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Advice needed. A bit lost here..


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I thought I would stick my neck out with something that has seriously not given me any sleep. We have been through the return home with my wife for the past year atleast. Our situation is pretty simple, as I posses an australian passport. Our two small children also do (citizenship by descent), and I have files all the papers for my wifes partner visa which should come through this year (we have been married for over 8 years so its just a formality). But the closer the relocation from Wroclaw, Poland, the more I have been going into the costs that will slap us in the face.

Here in Wroclaw, I work as a tennis coach teaching lessons in english to expats. I have also opened an EMS fitness studio at the tennis centre, so I am working on court and as a private trainer in my own EMS studio at the one place. I work from Monday to Firday, so in short - we have a pretty cosey life here.

I have lived in Australia from age 6 - 18 so was brought up there. I woudl love to come back and raise my kids there. Allthough I have been going into the costs of things and for me it just hit me like a brick in the face.

Our children are 6 and 2,5 yrs. So the older one goes to school which is practically free, but the younger 2,5 year old goes to preschool/kindergarten....which costs around 70-80 dollars per day???!!!!! Is this for real? I have been going thru the whole net. In Sydney prices can reach over 100 dollars per day, and that without food! In Queensland it would be around 70-80 dollars per day. So looking at it from a sober pont fo view - preschool around 350-400$, house rent around 350$, studio for EMS around 350$. Food, bills, petrol etc etc - around 300$. So weekly costs would be around 1350-1400 per week!!!!! Changinmg that into polish currency that is like a sum straight out of star wars. What are wages like there My wife would probably work after a few months, but oly half time as she would have to pick up our son. But Im just frightened that this tri will give us a life where we will be struggling, especially that I will be setting up my own studio there, I dont have any set work there. We dont have family or friends on the Sunshine coast either. Here - we have everyone and we have our jobs.

Second option is to wait 3 yrs until our youngest will be 6. Then, with two kids aged 6 and 9 they go to the same school and we can breath a little bit more easily. This is something that isnt giving me much sleep as we have been planning this move for a long time and the more I goo into the numbers, the more Im afrais that we will struggle. Mind you - my wife is not keen on the move. She loves her life here..

Is pre school and kindie so expensive? And is life in Oz in general is that expensive? I remember it from 12 yrs ago where it was quite cheap. Now from what I read cheap is a far way away...

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Hi wojtek


I've been looking into the same things as yourself. You really need to find out what sort of money you can be earning whilst working in Australia.


I've been looking at jobs in engineering and compared too the UK they seem a lot higher in Australia, so although prices seem way higher id imagine it all balances out in the end.

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I think at the start I will not be earning much, like every new business it will need time to start off. First month close to zero (have to adapt the studio), following 6 months will probably be around a grand pw. Just shooting, but I can see how slow it started here, and in Poland we have 38mln people. In Wroclaw 700 thousand, twice as much as the whole sunshine coast :)

Now reading in a different post that kindie does cost in fact up to 100 pw even in Queensland, makes me sctatch my head and wonder if it is not a better idea to wait until our youngest is ready for school. Here he has kindie which costs around 40 dollars per month, and thats with food!

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My 1yr old starts nursery next month and its costing us £40 per day so around $70 dollars.

So really the childcare for us in oz would work out to be less of our wage than here in the UK.

You know yourself what the right thing to do is.

Personally with 2 kids like myself I couldn't take the risk of not knowing what my earnings would be if I was to move.

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My 1yr old starts nursery next month and its costing us £40 per day so around $70 dollars.

So really the childcare for us in oz would work out to be less of our wage than here in the UK.

You know yourself what the right thing to do is.

Personally with 2 kids like myself I couldn't take the risk of not knowing what my earnings would be if I was to move.


There are savings, but Im afraid they might dissapear quicker than expected. Lavers, thank you for your opinion..

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I think you're right to be concerned because you've got your own business and it will take time to get set up.


I'm a dancer and know several musicians and performers who've faced exactly the same problem as you when they moved from Europe. They're used to working in cities with huge populations, which meant they had no problem finding constant work at weddings, conferences, clubs, pubs etc - then when they arrive in Australia they have a much smaller customer base, and end up having to take a second job to make ends meet.


Good luck with working it out!

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Apart from the money aspect, is it really a good idea to force your wife to leave somewhere she is very happy to chase a dream? It can put things like relationships under a lot of pressure. As you are not under any sort of visa time constraints, then what have you got to lose by waiting a couple of years more, in the hope that she will come round to the idea more?

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The figures really don't seem to stack up and I also think you are right to be worried. Australia can be a very expensive place to live and competition for the part time jobs can be fiercer than for the full time ones. But the main thing that worries me about your post is right at the end you mention your wife doesn't want to move anyway, like a bit of an afterthought?

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But the main thing that worries me about your post is right at the end you mention your wife doesn't want to move anyway, like a bit of an afterthought?


Yes it has been an issue with the whole moving thing. But the other side of the coin is, that by not giving it a shot my wife would be forcing me to stay..

So we have an agreement. We leave to live there as a family and we give it a shot 100percent. When my wife receives her citizenship (about 2-3 yrs?) then we sit down and talk. If she feels that she wants to return than we pack our bags and come back to Poland. We are fine with such an agreement and personally i think its fair on both sides. Only question is when to go....

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Yes it has been an issue with the whole moving thing. But the other side of the coin is, that by not giving it a shot my wife would be forcing me to stay..

So we have an agreement. We leave to live there as a family and we give it a shot 100percent. When my wife receives her citizenship (about 2-3 yrs?) then we sit down and talk. If she feels that she wants to return than we pack our bags and come back to Poland. We are fine with such an agreement and personally i think its fair on both sides. Only question is when to go....


To get citizenship will take almost 5 years - 4 years to qualify, then you have to apply and wait until the ceremony takes place, which can take another 9 months or so.


If your wife isn't keen to go, then I really think your best plan is to go alone. That way you can save a lot of money - on your own, you can stay in hostel accommodation or a cheap house share while you get set up. Then when you're sure it's all going well, you can send for your wife and children.

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May I suggest that you come back on your own first and look around? That would give you the opportunity to see what chances you have without burning bridges. With 2 kids and no jobs on the table I'd recommend to have at least $60-70000 in the bank if you have no family support here. We know a family who went through that much money before the husband could find a job! Just saying...




I thought I would stick my neck out with something that has seriously not given me any sleep. We have been through the return home with my wife for the past year atleast. Our situation is pretty simple, as I posses an australian passport. Our two small children also do (citizenship by descent), and I have files all the papers for my wifes partner visa which should come through this year (we have been married for over 8 years so its just a formality). But the closer the relocation from Wroclaw, Poland, the more I have been going into the costs that will slap us in the face.

Here in Wroclaw, I work as a tennis coach teaching lessons in english to expats. I have also opened an EMS fitness studio at the tennis centre, so I am working on court and as a private trainer in my own EMS studio at the one place. I work from Monday to Firday, so in short - we have a pretty cosey life here.

I have lived in Australia from age 6 - 18 so was brought up there. I woudl love to come back and raise my kids there. Allthough I have been going into the costs of things and for me it just hit me like a brick in the face.

Our children are 6 and 2,5 yrs. So the older one goes to school which is practically free, but the younger 2,5 year old goes to preschool/kindergarten....which costs around 70-80 dollars per day???!!!!! Is this for real? I have been going thru the whole net. In Sydney prices can reach over 100 dollars per day, and that without food! In Queensland it would be around 70-80 dollars per day. So looking at it from a sober pont fo view - preschool around 350-400$, house rent around 350$, studio for EMS around 350$. Food, bills, petrol etc etc - around 300$. So weekly costs would be around 1350-1400 per week!!!!! Changinmg that into polish currency that is like a sum straight out of star wars. What are wages like there My wife would probably work after a few months, but oly half time as she would have to pick up our son. But Im just frightened that this tri will give us a life where we will be struggling, especially that I will be setting up my own studio there, I dont have any set work there. We dont have family or friends on the Sunshine coast either. Here - we have everyone and we have our jobs.

Second option is to wait 3 yrs until our youngest will be 6. Then, with two kids aged 6 and 9 they go to the same school and we can breath a little bit more easily. This is something that isnt giving me much sleep as we have been planning this move for a long time and the more I goo into the numbers, the more Im afrais that we will struggle. Mind you - my wife is not keen on the move. She loves her life here..

Is pre school and kindie so expensive? And is life in Oz in general is that expensive? I remember it from 12 yrs ago where it was quite cheap. Now from what I read cheap is a far way away...

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