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Packing Day


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OMG!! The packers are meant to arrive 10 minutes ago and I don't want them to come.


I'm feeling really emotional and last night my (Australian) partner and I were having second thoughts about going. Both of us are worried that we won't settle (even my partner is and she was born and lived there until she was 27!).


Wish we rented the house, rather than sold (but we needed the equity).


Do we go with the flow and see how it goes in Oz and if we don't like it after a certain amount of time or do we back out (even though I've given up my very good job).


Don't know whether i'm coming or going, literally - HELP!!


Does everyone feel like this?

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Don't worry, most people feel this way, we've moved back and forwards 3 times now and still go through it each time, just treat it as an adventure, if it works out great, if not the U.K will still be here, whatever happens try to enjoy your time in Australia, whether it be for a lifetime or just a short interlude.

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Don't worry, most people feel this way, we've moved back and forwards 3 times now and still go through it each time, just treat it as an adventure, if it works out great, if not the U.K will still be here, whatever happens try to enjoy your time in Australia, whether it be for a lifetime or just a short interlude.


Thanks for replying. I just feel that if I go and am not happy and want to come home, I would have lost money I didn't need to. Plus our dogs are coming over with us too and will have to put them through it all over again.


I feel sick..........

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Don't worry, you're in a bit of a panic, deep breaths, you'll probably like it, but if you don't you're not trapped, life is for the living, we only get a short go at it, make the most of it, that's what money is for, so we can do stuff, the dog's will be fine, if you are happy they will be.

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As others have said,nothing is permanent.Everything is always temporary,including life!:wink:What you are experiencing is last minute jitters.Most people do feel that ok?Most people like some sort of control over their lives.Atm,you only have control over whats happening right now,this minute!I think you need to get yourselves into a different mindset.Instead of worrying over stuff you have no control over,right now focus attention on whats happening right now.Ok so you feel panic?Feel that,mentally and physically,take a few minutes to experience it full on,and then move on.Your packers are abut to arrive,so focus on organising them.One step at a time.Once they leave,sit down for a cuppa together,relax,talk and discuss how you're feeling,and then onto the next task,whatever that happens to be.

To a certain extent,you have to go with the flow.Accept that for the next few weeks,your lives are going to be somewhat unsettled,but this will disperse over time.Day by day,your lives will start to unfold into a happy,more relaxed way.You will feel the excitement of starting a new home,in a new place,a new country!This will all keep your minds occupied.Once that is all over,and you've settled,hopefully you will remain that way.If not?So you've lost some money!Its only money.You cant put a price on happiness right?You then make plans to return.Mindset......"Ok so I'm feeling panicky,that'll pass!Im worrying myself sick?That'll pass!If I settle and build myself a nice new life?Good?If not then its no biggie in the scheme of life to return!

I am wishing you lots of good luck,and send my best wishes for a happy,successful,bright future.xoxoxoxox

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OMG!! The packers are meant to arrive 10 minutes ago and I don't want them to come.


I'm feeling really emotional and last night my (Australian) partner and I were having second thoughts about going. Both of us are worried that we won't settle (even my partner is and she was born and lived there until she was 27!).


Wish we rented the house, rather than sold (but we needed the equity).


Do we go with the flow and see how it goes in Oz and if we don't like it after a certain amount of time or do we back out (even though I've given up my very good job).


Don't know whether i'm coming or going, literally - HELP!!


Does everyone feel like this?


Last minute jitters,hopefully it'll pass.i were the same,was a total mess.unfortunately things didnt work out for me,so im heading back soon,yep thats quite alot of money lost,but believe me i dont really care right now,i just want to be happy and back where i belong.hopefully it wont be like that for you,i hope it works out for u guys.try and and look forward to all the awesome places u can enjoy in oz.and like someone already mentioned,one thing at a time.u've given up ur job,might aswell give it a shot now.best of luck!

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Does your Aussie partner have UK citizenship so that she can return later on if need be?


Yes, that is no problem there. She was here for 18 years. Also her workplace here (teaching) have said they will hold her job open for a year and if she wants to come back she can. After that year, they will look for a permanent staff member

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Yes, that is no problem there. She was here for 18 years. Also her workplace here (teaching) have said they will hold her job open for a year and if she wants to come back she can. After that year, they will look for a permanent staff member


That's good news. In answer to your original question though I have to say that I did not feel like that about the move but we are all different. Slightly nervous anticipation best describes it but once we made the decision to come we worked towards the goal essentially.

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