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what should we be doing in our first week?


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we arrive in NSW in 2 weeks and I would like some advice of what to do first with regards to the important stuff! we have a temp rental sorted and husband will be starting work 5 days after we arrive. What do we need to do? i'm thinking things like sorting phones, medicare etc? what else is important?



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Medicare. Keep in mind some Centrelink centres will be really busy during the Monday to Friday working week so be prepared for a wait or get in early (or go on a Saturday morning to one that opens then as its only Medicare open then, no Centrelink, least it is for the big ones round here). Make sure you have your full visa grant letters printed out, including the images in the header. Don't just print off the word version only. Include all images and your CO signature part at the end. Passports also needed.


Drivers licence. I'd get all adult licences sorted for a year at least to get you going. Updating the address is easy enough if you move house in the early months. When we moved we just went in and filled in the form, handed it in and they stuck a sticker with our new address over the old one was all. Our local office was a sit and wait thing, grabbed a number and it took about 30 mins for me, 20 for hubby as he got in early.


If you are going to try to claim tax credits or whatever it is for the kids you need to ensure they are bang up to date with their vaccinations. If you have it, the little red book is a good thing to have to show what they have had so far. Then get anything extra needed. One extra here is a set of 3 injections over a number of months but so long as you are getting them done, they are fine with this.


Tax file number is only doable once resident in Aus. If both of you plan to work, I'd apply for both adults and get it out of the way.




If you've been organised you'll have opened an Aus bank account before leaving the UK and so will need to arrange to collect cards etc once you arrive. Ensure you have your passports to prove ID.


Don't forget, lots of things will require the 100 points of ID. So having a Medicare card, Aus DL, Aus bank card and then your UK passport will more than enough cover that.


Car seats for kids. Depending on their age, you'll need car seats for the kids. Ensure any car you hire or buy has tether anchor points for the top tether and go shop for a decent car seat asap. You'll also need to buy the tethers perhaps. I think I gave you a link to a well rated high back booster car seat that won't break the bank but if it wasn't you and you want it, let me know :)


Don't think you have to achieve this all in the first few days. Give yourself some room to relax, recover from the flight and allow for your emotions to be a bit all over the place perhaps. Keep in mind that for things like Medicare you may both have to be there in person. Same for your DL, banks cards, only in person. TFN can be done online.

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A quick list

- Tax File Numbers

- Medicare

- Contents insurance if you need it for a rental

-Centrelink / Child Immunisations / family tax benefit, child care benefit etc

- bank accounts

- driving licence and insurance

- get out and about to find an area you like to rent in


Cal x

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