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457 visa to PR? Graphic Designer..

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Got my 457 visa sponsorship a few days ago. My employer nominated a couple of different job titles but I ended up with Graphic Designer. I'm not sure if it is possible to get PR after doing 2 years here on a 457. Does anyone know if I can apply independently for PR after or will I have to be sponsored again for that and how long? My current contact is for 2 years @ 55k/yr

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If the visa is for two years then you may have an issue with transition stream employer sponsored PR as you need to apply after the two years are up so after the visa has ended. This means you will it get a bridging visa and will have to leave and wait for the PR. Poor advice somewhere if the employer wanted to keep you.


If you can qualify for PR either independently or with employer sponsorship now then you can apply as soon as you like.

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