forward? People tend to respect something when they pay for it.




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Missed appointments cost the NHS a small fortune each year. If I was living there I'd have no issue paying a top up or being charged for a missed appointment.


I'd guess people on means tested tested benefits or with exemptions would probably not be charged for such a thing.

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Having a system like here would go some way to easing the nhs and her mounting problems.
the majority of the NHS problems seem to be caused by bed blocking due to a lack of social care. Solve that and the pressure will come off. But this would help ease the strain, but you may get some Muppets going to a&e for a splinter. Think you would need the same charge at a&e. You could have a Medicare rebates scheme like Oz for the needy.


Incidentally, saw a news report that said the UK was trying to attract paramedics from Oz. So anyone struggling to get into the UK, just train as a paramedic.

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the majority of the NHS problems seem to be caused by bed blocking due to a lack of social care. Solve that and the pressure will come off. But this would help ease the strain, but you may get some Muppets going to a&e for a splinter. Think you would need the same charge at a&e. You could have a Medicare rebates scheme like Oz for the needy.


Incidentally, saw a news report that said the UK was trying to attract paramedics from Oz. So anyone struggling to get into the UK, just train as a paramedic.


The whole system needs updating really. Some will always want something for nothing an aussie styled medicare system across the whole nhs would save it. I can hear the moaning from here.

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Yes, definitely. Lived in two countries where you (generally) pay to see the GP (Aus and Sweden) and it works in both much better than the UK. Much less burden on the state, much quicker to see the doctor, fewer time wasters and people just wanting a chat


And yet curiously the Doctors here have more time to chat (consultations are longer and you don't get that feeling they're rushing you out to get the next patient in).

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Though, as with prescriptions, most visits will end up non-chargeable. Pensioners, the unemployed, children and those with chronic conditions will doubtless all be excluded so it will fall solely on working people, most of whom probably see a GP rarely anyway and may be even less likely to if there is a charge.


A GP visit can help provide an early diagnosis. I speak here as someone who has seen a GP only 10-15 times in 40 years. There are many like me who really don't need more reasons for not making an appointment.

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