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Small Nervous dogs


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I have two really small nervous dogs who are due to fly over to Brisbane via 10 days Melbourne stay in quarantine, later this month. I already have the crate at home and have been getting the dogs to go in at albeit begrudgingly. I am worried sick for them both as they never normally leave my side except when I'm at work. I have read many stories saying the animals are never the same once they have been in quarantine etc. How was other peoples animals after a stint in the cells? Do they forgot pretty quickly?


I'm also getting so worked up about the flights over as they leave before us and I know its going to break my heart dropping them off :(

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Hi, My 2 small dogs have been in Oz a year now. I was really stressed about the journey they had to make.I knew they would be stressed.The UK pet shippers were fab and very reassuring. Quarantine were great, I phoned and actually spoke to the girl who was looking after them, again very reassuring.When I collected them from Brisbane airport, they were very excited to see me, they had lost a bit of weight but otherwise in very good condition. As soon as we got home they made a beeline for the pool and then had a good investigate of their new home.They settled very quickly.I think we tend to be more anxious and stressed for them than they are. One of mine is like my little shadow, so I was particularly worried about her, but she managed the whole experience fine.

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Thank you for that, My youngest one is the same she never leaves my side and just wants to be with me all the time. I've been told it gets cold in Melbourne and may need to send over little jackets for them. Did you need to do this? Its really reassuring when others tell me their dogs were fine, I cant help but worry but I know deep down they will be looked after. Did they allow your dogs to share in quarantine? as they have advised that this may not be the case with mine.


Hi, My 2 small dogs have been in Oz a year now. I was really stressed about the journey they had to make.I knew they would be stressed.The UK pet shippers were fab and very reassuring. Quarantine were great, I phoned and actually spoke to the girl who was looking after them, again very reassuring.When I collected them from Brisbane airport, they were very excited to see me, they had lost a bit of weight but otherwise in very good condition. As soon as we got home they made a beeline for the pool and then had a good investigate of their new home.They settled very quickly.I think we tend to be more anxious and stressed for them than they are. One of mine is like my little shadow, so I was particularly worried about her, but she managed the whole experience fine.
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I was a nervous wreck about our Shar Pei -he had never been in a crate and never away from us except with close friends

He heard my voice when we picked him up in Adelaide and got very noisy to say the least !

We have now had him here just over 3 weeks and its like he has always been here

He had lost a bit of weight and his coat was not the best when he got out of quarantine but looking at him now he is happy and healthy

He saw his first Roo last week and tried to catch it -he did not win as the Roo jumped the fence and he couldn't

I obviously fretted more than he did

Be thankful too they leave before you - we left before Ralphy and enroute found out our vet had lost the last blood test Luckily the shippers sorted it all but I felt so helpless as I was not in the UK

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Thanks for replying I cant believe how nerve racking it all is. I am trying to bulk mine up a little at the minute as they are both tiny and really cant afford to lose much weight, my smallest is only 1.9kg so you can imagine how little she really is. I guess I will have a few days of sulking when they arrive in Brisbane but once they have been to the beach a few times it will all be forgotten. I just don't want them to get so stressed it makes them ill on the way.


Hope you are settling in ok :)


I was a nervous wreck about our Shar Pei -he had never been in a crate and never away from us except with close friends

He heard my voice when we picked him up in Adelaide and got very noisy to say the least !

We have now had him here just over 3 weeks and its like he has always been here

He had lost a bit of weight and his coat was not the best when he got out of quarantine but looking at him now he is happy and healthy

He saw his first Roo last week and tried to catch it -he did not win as the Roo jumped the fence and he couldn't

I obviously fretted more than he did

Be thankful too they leave before you - we left before Ralphy and enroute found out our vet had lost the last blood test Luckily the shippers sorted it all but I felt so helpless as I was not in the UK

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Our little boston terrier came across about 3-4 weeks ago (same flight as Pat's pooch!) and he is a little nervous. He'd lost a little weight in kennels but he was fine...although didn't seem impressed with us when we picked him up and was quite quiet with us for a few days but has now settled down having discovered the beach! I've got to say, my biggest concern is him coming across a spider and trying to eat it...or encountering a snake!! All in all though, he's settled well (even if he does sleep all day and won't learn how to use the dog flap without us having to lift if it for him to go through!!

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Thank you for that, My youngest one is the same she never leaves my side and just wants to be with me all the time. I've been told it gets cold in Melbourne and may need to send over little jackets for them. Did you need to do this? Its really reassuring when others tell me their dogs were fine, I cant help but worry but I know deep down they will be looked after. Did they allow your dogs to share in quarantine? as they have advised that this may not be the case with mine.

My dogs arrived in January and flew into Sydney quarantine so did not need doggy jackets. They shared a kennel this was all pre arranged from the UK

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I cant talk about quarantine as ours have never done it, but he did the flight in reverse in March - Perth to London.


He is a tiny little thing and very nervous and we were very scared for him. But, he was fine. I suspect he slept most of the way.

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Thanks for replying I cant believe how nerve racking it all is. I am trying to bulk mine up a little at the minute as they are both tiny and really cant afford to lose much weight, my smallest is only 1.9kg so you can imagine how little she really is. I guess I will have a few days of sulking when they arrive in Brisbane but once they have been to the beach a few times it will all be forgotten. I just don't want them to get so stressed it makes them ill on the way.


Hope you are settling in ok :)

I am sure the babies will be fine its the humans who worry and yes we are settling well thank you

Like Wozzies Boston Ralphy had lost a fair amount of weight I was really quite shocked when I saw him but honestly he is none the worse for wear at all

Its snakes that are my worry as we are in a rural property but we do plan to try and get snake guard around the garden perimeter and only allow the dogs in the paddock with a human !

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I feel the same, I have two cats due to fly in a few months and I cry thinking about it.

It is so nice to hear stories of people who have done it.

all the best x

I cried the day Ralphy left home and tried not to when we picked him up in Adelaide but when I saw his crate being trundled out the tears started

I had not said a word but the guy wheeling him shouted out Ralphys ok as he saw I was crying - I said Thanks -just the one word and Ralphy started to raise the place He must have thought where on earth has my Mam been ( he has a north east of England accent by the way ) I had put in the letter to quarantine we pronounce his name Rarfy the L is silent LOL

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