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Anyone have a detailed breakdown of emigration process?


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I'm going down the 190 route which is virtually the same (only difference is that I need state sponsorship in order to apply). I've started a blog chronicling my experience and putting all info I've found important into one place. As I'm only halfway there, it's only half complete and is updated as I learn more of the process but (I think) it provides a fair overview of the steps involved. Url is http://www.190oz.com



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Hi all,


Anyone have a detailed breakdown of the emigration process for a 189 visa with addresses etc


You have had loads of responses already on your other thread. I don't get what this thread is about, especially with such a vague question. It is also really a little bit irritating after having spent so much time responding to you elsewhere.

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i just want to know the process and in what order abg's blog is helpful, i appologise Bungo for annoying you but the more info i get the better, i know little about the actual process order but after reading the blog i understand more, perhaps i should employ an agent?

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