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WHV / Tourist Visa / Secondment / Sabbatical queries


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Wondering if someone can help me - I have few options for getting to Australia...


My friend is going to a WHV in Feb/March time and i would LOVE to go with her. I'm 100% up for it however extremely nervous about giving up my job. Has anyone ever taken a sabbatical for 1 year? How did you go about asking your employer about it? I would be keen to have something in place in case I go to Oz and end up not liking it or it doesn't work out.*


A friend who has done the whv has recommended that we apply for 3 month tourist visa, travel for that time, go to Bali and apply for whv whilst there then enter Oz with whv and get farm work out the way then you basically have 2 full years and already done the travelling bit first. Has anyone done it this way before?*


Lastly, if I wasn't to go ahead with the above then I might have the option of this..

I currently work for a global company as a management accountant and there are always opportunities to transfer to another site in a different region or country. I have made my bosses aware of my keenness to discuss any job opportunities that come up for the offices in Australia. If a job came up and I wanted to go for it, how would it work visa wise? Although I work as a management accountant, I'm not fully qualified therefore don't think I'd qualify for the list even though accountant is on it.*





PS - I have always wanted to go to Australia but always put it off for one thing or the other. I'm a single 27 year old girl and think the time is right!

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Wondering if someone can help me - I have few options for getting to Australia...


My friend is going to a WHV in Feb/March time and i would LOVE to go with her. I'm 100% up for it however extremely nervous about giving up my job. Has anyone ever taken a sabbatical for 1 year? How did you go about asking your employer about it? I would be keen to have something in place in case I go to Oz and end up not liking it or it doesn't work out.*


A friend who has done the whv has recommended that we apply for 3 month tourist visa, travel for that time, go to Bali and apply for whv whilst there then enter Oz with whv and get farm work out the way then you basically have 2 full years and already done the travelling bit first. Has anyone done it this way before?*


Lastly, if I wasn't to go ahead with the above then I might have the option of this..

I currently work for a global company as a management accountant and there are always opportunities to transfer to another site in a different region or country. I have made my bosses aware of my keenness to discuss any job opportunities that come up for the offices in Australia. If a job came up and I wanted to go for it, how would it work visa wise? Although I work as a management accountant, I'm not fully qualified therefore don't think I'd qualify for the list even though accountant is on it.*





PS - I have always wanted to go to Australia but always put it off for one thing or the other. I'm a single 27 year old girl and think the time is right!


You would be able to work for your current company in Australia while on a WHV, but only for 6 months.


Beyond that, you would not currently be eligible for any work visa or residence until you are fully qualified.


I would ask your work if you can have a sabbatical with a view to doing 6 months for them in Australia

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The down side of working for the company if you transfer to Aus is you are limited to remaining in one place/city/town to live and work and don't really get to experience or travel round as you would normally on a wHV and see all the sights, make new friends, experience all the amazing stuff and more. You'd be Mon-Friday 9-5 sort of thing while your friend is moving round Aus. I'd not do such a thing personally if I wanted to see more of Aus and have some fun travelling etc. Woud be rather boring to be stuck in one place for so long and also perhaps have all the expense of being in say Sydney for a period of time.


IMHO at your age I'd seek either the year off sabbatical from work and go over on a WHV or quit your job and go do the 2 years WHV with the regional work. I'd apply and get the WHV before you depart the UK personally. I don't see any reason to spend 3 months as a tourist in Aus and then depart back to Bali when you can travel and work your way round Aus for 2 years (providing you get the regional work in and documented properly). I'd also consider a year-18 months in Aus and then perhaps 6-12 months doing a WHV sort of thing round NZ if you fancied it.


I was travelling/living overseas most of my 20's and it was an amazing time. I went thinking I'd be gone a year or two and came back about 8 years later. I was all set to go to South America and travel back in the early 2000's when I met my now husband and didn't go. Fast forward a few years and here I am living in Aus.


Enjoy seeing a bit of the world while you can I always think. Once you perhaps meet someone (and who knows, have kids), buy a house, get into a job you don't want to step away from, the freedom to just move and travel as you would like is gone from you. Live for yourself a little before you start living for or with someone else is how I look at it.

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Check with your HR dept if your company has a policy on career breaks and what that entails. There are often certain conditions e.g. after one year you can return to your job, after 2 years it's a job within the company/service etc.


You often have to give notice of your intent to return, remember also that they may have temporarily filled your position for a year - therefore you need to check what would happen if you returned early.


It is important to know exactly what you're entitled to and what the implications are and to get that in writing.


I can't see any issues with the way you want to travel and apply for your WHV

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The down side of working for the company if you transfer to Aus is you are limited to remaining in one place/city/town to live and work and don't really get to experience or travel round as you would normally on a wHV and see all the sights, make new friends, experience all the amazing stuff and more. You'd be Mon-Friday 9-5 sort of thing while your friend is moving round Aus. I'd not do such a thing personally if I wanted to see more of Aus and have some fun travelling etc. Woud be rather boring to be stuck in one place for so long and also perhaps have all the expense of being in say Sydney for a period of time.


IMHO at your age I'd seek either the year off sabbatical from work and go over on a WHV or quit your job and go do the 2 years WHV with the regional work. I'd apply and get the WHV before you depart the UK personally. I don't see any reason to spend 3 months as a tourist in Aus and then depart back to Bali when you can travel and work your way round Aus for 2 years (providing you get the regional work in and documented properly). I'd also consider a year-18 months in Aus and then perhaps 6-12 months doing a WHV sort of thing round NZ if you fancied it.


I was travelling/living overseas most of my 20's and it was an amazing time. I went thinking I'd be gone a year or two and came back about 8 years later. I was all set to go to South America and travel back in the early 2000's when I met my now husband and didn't go. Fast forward a few years and here I am living in Aus.


Enjoy seeing a bit of the world while you can I always think. Once you perhaps meet someone (and who knows, have kids), buy a house, get into a job you don't want to step away from, the freedom to just move and travel as you would like is gone from you. Live for yourself a little before you start living for or with someone else is how I look at it.



Thanks for the advice :)

The reason my friend suggested the 3 month tourist visa to begin with was so we could do the travelling first, and also incorporate Bali at the end, spend some time in Bali and get WHV from there. Then when we enter Australia we've already done the travelling and technically have an extra 3 months to play with (ie, instead of having 1 year it's 1 year 3 months)

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Check with your HR dept if your company has a policy on career breaks and what that entails. There are often certain conditions e.g. after one year you can return to your job, after 2 years it's a job within the company/service etc.


You often have to give notice of your intent to return, remember also that they may have temporarily filled your position for a year - therefore you need to check what would happen if you returned early.


It is important to know exactly what you're entitled to and what the implications are and to get that in writing.


I can't see any issues with the way you want to travel and apply for your WHV



Thanks for the advice:)

I need to try check with HR without giving any hints that it would be me - I don't want to jepordise my current position with the company.


I was thinking 2 months notice would be suffice. If I was leaving the company completely I would only have to give 4 weeks notice. At the moment in the company, if I was to leave they would probably replace me with someone on a 12 month fixed term contract (oil company and down turn in oil) Another reason why I think it wouldn't affect them so much anyway.


I just don't know how to approach the situation, and how to put it forward to my managers...

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