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hi, new to this site!!!!


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Hi Everyone,

I have recently joined this forum and would like to introduce my family to you. We are michelle and my partner phil and our two children hermione 11 and logan 8.

We have have just submitted our EOI and are feeling very excited. Are plans are to settle in Queensland but as yet not sure on an area.

look forward to chatting to you all.


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Hi Everyone,

I have recently joined this forum and would like to introduce my family to you. We are michelle and my partner phil and our two children hermione 11 and logan 8.

We have have just submitted our EOI and are feeling very excited. Are plans are to settle in Queensland but as yet not sure on an area.

look forward to chatting to you all.



just wanted to say Hello ... good luck on your journey ...

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Thankyou David, the whole process has been incredibly overwhelming especially as recently some friends of ours emigrated to Perth. It just makes everything seem even more real and daunting. Leaving your friends, family, jobs and everything your familiar with to start all over again. How have you found the transition? Michelle

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Thankyou David, the whole process has been incredibly overwhelming especially as recently some friends of ours emigrated to Perth. It just makes everything seem even more real and daunting. Leaving your friends, family, jobs and everything your familiar with to start all over again. How have you found the transition? Michelle


Hi Michelle. Personally, I have had no problems. There are differences from living in the UK but if you go with the flow here it is easier. The locals are, overwhemingly, helpful, friendly and accommodating. Smiling and a positive attitude goes a long way I feel too. Not finding smiling hard to do as I love it here though conscious that I am in the honeymoon period of the move and yet to experience the QLD summer - the locals never stop reminding me about that.


We have used Skype and FB to keep in touch with friends and relatives. Some on PIO don't like Skype but - I know I shouldn't say this - I find there are advantages. When you have to travel a distance to see friends and family most of the time you wind up staying too long. We Skype or FaceTime for an hour, pass on news both sides, give best wishes and then "goodbye, speak later".


Emma has had a couple of wobbly moments missing friends. Though she uses Skype a couple of her 'best' friends in the UK have not responded at all. Out of sight, out of mind I fear. One friend in the UK she communicates with often though. She has had 4 weeks at school here and is settling in well and starting to get to know some of the girls but it will naturally take her a little while to 'break-in' when friendships are well-established. She does like it here though still reminds us that she wouldn't have chosen to come (especially when she is being told off for something).


One key bit of advice I would give. Do not show the kids you are daunted or worried about anything. Keep any doubts and concerns for private conversations between the two of you. Kids will magnify anything you say if they are worried about the move, which they will be I imagine. Positivity is the key.


All the best. There are many helpful people on this forum so if you have any specific questions you are sure to find someone with good advice.



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Good to see some people starting to look at different areas to the normal, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane. You get so much more for your money if you are willing to consider regional living.

Moved to Toowoomba 11 months ago, have had some medical issues and as retired cant really afford private health care. It has taken just 4 weeks to be seen by a specialist at the local base hospital, which I might ad is huge. Health care here is first class, education excellant and housing half the price of the capital cities. Wish you well with your move.

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