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Hi all just need a little emotional offload! Set to emigrate on May 1st 2016 to mandurah with my husband and two children, we are all very excited but we are preparing for the move and I can't help feeling scared and trying not to offload me emotions on to the rest of the family! We have decided that all we are bringing is our clothes and therefore we are selling all our furniture and everything we own so we can move in with the in laws until May to save some extra money! Getting slightly emotional now I know these are materialistic things that can be replaced but we have worked so hard for twenty years for us to be able to live a very comfortable lifestyle in the UK. This has always been our dream and I am not saying for one minute I don't want to go but can't help thinking what on earth are we doing, are we mad hahah. Sorry all just needed to be able to let it out and c if anyone else has done this! The children or the husband have no problem at all with selling all their belongs so why Iam finding it so hard!

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Hi all just need a little emotional offload! Set to emigrate on May 1st 2016 to mandurah...We have decided that all we are bringing is our clothes and therefore we are selling all our furniture and everything we own so we can move in with the in laws until May to save some extra money! Getting slightly emotional now I know these are materialistic things that can be replaced but we have worked so hard for twenty years...The children or the husband have no problem at all with selling all their belongs so why Iam finding it so hard!


Because you're the homemaker. You know there's more to creating a home than just having a few sticks of furniture - and you know you're going to a strange new place, where you're going to feel like an alien at first, and you know it will help if everyone can at least feel "at home" with your own familiar belongings.


Is it too late to decide to put the good stuff in storage (you can fit a huge amount in a small storage unit) and then ship it with you?


Yes you will save money by moving in with the in-laws, but have you worked out how much it will cost to replace everything new compared to the cost of shipping? Check sites like Harveynorman.com.au and add up how much it's going to cost for the big items (unless you're happy with Argos quality furniture, in which case check Fantasticfurniture.com.au)


Now go to Kitchenwaredirect.com.au and add up how much it's going to cost to replace all your pots, pans and utensils.


We've just done the move in the opposite direction. We shipped only two boxes of sentimental stuff, and we now wish we'd shipped the lot. It's not just the cost of replacing everything - it's the sheer hassle of schlepping round the shops to buy everything from scratch. It's especially hard because you're not familiar with the retailers or where to find them. Also because you need to get settled asap, you end up having to settle for what's available and then you're stuck for years with a sofa or a dining table you don't really like all that much (and thinking longingly of the perfect one you left behind).


A storage unit might cost less than you think, you can squeeze an awful lot into a small one by stacking everything on top of one another. Then ship it off a couple of weeks before you leave.

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Thanks for the information on stores Marisawright, we have compared the price of shipping and replacing everything and we think it's about even, to be honest we moved in to a brand new build 2 years ago and most of our appliances are built in apart from the dryer therefore we cannot take these anyway. All our furniture is at least 10 year old however well looked after but we are quite minimalistic so therefore not a great deal to take. We have decided to box all our photos and personal things like my wedding dress and children's keepsake boxes and store them at my in laws and if it turns out we have made the right move we will eventually ship them or even get the family to bring a little each time they visit. We are all aware that we will need to settle for less than we have in the UK and it doesn't seem to be a problem! Think Iam just going through all the normal emotions of a mother at the moment and obviously trying not to show the children as they are so excited and being 11 and 13 they surprisingly have no issues and as like other children their age as long as they got their phones and iPads are happy! I have booked into a hotel/apartment which is fully furnished for 8wks so we can familiarise ourselves and start buying for our home throughout this time. Just seems strange that apart from household items our life as fitted into three storage boxes :-/ I do however like expensive furniture but will settle for the cheaper until we are settled financially. Hope u are settled back in the UK. X

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Hope u are settled back in the UK. X


Thanks for asking Loulou and no we're not! I've discovered I'm far too much of an Aussie now (lived there for 30 years) and although I'm loving the cooler weather, I'm missing almost everything else. It doesn't help that the exchange rate collapsed just before we moved, so where we expected to save money, everything now seems expensive.


Anyway, sounds like you have thought it through carefully so good luck with your move!

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Aww I know financially good for us not so good for you.....that's the thing once you make that decision to emigrate I wonder if you ever feel settled anywhere as there are always pros and cons to both countries .... hope you settle soon. Thanks we will give it our all xx

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The emotional rollercoaster was worth it for us!! I think a lot of people have moments where they think 'what am I doing?' - I certainly did!! We had a comfortable lifestyle in the UK and we gave it all up to come over to Brisbane - we knew nobody and didn't have jobs!!!


You'll find it gets worse the closer you get to leaving, but it's perfectly normal. Everyone gets jitters - it's a massive move. We are certainly very glad we did it though - I love it out here!!!


Personally, I'm glad we sold as much as possible before we left the UK. Everything has been easy to replace so it fits into our home. It was hard letting go of the things we had saved up to buy over the years, but the positives outweigh the negatives.

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If you had anything unique or worth a lot I would say bring it.


otherwise I done get bringing stuff which will prob not go in your new home. Mandurah houses are nothing like UK houses, unless of course your heading to a canals McMansion.


Its hard not to keep sentimental stuff, you enjoy the memories that come from it. Pain in the arse when you croak it, and the kids have to get rid of what they see as junk.


The hardest thing about Mandurah won't be, can I keep my furniture, but will we get jobs!!


If your into migrating and want to succeed. Don't sweat the small stuff, concentrate on getting ahead here. Just like in the UK, you need the basics to get ahead.


You will know soon enough if its going to work out

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Thank you fifi69, definitely agree this is very trivial but sure does cause some anxiety. Jobs are a big worry for us at the moment and as soon as I get my AHPRA nurse registration Iam am hoping to start applying for jobs as a nurse. Fingers crossed I will get one before I leave or at least set some interviews up. My husband and I have worked very hard to even eventually be financially ale to cease this opportunity to emigrate, like most others, and to be honest we are will to take any job we can get, if we have to commute to Perth then this is what we will do. Thanks for all your input really appreciate it.

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Just made the move to the gold coast and shipped over a full 20" container. So pleased we did as we want for nothing. Just a standard washing machine and dishwasher will set you back $1200+.

We had to buy a bunk bed here and a king size mattress and we shopped everywhere for the cheapest half decent one we could find and still paid $600 for the mattress, and $500 for the bed. An £89 henry hoover over here is marked up at $500 in the shops.


We have friends here too who only brought over a few things and they said they would have shipped over the lot if they had known


It all really depends on what you have too

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Hi all just need a little emotional offload! Set to emigrate on May 1st 2016 to mandurah with my husband and two children, we are all very excited but we are preparing for the move and I can't help feeling scared and trying not to offload me emotions on to the rest of the family! We have decided that all we are bringing is our clothes and therefore we are selling all our furniture and everything we own so we can move in with the in laws until May to save some extra money! Getting slightly emotional now I know these are materialistic things that can be replaced but we have worked so hard for twenty years for us to be able to live a very comfortable lifestyle in the UK. This has always been our dream and I am not saying for one minute I don't want to go but can't help thinking what on earth are we doing, are we mad hahah. Sorry all just needed to be able to let it out and c if anyone else has done this! The children or the husband have no problem at all with selling all their belongs so why Iam finding it so hard!


I would count myself as a minimalist when it comes to stuff....hate clutter. Wife and daughter more the opposite. Managed to rationalise our stuff before we left but filled a 20ft container. Brought a lot of stuff over which personally I would rather have never seen again.


That said bringing a container for us was never in doubt. Much of the furniture is very much needed here and don't discount all those things like pots & pans, cutlery, crockery, tools, gadgets etc. Having familiar stuff helps too in my view. It cost us around £3000 to ship our stuff but to replace it for anything like the same quality would have cost many times that plus all the stress and hassle seeking it out and buying.

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Thanks these sites much like the prices of Asda, this will suit me fine as only going to buy the necessities until we know if Austrailia is for us! Great help settled my mind slightly thanks all! Love my expensive stuff back home but have had it years as lasts too long and I never want to buy new hahah so will enjoy the shopping for new things, once we are settled an sure oz is for us then we can start to build our home as we want it. Thanks for the input all.

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