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I think the heat sometimes changes the taste...when I can get bon bons or other toffee or chocolate I like, it doesn't taste the same as its not frozen solid and even after having it in the fridge a while it's not same...I miss sweets too like cola bottles, they are not the same here but you just get used to it and then when I go back home I look for the things I'm used to buying here and miss them! Someone told me they put something in the chocolate here to stop it melting so quick? I got a box of uk sweets for Xmas but they all tasted out of date and yuck, even my favourites, weird n disappointing. If you are seeing your stay as temporary then you prob will never accept n start to prefer sweets here and just await the day you can rejoice in your proper sweeties lol I always feel sorry for Aussies having not tasted really nice sweets but they probably would think same about ours! Just what you let yourself get used to I guess

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I remember when travelling in Oz 10 years ago as a young 20/21 year old suddenly craving Colman's English Mustard. Was never bothered about it before. Tracked some down and now I love it. Remember buying Marnite in a Sydney British shop too. And in Cairns found another Brit shop and raided it of Monster Munch.Now, the other way round, i do miss those 'Morning Coffee' biscuits by Arnott's. I used to eat packets of them on the train to Paramatta :)

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I do think the heat does change tastes....we transitioned seamlessly from Marmite to Vegemite (despite not liking Vegemite in the UK). Phase two will be swapping out the Heinz Ketchup...but I think we will struggle with the Mayonnaise to go to a local brand ;-)

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I think the only British thing I really buy now is Mint Sauce as the local stuff is some weird jelly concoction. Oh, and Oxos.


I saw some yesterday similar looking to British stuff, but with balsamic vinegar in Aldi for $1.99 limited stock. I got some to try but not had it yet.

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I can understand the need for a comfort/junk food fix, I used to do it when we first got here. It wears off though when you start paying $100 every week for crisps and sweets. Plus, another poster is right, couple of years down the line, it tends to make no difference. In fact, similar to this topic, after spending my first few years here yearning for a British Chinese, I went back last year and found it greasy and stodgy so tastes and palate do change I reckon.


I went home for Christmas, my first visit back and my tastebuds haven't changed (I can't really see it happening) - I greedily devoured a chicken and char sui fried rice, combined with chippy chips and sweet and sour chicken. It was amazing!

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Have a look at Taste of Ireland. They have an online retail shop, a warehouse shop in Botany in Sydney, they also supply some stuff to Coles & Woolies and various pubs (cant beat Tayto Cheese & Onion)


The chocolate in Aldi is a lot nicer than the Aussie stuff, mostly Choceur (they have a lovely choc orange nought - like a cross between chocolate orange and toblerone) and Riesens are great.


Thanks, I'll have a look! I'm with you on the Aldi chocolate, the German stuff they have in there is much nicer, but I usually wait until Lindt is on offer in Coles or Woolworths. The one thing I have found that I liked in terms of Australian chocolate is the limited edition Honeycomb Mars bars, I find they are so sweet it cancels out the chocolate! Other than that I buy Toblerone too as they are just the same.

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Yeah, agree





The only place I have found, but it's a schlep. I can rarely be bothered. Son's best friend is half Venezuelan, half Spanish, his Spanish dad usually has some so I tend to scrounge



The range in all supermarkets can vary a bit depending on local demographic. For instance our local IGA (borders of Turramurra and Wahroonga) has South African and English gear in, as does Woolworths in Hornsby. The big IGA in St Ives has tons of South African stuff as there's a big community up there. So look for the areas with loads of Poms and you'll find more on the shelves. Depends where you are of course, but big Pommie areas are Northern Beaches, Eastern Suburbs, Upper North Shore, some of the Inner West suburbs


EDIT: The only UK things we bother with now are Marmite and Bisto gravy. Both of these are the wife's preference, given my way I'd ban the first and I make my own gravy for anything that requires it, which in my world is only roast dinner & bangers/mash anyway. That doesn't mean I'm completely Australian in my tastes - the correct meat for a sausage is, of course, pork - but I don't crave anything enough to require buying it.


I did buy the wife a packet of Revels in Woolies yesterday though for our wedding anniversary :)



Thanks I'll have a look next time we hire a car. I have found in the En Casa they do a different type that is actually imported from Spain, it's more for stews, whilst not the normal hard chorizo I'm used to, the flavor is lovely.


I'm guessing Bondi Junction is worth a look in terms of the British stuff in Coles then. Where I work there is none, just the other international foods, so the odd time I am in one I do tend to pick up a little treat like a can of mushy peas or a wispa! I'm not into Marmite (or Vegemite) and luckily happy enough with own brand gravy powder (a good pour of red wine and some meat juices in it makes it taste delicious!).


Don't get me started on sausages, I just don't eat them here! Beef sausage is just plain wrong and sausage rolls, beef and lamb mutton - gross! As much as I'd enjoy the odd sausage roll, I can do without. I've made the odd stuffing with pork mince, bread crumbs, egg, sage and onion - no need for Paxo.

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I went home for Christmas, my first visit back and my tastebuds haven't changed (I can't really see it happening) - I greedily devoured a chicken and char sui fried rice, combined with chippy chips and sweet and sour chicken. It was amazing!


Well two out of your three are foreign food!:confused:

A little like the pommy fella at work (he was about two yrs in OZ) I was tucking into my roast beef Yorkshire pud and veggies, he remarked how good it looked and smelled, I asked him what food he missed from blighty and his reply was a gob-smacking 'Kebab':wacko:

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Coles do a continental chorizo at the deli which is the best I've tried here. They often have white stuff on the outside which makes them look off but they are fine. If you have tried these then I don't have any other suggestions. I don't eat sweets (don't like them rather than any heathy eating reasons) so can't help there but we used to eat kettle chips and do like the Red Rock Deli crisps here. Not quite kettle chips but probably my favourites of the ones I've tried here.


Lime and passion fruit juice sounds interesting. I don't remember ever seeing it in the UK, and certainly don't think I've seen it here, but I might just try it next time I'm in the UK.


The Coles chorizo is probably the best I've found, but far inferior. I like the rosemary and sweet potato crisps, but otherwise find crisps a disappointment - give me frisps, squares, monster munch, skips, French fries and prawn cocktail Walkers anyday! Everytime I see the pink packet I'm always a little disappointed when they are salt and vinegar!


The lime, is just like what you get in a Jif lemon bottle (but obviously lime instead!) and the passion fruit juice was originally an Indian import in Tesco, until a few years ago in England it became more mainstream then there were a few brands. I have found a weaker version in an Indian shop here, but it wasn't the same, the stuff at home was about 15% more juice which made a big difference - it was similar in consistency to mango juice.

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Funny, when I first visited Oz twelve years ago I loved Tim tams but earlier this year we visited and I found them far too sickly, I decided they'd changed the recipe but maybe it's me! Btw the one thing I know I'm going to miss is - don't laugh - rich tea biscuits. Tried just about every pack of plain biscuits in woollies last trip but the were all like rocks. Still, when the time comes, I expect we'll survive :wink:


Biscuits I don't miss, except for the freshly cooked cookies - they cook them more than I like them over here. I like them all squishy! Rich tea are definitely not something I miss! :)

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I think the heat sometimes changes the taste...when I can get bon bons or other toffee or chocolate I like, it doesn't taste the same as its not frozen solid and even after having it in the fridge a while it's not same...I miss sweets too like cola bottles, they are not the same here but you just get used to it and then when I go back home I look for the things I'm used to buying here and miss them! Someone told me they put something in the chocolate here to stop it melting so quick? I got a box of uk sweets for Xmas but they all tasted out of date and yuck, even my favourites, weird n disappointing. If you are seeing your stay as temporary then you prob will never accept n start to prefer sweets here and just await the day you can rejoice in your proper sweeties lol I always feel sorry for Aussies having not tasted really nice sweets but they probably would think same about ours! Just what you let yourself get used to I guess


Yes I've noticed that with bon bons too - they are still nice though! That's what I heard about the chocolate too. Yes, I have shared my sweets from the British Lolly Shop with my Australian work friends and they can't see the attraction. To be honest I need to not be eating sweets - I have a wedding dress to buy so need to get slimming, so I guess I'll just wait and have them on trips to the UK except for the odd treat.

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Isn't that sold everywhere?


I forgot one other Brit thing I still buy: HP Sauce. Again though, it's widely sold


Luckily for me I don't mind own brand tomato sauce and I'm not bothered about brown sauce. If you like pub grub, they have it in the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel.

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Well two out of your three are foreign food!:confused:

A little like the pommy fella at work (he was about two yrs in OZ) I was tucking into my roast beef Yorkshire pud and veggies, he remarked how good it looked and smelled, I asked him what food he missed from blighty and his reply was a gob-smacking 'Kebab':wacko:


:) Chinese food, even if more traditional, just isn't the same here! :) I do miss chicken kebabs, but only as they are chicken thigh here, whereas I like chunks of chicken breast, but I just make my own healthier version in the oven with garlic and herbs.

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The lime, is just like what you get in a Jif lemon bottle (but obviously lime instead!).


Woolworths sell that....or they do in our local one (Hornsby). Maybe because of high Asian population. Pretty sure the Asian supermarkets will sell also. Tongli is the best IMO



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Well two out of your three are foreign food!:confused:

A little like the pommy fella at work (he was about two yrs in OZ) I was tucking into my roast beef Yorkshire pud and veggies, he remarked how good it looked and smelled, I asked him what food he missed from blighty and his reply was a gob-smacking 'Kebab':wacko:


I dunno, kebabs can be really good. They can be really awful too, of course


Not seen a good looking enough kebab here to want to buy one, but then again at home they're really a late night p1sshead food, a form of dining in which the UK leads the world (see also curries however ersatz).



Chinese food I much prefer here, more variety and more authentic. We go out quite regularly in Chatswood with Asian friends, there's some fantastic stuff in some of the places. And Thai here is out of sight better than in the UK

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The Coles chorizo is probably the best I've found, but far inferior. I like the rosemary and sweet potato crisps, but otherwise find crisps a disappointment - give me frisps, squares, monster munch, skips, French fries and prawn cocktail Walkers anyday! Everytime I see the pink packet I'm always a little disappointed when they are salt and vinegar!


The lime, is just like what you get in a Jif lemon bottle (but obviously lime instead!) and the passion fruit juice was originally an Indian import in Tesco, until a few years ago in England it became more mainstream then there were a few brands. I have found a weaker version in an Indian shop here, but it wasn't the same, the stuff at home was about 15% more juice which made a big difference - it was similar in consistency to mango juice.


You can buy lime juice (like the jif lemon juice) in Coles. It's in a smallish bottle and usually kept near the spices on the bottom shelf I think. I'm pretty sure I've only seen Coles own brand though, but lime juice is lime juice.

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Woolworths sell that....or they do in our local one (Hornsby). Maybe because of high Asian population. Pretty sure the Asian supermarkets will sell also. Tongli is the best IMO




I'll have to check it out thanks, the ones I have found so far are rather like lime cordial rather than the cloudy version

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You can buy lime juice (like the jif lemon juice) in Coles. It's in a smallish bottle and usually kept near the spices on the bottom shelf I think. I'm pretty sure I've only seen Coles own brand though, but lime juice is lime juice.


Thanks, I'll have to check it out, the ones so far have been more like cordial than the cloudy version I'm looking for. I had found a similar ish version in a Chinese supermarket but they no longer sell it.

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Thanks, I'll have a look! I'm with you on the Aldi chocolate, the German stuff they have in there is much nicer, but I usually wait until Lindt is on offer in Coles or Woolworths...


Apparently Lindt are opening an Australian factory, so I guess their chocolate will also be impregnated with that horrible anti-melt stuff so we might have to read our labels very carefully indeed.


Even though I lived in the UK for nearly 35 years, I can't say there is anything in particular I miss. I just get on with buying aussie brands of whatever I want. Having lived in quite a few countries has probably meant I have needed to be more adaptable in taking what is on offer than I would have been otherwise.


However, that is not to say I don't occasionally buy British stuff, e.g. Hobnobs or Chocolate digestives. Coles also sell Wispas, so sometimes they leap off the shelves into my trolley. :wink:


However one thing I just can't stomach are beef sausages. Gross! I have however found some very decent pork sausages from local butchers, but also from Woolies - B.E. Campbell cumberland sausages - and Coles - Outback Spirit with kakadu plum.

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