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Ross River Virus

Guest Glynn2547

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Guest Glynn2547

:nah:Hi Every one,


I've read this not so long ago regarding mosquitoes and how they carry the Ross river virus, if you get bitten and get the virus it can stay with you for months aching joints, itching, etc. I've heard its around the Bunbury area, we were thinking of moving there please could anyone living in or around the area advise on this please or give their experience.


thanks in advance to all


Glynn and Family

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:nah:hi Every One,


I've Read This Not So Long Ago Regarding Mosquitoes And How They Carry The Ross River Virus, If You Get Bitten And Get The Virus It Can Stay With You For Months Aching Joints, Itching, Etc. I've Heard Its Around The Bunbury Area, We Were Thinking Of Moving There Please Could Anyone Living In Or Around The Area Advise On This Please Or Give Their Experience.


Thanks In Advance To All


Glynn And Family


Hi Glynn ... I Had Never Heard Of This And You Got Me Wondering ... I Managed To Get A Lot Of Info From Googling It

Mrs Keily

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Thought I was getting away from West Nile Virus... damn mossies are everywhere. From looking on the internet Ross River Virus is very similar to what we have in Canada, West Nile Virus. It is a boody nusience each year, as there are tons of mossies in the summertime and so there is always a chance that one bite could be the one that gives it to you. I wouldn't worry too much about it, we don't worry too much about West Nile here. No matter how much bug spray you put, you always get one or two bites, I have lived in Canada for 27 years and have not contracted West Nile disease, even though I have about 10 bites already this season and it has just begun (Damn mossies.... hate the little buggers)




P.s Do you have mosquitos in England ????. I can't remember it was so long ago I lived there.

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Hi Glynn, I was just reading a site today and they were talking about Bunbury. The Australian said that Bunbury was built on reclaimed swamp land and thats why there are lots of mozzies.


Not sure if its fact or fiction. Hope this helps.

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GOVERMENT :biglaugh::biglaugh:



That's too funny ROFL...... I don't think you can get away from that type of insect no matter which country you are in.


You too will learn to hate the dreaded mossie once you move to Oz. They truly are buggers. Always on the look out for fresh blood !!!!!!


Actually the mosquito bites are not as bad as other bites. We have blackflies in Canada and they only around for a month or two... very small but boy do they give a nasty bite. Same with deer flies and horse flies.


Well I will put up with more mossies if it means no more winters.



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Guest Shell

Hi all,

dont know about Ross River Virus but found that Avon skin so soft body oil is a great mossie repelent.I have used it all over the world and so far it has woked wonders, No mossie bites. I put it on every evening after shower (if you do it while wet u dont get greasy skin) and your ready to go.

Hpoe this helps.

Shell xx

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No matter how much bug spray you put, you always get one or two bites, I have lived in Canada for 27 years and have not contracted West Nile disease, even though I have about 10 bites already this season and it has just begun (Damn mossies.... hate the little buggers)




Hi All

If you dont want to get bit its easy!!

Sit next the person they love, then they leave you alone!!!

If your the poor sap they love ha ha. sorry not very nice (but true)


I gave blood a few times in Oz and was told i had alot of iron in my blood, and was also told that mozzies didn't like it. No idea if its true but i dont get very many bites (touch wood). It's either that or I have a very thick skin. LOL



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Hopefully you shouldn't have too much to worry about - ross river virus is usually only found in Queensland, mainly around Brisbane, which is where I was! This is what my rheumotologist told me. As I have had my symptoms for 2 years now, it has been diagnosed as something else. Ross river virus usually only lasts a few months, but can run into about a year. My rheumotologist said he has only seen 1 other case - he was hoping that I was going to be his 2nd - he was everso excited!!!:wacko:


Good luck with your move! If you're going to get bitten, you are going to get bitten. Rather a mozzie than a MASSIVE SPIDER OR SNAKE!!!:wideeyed:


Take care - Lynn x

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We do have it in Bunbury but they sprayed the lava this year and to be honest we haven't seen many mossies at all and they love the hubby so we'd know about it. They are trying to keep down the mossie's to stop the disease so you should be fine. Haven't met anyone who has had it and yep I'd rather a mossie bite than a snake or spider bite OUCH.

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I caught one taking a bite out my leg on Saturday Sarah plulled its little legs of one by one it even tried to get through my finger nail' date=' got a lovely big mark on my leg[/quote']


Hi Dawn,


Do they sell After Bite in Australia... it works really well on mosquito bites.... If they don't I will bring some with me from Canada for you.


I already have about 10 bites this year, and it is pissing down with rain as I type, great for the little buggers.



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Guest daveintaiwan

30612338-100x100-0-0.jpg I love this stuff - Burt's Bees all natural, no nasty chemicals, does the job. Is it available in Oz?

I live in Taiwan at the moment and have to get friends flying back from the US or Canada to bring it with them!


In the house we use plug-ins that create a high frequency 'noise' that irritates mosquitos. At first I thought they were just a high tech gimmick (Taiwan's full of them!), but people promised me that they worked. Then I worried that they would irritate our cats (fortunately not), but I finally gave in and they are the best thing ever. No more waking up in the middle of the night to the high-pitched whine as the little buggers dive-bomb past your ear!

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Guest Glynn2547

thank you everybody for all your replies, I feel a little happier, especially now they are treating certain area's. I have also made a note of burts bees thanks.


Glynn and Family

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