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Point Cook, Altona Meadows and Caroline Springs : Versus Epping


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The days are flying by quick before we set out on our 2 week trip, can't believe May 12th is just a Thursday away :)

Unfortunately our PRs havent come through yet but that isnt dampening out spirit and we actually feel the excitement build up. I mentioned Epping in my previous threads and researched a lot but we recently decided to up our budget a little and also not rule out Sydney completely. This pretty much gets us back to square one as we look to visit a few places in Mel and Sydney when we are there.


And hence my post. We are unashamedly modern, love the open living plan, ensuite a must, prefer 2 storeys, dont really care much for a huge plot as long as its decent (by that I mean bigger than new build 'patch' gardens in UK these days), wouldn't miss a theatre room etc. Yes we like the community feel and nice neighbours but that is really down to individuals, it can't be found ready made and we need to make an effort. Crime is there everywhere, we need to make sure we dont chose the dodgiest street in town!


So, going on that scale and the very important part of being not more than 35 to 45 mins by train/car to the CBD we have started looking around. Yesterday, Wanted Down Under gave us a glimpse of the South West : Williams Town, Werribee, Point Cook and Altona Meadows. Straight away, I can say we liked the idea of PC and Altona Meadows. Some hunting and research later we found out reasons why living was affordable : no train station, community centre, limited places to hang around etc etc but mainly a choked single way out during peak times and getting more crowded every day. I then read that things have been improving recently but couldn't find a lot out. Question 1 from us : How is PC these days in terms of recreation and transport? I would always leave to work by 7:15am and dont think traffic is bad at that time


We also read up on Caroline Springs and bingo, another newish modern estate with homes that fit our bill and with under 30 mins to the CBD its splendid. But we have the same questions as above and given a choice, I get the feeling CS is better than PC and Altona but not clear why!!! Question 2 : What's so bad about CS?


Don't get me started about Sydney. We have family there too, finally got their address and looked around. Not a lot of choice but hey, found decent houses in our budget and a 35 min drive from the CBD. Perked my interest more because I prefer hotter climate, better beaches and have more job opportunities compared to Mel.


Finally Question 3 : Any other new/established suburbs with modern homes we can visit when we are there? Ideal budget $500k but can stretch to $650k. We love Berwick and will visit but it's really quite far away. Epping, Lalor already on our list and so is Bundoora




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I can't give you any advice on those suburbs, but I can tell you that if your budget for Epping is the same ($650k), that will buy you a nice apartment. Not a house, unless it's a wreck.


Are you talking about Epping in Melbourne? If yes, then I don't agree. We have seen a number of lovely homes well below $650k and won't spend anywhere close to this amount if we end up in Epping. Haven't seen many flats there which is why I wonder you mean Sydney's Epping instead!



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Caroline Springs won't be half an hour in the Rush hour, that's for sure.

Was going by a post on another thread where it was mentioned we could drive to Deer Park in about 10mins and train it in 20mins. Plan to do verify when we are there and ask our family if it's true.




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Got a feeling they're building a train station at Caroline Springs at the moment.


Yes, read that on this forum too, need to look into it. The link you provided shows the public transport options, and google doesnt give a hybrid of driving to a station close by and training it into the CBD, somethings are still best learnt from experience and local knowledge :)




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Hi @Kenfrapin,


We moved to Point Cook, Vic in Feb. If you like new developments then I would say that the West is best although traffic into CPD can be busy in the morning and evening. On a good run it takes about 20 to 30 mins for me into city. There is a number of new train stations out west to and train journey is about 20 minutes.


For a 650K budget you could get a nice 4 bed double story. Loads of land is being released in the area and most builders have deals on. I suppose it depends on what you want. Plenty of shops nearby and Werribee plaza is about 10 minutes drive which is a decent indoor shopping centre. 5 minute drive to beach, nature reserve nearby. Also what I like about Point Cook as appose to other areas is that not all roads lead to or go through. So you don't get too much traffic in the suburbs like you do in other place near the city. Also not to be "stuck up" no local authority housing.... if you know what I mean.


A lot of Brits go out to the East but its not my cup of tea.


If you want to know anymore about the area send me a private message.



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I used to live in Williamstown and loved it there. It's gorgeous and like a little village. However it is pricey and the trains were not brilliant but the train lines to the west are not very good. Too many breakdowns. They may have got better sinc I left Melbourne. Also look at yarravlle and Newport, up and coming areas. You won't find too many double storey houses as most Aussies have single storey.


altona meadows is quite a bogan area and the train to Altona is terrible. Constant delays or cancellations which is a shame as Altona is quite nice.


we decided not to buy in Point cook but move to Qld as the transport from there is bad. Whilst the houses are nice the place is devoid of character and just a massive housing estate with few shops or services you can walk too. I think a lot of poms like it as the houses seem posh compared to the UK and you can have a pool!

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Long time lurker, 1st time poster here.


I currently live in Caroline Springs in temporary accommodation whilst we look for a place to buy.

Nice quiet area, but would not recommend. As with most new suburbs in Melbourne, the infrastructure is awful. Yes they are building a train station, which should be completed in the next 12 months or so I believe, but it's a train station that you HAVE to drive to. i would rather live in a suburb where I could walk to the station. there are only 2 main road in and out of Caroline Springs, both of which are awful during rush hour. I work 10 minutes away in St Albans, it should take me 10 minutes anyway. it takes me at least 40 minutes on my commute.


Oh, I can't even get an internet connection at my place. Something to do with port availability at my local exchange. ridiculous.


Good luck!

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I think you will find that most of the homes in Point Cook are double storey. But I'm sure that why most Brits move to Oz for the weather and pool :cool:


I do agree with boganbear, If you want character properties then go to towards the city. Although I'm not sure about living in the shadows of a new sky scraper, or new elevated train lines (See local news) they are putting up to replace old lines. There are a lot of unhappy home owners. As to the train situation... Well if you have used good old British Rail then this will seem like paradise in my opinion.


I wanted something modern that wont require an Army of tradies to fix up and keep maintained. But each to there own I suppose. Depends what you want.... Its a bit cold for the pool at the minute in Melbourne. :no:

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Thank you adz and boganbear for the insight, will drop you a pm later today adz. Been chatting with the cousins too and have a few more places shortlisted up north. So we have the North to visit and south west, good start for our 2 week trip. We can do more once we actually complete our move and have spare time while we hunt for work!


Need to post a similar question on the NSW forum as we have a week there and keen to look at what our money is worth in terms of quality, size and distance from cbd



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I think you will find that most of the homes in Point Cook are double storey. But I'm sure that why most Brits move to Oz for the weather and pool :cool:


I do agree with boganbear, If you want character properties then go to towards the city. Although I'm not sure about living in the shadows of a new sky scraper, or new elevated train lines (See local news) they are putting up to replace old lines. There are a lot of unhappy home owners. As to the train situation... Well if you have used good old British Rail then this will seem like paradise in my opinion.


I wanted something modern that wont require an Army of tradies to fix up and keep maintained. But each to there own I suppose. Depends what you want.... Its a bit cold for the pool at the minute in Melbourne. :no:


If it wasnt clear from my post, this is exactly what we are looking for. Never been one for taking an older house with character but a lot of post purchase work in getting it sorted. Our experience so far has kept us happy and we would just want a new build to settle in quickly.

Never been a pool kind guy but the missus loves the idea even though we both do not swim! I really dont care if our plot is small, as long as its not smaller than the average UK new build. And 2 storey two, we arent looking for massive space on each floor, think a single floor with all rooms and open living will feel too big for us to start with. Rather have a smaller place with space spread over 2 floors


Oooh, the excitement builds up now


and thank you Paul for your feedback on Caroline Springs. It's strange that my cousins pretty much said the exact same thing based on what their friends told them about CS. Given the number of places we have shortlisted, we will give CS a miss on this trip



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Just thought I'd add to this post of mine and say I looked recently at Ringwood East and then worked backwards to the CBD and loved some places out there. Quick check on the budget and there are some lovely houses around the $700k mark. Then I fell straight back to planet rock to remind myself one of the reason we were going is to have an easier life financially so a lower mortgage must not be forgotten


I then tally ho'd myself back to PC and did some checks. Yes there is a single road out of PC and onto the M1 but I am struggling to see how it will be a nightmare of a drive if I were to leave for work as I do today which is around 7.30 AM or earlier. In to work, with all the traffic, by 0815 and leave work around 5pm and back by 6pm......am I in gooey dreamland thinking this is possible and that traffic at these times are as bad as the UK peak hours?


Confusion reigns but just a few days away from being in the country!!!




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Rush hour starts 7ish with the trades people all going to work through to 9.30 am or 10 with the mums who have dropped off children at schools. Same in the afternoon starts building at 3 and goes to 6 ish. Four million people in Melbourne and the western suburb subdivisions are recent additions with lack of infrastructure as they forget about it when building houses here.


Just depends whether you want new build or older house really. Have a look at all the transport available to the suburb also the council site. Also get hold of the Leader newspaper for the area, they are on line and you can have them sent to your inbox. Gives an idea of problems and what the area is like.

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Nothing wrong with CS. My daughter has lived there for 10 years, and loves it there. Not sure what the comment is re infrastructure, because I cannot see anything wrong with it. It has shops including supermarkets, schools, bus services, parks, a beautiful large lake, fast food outlets, petrol stations, and a couple of large shopping malls not too far away, and yes, a new train station under construction. OK, so you have to drive to it, but unless you live very close to a train station, you would have to do that anyway. Try driving to Frankston station and getting parking at 8am, and it would be packed. Not sure about internet connections, but my daughter has had one ever since moving there, and if you buy an existing home, it will probably have a connection anyway. The problem may be with getting a connection to a new build. Like most areas, the roads will be busy as people head to work and around school times, but that would not be enough to put me off buying in the area if the right house in the right position, at the right price came up..

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It is not a long drive from Caroline springs to the suburban station at Watergardens - and there may even be a bus given it is next to a major shopping centre.


The drive is not that bad. A member of my family walks out the door at Mount macedon (another 35kms up the freeway) at 7 and is at his desk in Brunswick just after 8. Of all the Melbourne freeways, the Calder is the most reliable.


It sounds like there is some congestion getting out of Caroline Springs. I would imagine it is nothing compared the congestion getting out of Point Cook and you also do not need to tackle the West Gate Bridge traffic at the end

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It is not a long drive from Caroline springs to the suburban station at Watergardens - and there may even be a bus given it is next to a major shopping centre.


The drive is not that bad. A member of my family walks out the door at Mount macedon (another 35kms up the freeway) at 7 and is at his desk in Brunswick just after 8. Of all the Melbourne freeways, the Calder is the most reliable.


It sounds like there is some congestion getting out of Caroline Springs. I would imagine it is nothing compared the congestion getting out of Point Cook and you also do not need to tackle the West Gate Bridge traffic at the end


My response is targeted more at the Taylors Hill/ Melton Highway end of CS rather than the Western Highway end. You might like to search Taylors Hill/ Sydenham/ Taylors Lakes as well.

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Thanks for the replies, we will go to CS and PC when we are there next week. A bit worrying about the crime stats, I've heard this from a few others too so let me read the local paper to get a better view


Probably my last post for a few days as we jet away in a few hours time!



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