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How far out?


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We will be returning from Canberra to the UK in Feb 2018, if all goes to plan, and taking our two "little gentlemen"*, Jack Russell / Fox Terrier crosses.





How far out from that date should we engage a pet transfer service, to ensure we get all the veterinary stuff sorted etc?


Do we need to have our own flight booked before engaging a service?




*as the wife** calls them.




** or "little f**kers," as I call them

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We will be returning from Canberra to the UK in Feb 2018, if all goes to plan, and taking our two "little gentlemen"*, Jack Russell / Fox Terrier crosses.







How far out from that date should we engage a pet transfer service, to ensure we get all the veterinary stuff sorted etc?


Do we need to have our own flight booked before engaging a service?




*as the wife** calls them.




** or "little f**kers," as I call them




You've got a couple of mischievous little scamps by the look of them. Gorgeous :smile:

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They are cute, aren't they? Ginger and Digby by name.


Or, seeing as my darling daughter named them, and to give them their full names; "His Faithful Sidekick Ginger" and "Sir Digby Chicken Caesar."

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They will need the rabies jabs about 22 days prior to flying.


However, it is worth appointing the agent in an early stage so that if rules or anything changes, they will know and be able to react and keep you informed. Things change a lot - ours was all ready to fly Malaysian when only days before his flight they announced they would no longer fly Chihuahuas - but it was taken care of with no stress to us.


We used Dogtainers to move our little fellow from Australia to London and they were fantastic - he wasn't stuck in a kennel waiting for his flight, but spent the day mainly on the lap of the agent in his office with regular walks. He arrived none the worse except for jet lag! (yes they get it)


As you may know, there is no quarantine this end now as long as all the paper work and things are ok - hence using a good agent is vital. There was a couple picking up a cat at Heathrow when we were there and the paper work wasn't right and they were facing the cat being sent back!


Dogtainers will advise on what flight to put them on compared to yours - you don't have to be on the same flight and it depends on which airline. For example, Emirates insist on animals spending several hours lay over in Dubai, so, my wife got a different flight and landed in the UK in the morning, then we went back to Heathrow that evening to pick him up.

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Hi Thom,


Great looking pooches.


Trust that you are well. I thought it maybe helpful if I jumped in and gave some info regarding your pets transport back to the UK also. Very Stormy summed it up very well indeed . With regards to the rabies vaccination this needs to be at done more than 21 days prior to the departure but can be done a year in advance also . Generally it takes up to 3 weeks to ensure the antibodies are at a sufficient level for protection which is where the 3 weeks comes from but as mentioned can be done well in advance too.


One important thing to keep in mind also is that we recommend the pets have the opportunity to acclimatise to their crates in advance of the move. I would recommend getting in touch around 3 months in advance. In our case once the booking is made we can bring the crates out so the pets can start getting used to the crates.


If you wanted any information in advance please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to. All the best Danny

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We will be returning from Canberra to the UK in Feb 2018, if all goes to plan, and taking our two "little gentlemen"*, Jack Russell / Fox Terrier crosses.





How far out from that date should we engage a pet transfer service, to ensure we get all the veterinary stuff sorted etc?


Do we need to have our own flight booked before engaging a service?




*as the wife** calls them.




** or "little f**kers," as I call them



They look a bit like border terriers. Nice looking dogs.

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