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Bank Card Reader Issues

Jennifer Crisp

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Hi all,


I am living here in Brisbane and I want to transfer over my UK savings to my Australian account, but my card reader doesn't want to read my card and my bank (RBS) seems to be enjoying the fact I cannot move my savings and will not offer me any alternative other that ordering a new one (7 days to UK address then however long to get over here). Are there any banks in Australia that use card readers as the exchange rate will not be in my favor soon due to the EU referendum.


Any help is appreciated!!


Thank you,



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Those card readers can be a pain. I realise they improve security but sometimes it seems so difficult to access your money.


I can't help you about any Australian banks using them but I believe you can transfer to a payee that is already setup without needing a card reader with RBS ? Not sure if this would work for you but could you transfer to trustworthy person to then forward it on.


On the plus side if your transfer is delayed and it's a remain vote you'll likely win out of the delay...

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I've came across the same situation where the RBS card reader battery expired and I couldn't set-up new payees/make payments until the new reader arrived. Which generally takes 7+ days.


However, in the past, I've requested transactions using the telephone banking service. You could try that though I can't remember if I used it to set-up new payees. Also, for the telephone banking service, you will need to know your passwords and security codes.


In general, I'm disillusioned with the rapid deterioration of the RBS service level but it is near nigh impossible to open a new UK bank account elsewhere as an Australian resident. Pretty much stuck with a service which sucks.

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Rapid deterioration? Think you might have missed eight years, along the way, mate. ;)

I should know. Used to work for the buggers.

Yes, rapid deterioration. I've banked with them for over 25 years...they were very good until mid GFC then it was a rapid deterioration followed by years of stagnation. A poor imitation of the bank I used in the early and mid 2000's.


Still, our gripes with RBS are off-topic :wink:to the OP request for solutions which I think will be limited.

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