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Ralphys Travels


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Well our boy was picked up by a lovely gentleman from Golden Arrow this morning :cry:

Walked out on his lead quite happily it was when he realised he was going in a strange car he backed off

Hubby lifted him in and the look he gave us was what started me off crying ,hubby not much better

I know he will be well looked after but I feel like one of the kids has left home bit lost

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I just got this lovely email from the company who are shipping Ralphy made my day !

Hi Pat,


My name is Fiss – married to Chris, and it is me who is looking after Ralphy whilst he is with us! Chris and I got back from a couple of days in Bavaria last night and when I went to check round the kennels Ralphy had eaten all the food he had been given earlier in the evening, and he has eaten again this morning! He had a good run out in the grass run this morning – he seems happy and content, if a little bemused about what is going on! There is someone around here all the time, so he is getting plenty of attention! He has his basket and some Vet bed in his kennel, also his toy!


He is actually a very handsome chap! I cannot remember the last time we had a black Shar Pei here, but he is gorgeous looking! I have been tickling him under his chin, but he is fine with a stroke down his back, he jumped up this morning for attention, and then leant against my leg - I think he will be totally settled in the next day or so, and then it will be time for him to start on his big adventure!


Email me any time you like, but if you don’t have time to reply, I will still keep you up to date on how he is getting on!


With love from Ralphy and me (Fiss)!

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Absolutely devastated at the minute as we have found out our vets have lost Ralphys last blood tests and his flight for Wednesday may have to be rescheduled

they were supposed to email them to myself and golden arrow as they knew I was out of the U.K. On 20th

No email came so I emailed the shippers and vet ,golden arrow contacted Weighbridge and were told sample was never received

My vet then rang me said the samples were posted but not received at Weighbridge

Golden Arrow have had Ralphys blood taken agin and fast tracked in the hope they get results for Tuesday lunch time

I must say they have been absolutely fantastic and supportive so I can only hope thier efforts to get our boy out on time work

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Absolutely devastated at the minute as we have found out our vets have lost Ralphys last blood tests and his flight for Wednesday may have to be rescheduled

they were supposed to email them to myself and golden arrow as they knew I was out of the U.K. On 20th

No email came so I emailed the shippers and vet ,golden arrow contacted Weighbridge and were told sample was never received

My vet then rang me said the samples were posted but not received at Weighbridge

Golden Arrow have had Ralphys blood taken agin and fast tracked in the hope they get results for Tuesday lunch time

I must say they have been absolutely fantastic and supportive so I can only hope thier efforts to get our boy out on time work



That's awful! Fingers crossed for Ralphy's blood test arriving on time. It does sound like Golden Arrow pull out all the stops for you, I'll be using them too later in the year.

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That's awful! Fingers crossed for Ralphy's blood test arriving on time. It does sound like Golden Arrow pull out all the stops for you, I'll be using them too later in the year.

They have been fantastic and yes they are pulling out all stops I should know Monday or Tuesday if Ralphy can travel

If not my vets are going to get a phone call they wont like ! They had not from the sound of it even realised the results had not come back to them you would have thought they would have flagged the item on their system and known straight away it hadn't eventuated grrrrr

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Absolutely devastated at the minute as we have found out our vets have lost Ralphys last blood tests and his flight for Wednesday may have to be rescheduled

they were supposed to email them to myself and golden arrow as they knew I was out of the U.K. On 20th

No email came so I emailed the shippers and vet ,golden arrow contacted Weighbridge and were told sample was never received

My vet then rang me said the samples were posted but not received at Weighbridge

Golden Arrow have had Ralphys blood taken agin and fast tracked in the hope they get results for Tuesday lunch time

I must say they have been absolutely fantastic and supportive so I can only hope thier efforts to get our boy out on time work


Crosses fingers for you hun ...hope it all gets sorted asap and Ralphy's able to jet off on Wednesday :hug:

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Crosses fingers for you hun ...hope it all gets sorted asap and Ralphy's able to jet off on Wednesday :hug:

Just had an email off Golden Arrow to say the lab has the bloods and they will provided tests don't need to be redone they will have the results this afternoon uk time

my Heart is in my mouth still but one thing I must say is I cannot fault how Golden Arrow has handled things they have been so supportive and helpful

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Hallelujah Ralphy passed his last lot of tests and Golden Arrow have the results back on thier desk so he can fly 27th as planned

A huge relief all round and a huge thank you to Golden Arrow who have certainly gone the extra mile !!!


Brilliant news - such a relief for you. :ssign19:

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Hallelujah Ralphy passed his last lot of tests and Golden Arrow have the results back on thier desk so he can fly 27th as planned

A huge relief all round and a huge thank you to Golden Arrow who have certainly gone the extra mile !!!


:jiggy:Yay great news travel safe Ralphy

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Well our shippers did the deed got blood tests passed and Ralphy flew on his planned date -Wednesday Landed Thursday night around 9pm Oz time I have been awake on and off during the night checking for the quarantine email which has just dropped in to say they have him in custody !


Will update as I go and hear anything

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Hugs ... this took me back to when our cat Becky left us a few days ahead of us, the lady who collected her was lovely, we put a cushion in the carrier to remind her of us/home and cried as the woman walked away.

I remember when we discussed taking her (she was in her teens), my hubby said "we can't leave her behind, we've had her longer than the kids".

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Just got the email to say Ralphy will be released as planned on May 8th ( time off for good behaviour lol ) Such a relief and will be so pleased to have him home Hopefully he will soon settle and acclimatise


Great news bet it will be a huge relief to have him home:) My trio will miss Ralphy by 5 days wouldn't it be funny if 1 of them was put in the same run he is currently occupying ha ha

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We pick him up 130 in Adelaide on Sunday he is now called Biggles lots of air miles Am expecting he might have lost some weight as seemingly the do so need to cook him some dinners up ! Must admit quarantine is unlike the shippers who emailed me daily to tell me how Ralphy was I got the arrival email then I instigated contact otherwise it's silence ! So relieved though his sojourn in the penitentiary is almost over

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Yes I noticed you don't hear much from Quarantine ...I guess with just the one large facility now with loads of animals in their care they might be hard pressed to email all the owners with updates....I'm just going to assume no news is good news with my trio as I'm sure they would be in touch if there were any problems.


My little one will have her very 1st birthday whilst in quarantine :( so I'll miss it she's so special to me known her from birth and I mean literally....I was there to give her a rubdown, get her breathing, and first cuddles and help her latch on with her mum...Am so lucky my Meeka (her doggy mum) wanted her human mum with her when she gave birth to both sets of pups ...she didn't let me out of her sight I called her my little leech ha ha.... she was glued to my side right through both pregnancies ....we made a great team...was right by her side for each labour giving her lots of love and encouragement...as each pup was born she did the umbilicals, took care of the placentas, and I helped break the pups out of their birthing sacs, giving them rub downs and to take their first breaths and to latch on until the next one was on its way ...my mum laughs and tells me I'm a natural doggy midwife...that I'd found my calling !! Got loads of pictures of the pups when they were born but I won't post them lol ....some might not appreciate the pics!! I will have to make it up to my little one for her missed birthday once she's home !!

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