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Another bloody migrant....


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Thought I should post an intro as no doubt I will be an active member for a while (have already been lurking for a bit!), having recently accepted a job in Sydney with my current employer.


My story: single(-ish, see below) gal in early thirties, came to Melbourne in early twenties on a working holiday visa, immediately met an Aussie guy, did the dreaded seasonal work to get a second WHV, after two years together applied for de facto spouse visa, 6 months later got spectacularly dumped and had to leave the country :cry:. I was devastated for several reasons, not least because I absolutely loved my life there and planned to stay forever.


Went back to Ireland (where I grew up, though parents are British), couldn't deal with the small town vibe, came to London, took a year out of London to study a masters in New York, came back and have been here almost 8 years in total. Have loved it here but have always wondered about Australia, and whether I saw it through rose tinted glasses or if it really was that wonderful. Then 3 years ago I got a job with a company that has offices in Sydney, and last year I had the opportunity to take a business trip there, as well as a holiday (a month in total). By the end of it I knew that I wanted to give it another go.


Luckily for me, a few months ago I saw an internal role in Sydney, applied for it and, to my surprise and delight, got it! 457 (sponsorship) visa application currently underway and plan to arrive in August. I'm an accountant BTW.


Of course, life likes to throw you curve balls and, after 4 years of (happy) singledom, I met a guy, only about a month before I got the Sydney job. There was something special about this one though and, luckily for me, he's decided to follow me out there and try his luck. It's not all for me - he already has sisters and extended family out there and had considered moving before, and being from South Africa originally he loves the sun and sea - so I am more of a catalyst.


So he'll be over on a 12 month tourist visa in September, staying with family and looking for sponsorship (he works in IT). We won't live together until a) he decides Aus is for him and b) we've spent a bit longer together! Meanwhile, my 29 year old brother has applied for his WHV and thinks he would also like to migrate permanently (he's a fisherman). So the next couple of years could involve me stressing over them being able to stay in the country, but all in all, exciting times!


Well this turned into my bloody life story didn't it?! Anyway thanks everyone for your posts in other threads, as I've said I've been lurking for a while and it has been very useful/encouraging!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest The Pom Queen

Welcome on board. Wow it sounds like you have a busy few years ahead of you. Hopefully everything works out for you.

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You will feel at home teeds, Sydney gets more annual rainfall as Manchester does and double what London gets...:wink:


Yes but Sydney also gets twice as much sunshine annually than Manchester does. Sydney has almost monsoonal downpours and Manchester gets drizzle for days on end as well as good rainfall.

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  • 1 month later...

HI, Ginger,


Welcome, and welcome to your second bite of the "cherry"! In many ways you are fortunate ; you have skills to offer; you are prepared to work; obviously prepared to travel to achieve your goals; single(ish) and are an obviously aware person.

One warning, you've no doubt heard before: ditch the rose-tinted glasses, Aus can be a lonely bitch of a place until you find your feet and get settled into a lifestyle. You MAY find it easier to find work outside the major cities, (why anyone would choose to live in Sydney is beyond me), and it is not always easy to make your mark quickly. Be prepared for disappointments, trust only your own instincts until you know better.

You seem a bright, open, willing and "gung-ho" lass, you'll make it if you have the drive and passion to succeed.

All the luck in the world, you'll need it! I look forward to your story in thee future.



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Sydney's really not that bad and the weather is fine- a lot better than NW England at any rate so ignore those silly comments. I prefer Melbourne myself but there is plenty of life in Sydney and it has that big city vibe unlike any other city here. You go girl as they say!

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