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front loading?


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hi to all , just wondered if any thoughts out there, we are seriously considering front loading our police checks and meds. we are on a 176 visa skilled sponsered , paper application, we lodged it in oct 26 th 07 , and were still waiting for our co. i know there is a back log but just thought with the way house prices etc are if we do the meds etc it may...... just speed up the process a little. :skeptical:BUT just wondered if any one has had a bad input from doing this would we be better to just wait for our co?? paitence is not one of my virtues, i know you only get a year from when they are done, any thoughts?

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Guest the terry's

Hi Sharon we did our application online (See timeline) and we haven't heard from a CO yet. Our agent said if we timed it right we could shave 6 weeks off, so we did, and as you can see our med's have just been finalised. We also signed and front loaded 'The Australian Values Satement' to save time as well. I don't know your profession so check on the DIAC website to see if your occupation needs one done.


Hope this is of help.



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hi helen ,thanks this whole process from start to finish has you asking daft questions doesn't it my oh is a metal machinist/ cnc engineer, its his app we are going on, im a hairdresser thanks for the reply its appreciated!

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Guest beaneybunch

Hi Sharon,


We are on the same visa as you, we front loaded our app in September of last year, visa was granted in Feb without us being allocated a CO (see our timelines below). What I would say is that the entry date for validation on our visa is 26th July, I'm not sure why they brought it forward from our police check/meds dated September, but it did not affect us as we had always scheduled to go at the end of June. So by all means front load, but be aware of the timelines that this may impose on you.


Good luck, we're off in a month and counting - very excited!

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Guest andy,tina,lukeandgeorgie

Hi Sharon dont normally reply on here but felt the need to after reading your post,we applied on a 176 paper through an agent within 2 days of yourselves and we have just had our meds and pcs done a fortnight ago,although we have not been allocated a case officer the feedback from our agent is that she is seeing more and more go straight to visa granted without notification of co !! heres hoping! also remember that if you do get meds done early you have 12 mths to enter oz to validate,well thats the case for us so cant see as it should be any different for yourselves.we are heading to perth as well,hope this helps andy.

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hi there andy, yes all the replys are a help, its such a mine field isn't it? we have decided to go for it so we did police yesterday and im going to book meds tomor, so fingers crossed, where are you heading were hoping to go to the hills area, but saying that it all depends on where the schools and bits and bobs are, any way best wishes, hopefully we should be able to put yeah visa on here at the sim time!

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Hi, If you applied in October 07 then I'd say do them. You visa will be granted from the earliest date of either the police check or medical - giving you a year from that date to validate.



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Guest the terry's

Well done guys, just remember to look at the whole process as little chunks and you'll keep your sanity intact !!!



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