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Ah, made it!


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Thanks sooooo much to the man with the giggling fluffy white dog for helping me post a new, and first thread! I feel very special!

Now the history..........my partner and I , who is not overly keen on moving, agreed to 'consider' new Zealand. I spent about 4 weeks completing the EoI form - that wanted to know every minor detail, inside leg measurement, dress size etc.......he now feels we need to consider Australia! I know nowt about Australia, all of my last 6 months research as been about NZ! :arghh:

He is a nurse so we hope we should be ok with employment.

Can anyone please point me in the immediate direction of the equivilent of the EoI form that I know so well! Where the heck do I start??????? I keep seeing the 175 visa - is this it?!

I had already chosen our district in NZ - not got a clue about Australia

Scared about big spiders!!!! Although I did ask my chiropractioner (an Ozzie) and he stated he sees more in Leiceter than Perth!

Any advice welcome :goofy:

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Hello and Welcome-18-june.gif


it sounds like the TRA form, but I think it may be different for nurses, TRA is for getting your skills assessed then you apply for your visa which ever one you are going for skilled independant etc


maybe you need to have a conversation with an agent or try searching (there is a button at the top of the page 'search') this forum for any thing nurse related, loads of em on here, to set you on the right road.


good luck with your application wherever you end up:wubclub:

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Well done for doing for your first post!


You will have no problems getting through the skills part of the visa process if your partner has all the right qualifications and paperwork for his job history. And he will also have no problems in finding work in Oz. Nurses are in demand!


I think contacting an agent would be a wise move and explain exactly your situation. They will tell you exactly what your first steps should be.


Good luck


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Hi and welcome to the site. I am also a nurse applying to go to Oz on a 175 visa which is permanent residency. Your OH will not have any problems getting a job. I visited Melbourne in December and called at some hospitals and could have got a job at each of them. Since returning I have looked at different parts of Oz which i I have found to be the same - each crying out for nurses.

OH skills need to be assessed by ANMC, look at their website as it holds loads of information. Good luck.

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