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Why We're going


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There are a number of Thai restaurants in Campbell Street - it's actually called Little Thai Town. We used to go there for dinner before going to the Capitol Theatre.

I just asked my mate Tim 'where Is Campbell St?!! I know it because Triple Aces is on corner.of Elizabeth St. How could I forget? Carry on to Pitt St yes I know bit you mean.

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My wife and i are in our 70's. I don't think it's about Leaving a well paid job in the UK and taking a chance and moving to the other side of the world.In our opinion,and we have talked at length about it many a time. it's a lot deeper than that. It's about what you leave behind. Forever.My wife has never worked,She took care of our 4 kids,that's was enough.Too many people,think about money and material things as the end of end all.We have struggled when i came out of the army after 12 years they refused to give us a council house,as i had served abroad,and hadn't lived in the UK for 3 consecutive years.They Told Me We didn't qualify.I had to Go into Lodgings, my wife who was pregnant was put in a hostel,and our 3 other kids were put into foster homes.The British Don't look after their veterans I got a job in the South of England that supplied a house after 12 months,And visited my wife and kids every 3rd weekend i had off.We finally got housed.Due to me being a veteran within 6 months.Were were in a New Town ,That decided to sell to sitting tenants,we bought it.And never looked back.The Value quadrupled in 7 years, We sold and went to New Zealand cost 1000 pounds for 6 of us.We bought a new build,Hundreds of new spec houses sitting empty they couldn't sell.For $24,000.I got a job at Shell Oil NZ Driving a road Tanker.Delivering Diesel to the Huge Open Cast Coal Mines they have in NZ.The Best Job ever.Made lost of money.Got made redundant after 13 years,and moved to Australia in 1986.And Bought 3 houses in outskirts of Brisbane lived in one and rented out two.Then Interest rates went up to 17.95% in 1987 And there was no work for the truck i had bought.People were stood on the roadsides and roundabouts,with placards.Please give me a job.With The Money i had in the Bank,we manged to see it through all in tacked.The mining took off and saved the country In 1988 Brisbane EXPO Happened And Houses Trippled so i sold two ,the Politicians seem to waste all the countries wealth in the good times.The Howard Liberals being the worst,They were in for 13 years but did nothing but brag about surpluses.And Never Diversified.What is Australia going to do when the Mining boom ends they were asked all the time.Howard thought the boom would last forever.And they let,schools,hospitals,social services run into the ground.When they tried to introduce Work Choices.Choices. Individual Contracts. And the bosses decide when and what hours you work,and what wage you could earn for 1 year.they were kicked out The GFC happened and labour spent all the surplus keeping people working.Australia is headed for hard times again,this would have to be the worst time,for anyone with a good job good wage,a house etc.To even think about coming to Australia.As i said we are now in our 70's if we could start again we would never have left the UK.We missed Our Families so much,No they have all gone. life long friends are dying.Life is about Family and friends.friends not. Material things, sunshine and a beach etc, are not worth giving them up.A lot of poms, that Want to be Aussies say they couldn't have the life style, what the have in Australia,in the UK. I don't believe that.Life is what you makes it.If people have All their Families over here like many do, that would probably work.But some are going back to the UK and leaving their Mam and Dad here? So who can say what's best? In the end it's your decision.

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*Spoiler – may take 10 minutes out of your day to read*

So I’ve been thinking for a while on whether or not to post this, as it’s all my thoughts put down on proverbial paper, as anyone can see from my profile; I’ve been following this forum for a long time but only recently became more active once I’d received my Visa grant notices for my partner and I.


What’s apparent, and this actually applies to every single online forum in the history of ever, is a lot of people will give their opinion in certain threads that call for it, but act like they cannot possibly conceive why other people that go through a similar experience could possibly have a different opinion on the matter.


So having read a good lot of this sites hugely entertaining and informative content I thought I’d share my story with you, as to why a 29 year old from Glasgow, Scotland, is uprooting from a very well paid web design job (relative to my age and industry) that currently supports a modest flat and two cars whilst my partner is studying and working on her own online business and gamble everything on a move to the other side of the world with no job or permanent home waiting on us when we get there.


I’ve been to Australia twice, on a WHV in 09-10 and a short holiday with my partner in 2013 for two months. She wanted to see the place a little before making a mature decision on where both our futures may or may not lie as we were getting pretty serious about each other.

We absolutely fell in love with the culture, the lifestyle and especially the weather. Over the two visits we’ve stayed in a lot of various places for a few weeks at a time in WA, Victoria, NSW and Queensland


The weather, beaches and lifestyle really appeal to us, I play a lot of outdoor sports and I appreciate a lot of people have said they actually prefer the British weather, but we don’t like it at all. Different strokes for different folks and all that, but for us there is no better feeling than stepping out into the sunshine for a walk in the park or a run or cycle or even drive somewhere, or in my case onto a grass pitch with the sun beating down getting ready to kick off a game.


Whilst those days exist in the UK, realistically in the Scottish summer you can’t plan with any degree of certainty to do an outdoor activity that benefits from sunshine, 2 - 3 weeks in advance. It always has to be a last minute decision. Whereas depending on where you stay in Australia, there’s a vastly increased likelihood you can make good weather dependant plans weeks in advance and still fulfil those.


Some people love the four seasons and actually like the snow in winter and the leaves in autumn, and again you form these opinions based on your own experiences and memories created growing up but you know what? We both hate the cold and the snow, don’t mistake me for being melodramatic I could continue to live here quite comfortably for my future and put up with it for the days / weeks out the year that we actually get it bad, but the fact the country seems to come to a grinding halt every time it does get over 6 inches deep has always made me a little embarrassed about living here.


Another major factor that largely affects Glasgow culture, not entirely sure I’ve spent enough time in Edinburgh or other cities to properly comment, is how accepting we generally are of the alcohol and violence and football problems.


To try and articulate this better - I actually really like Glasgow and recommend everyone to come and visit and spend some time here but I’d also feel compelled to say, unlike a lot of 1st world major city and tourist destinations you may have visited, you won’t really be able to get a late night coffee or restaurant meal if you’ve gone to a late showing at the cinema or the theatre because a lot of them shut down and stop serving food at around 9- 10. Largely for no other reason other than it’s an accepted part of Glasgow culture, if you stayed open later than that, they run the risk of enduring serious trouble at the hands of the odd violent drunk and it’s not worth it for them. I can live with it, I can see the good outweighs the bad in Glasgow but I’m also personally fed up with the fact that everyone’s always seemed to be quite accepting of our problem and not a lot ever seems to get done about it.


Last time I was in Melbourne, my dad’s cousin took us to a horse racing night at Mooney Valley and afterward when I asked if we were going home he said he’d take us for a good pizza, I thought he meant take out, and when we actually got to sit at a restaurant and order food and start eating around midnight, in a restaurant that was still pretty full completely blew my mind. You just couldn’t do it in Glasgow, and I daresay most of Scotland, because for all it would be just a minority there would definitely be a crowd of people that saw it as just another place where people could continue to booze and be loud, abusive and a nuisance to the other customers.


The idea that if I went out for a night out in that city and didn’t have to plan for it to be strictly over and done with in time for the last bus at 2.30am was a complete game changer. I just remember thinking over and over throughout that entire trip “I really wished I lived here” as silly as this paragraph may have been to read to some. Is that a sole reason you should uproot? no, but it’s definitely a factor in the category of a more identifiable culture or better lifestyle.


There’s also the family argument – I do completely understand people who said they’ve found it too difficult to be so far away from loved ones, but unfortunately we just can’t relate. Again, every person on this forum is different and has their valid opinions and experiences.

We do have family but neither of us are close to them at all, to the point that, when we initially talked about really doing this and reading the posts on here on the subject, something that’s regularly such an absolutely monumental deal breaker for a great deal of you, is a matter of complete and utter inconsequence for us.


So that’s how I can be in the situation I’m in, others who’ve had a different childhood and different experiences may find they could be quite content were they in my place, I may even come across as crazy to be giving all this up, but my partner and I simply just flat out don’t like living here, even with all our fortunate circumstances we’ve been lucky to take advantage of.


So we are giving everything up, I do have relatives in Australia who are giving us a place to stay for the first month and I have some contacts in the IT industry I made on my last visit that I plan to reach out to, but we’ve both looked at what we have, we both have foreseen where that leads and we’ve both agreed we want something different for our lives. We believe Australia has a great chance of providing it.


We might never get the jobs or chances to be in a similar situation we have now, we may have to work longer hours for less pay but we’re both willing to do it, we’re both willing to get involved in the local community wherever we settle and try and positively contribute. (I’m looking to set up teaching drums and see about getting the relevant coaching qualifications to perhaps help out coach in a local team) We’re willing to go through all of that hard work because we both loved our time in Australia and think it could be perfect for us and our hobbies and our lifestyle choices.


Now it could all not work out, we could end up back here in a much worse situation than when we left but neither of us wants to reach our 60’s or 70’s, look back on this time and regret not taking the chance when we had it. Most important to us is our happiness and our bright future together so that’s why we’ve taken the decision and why we’re going. See y’all next year.


At least you didn't mention "a better life for my little ones"


It is very much a "deja vu" moment but I wish you luck and will be eagerly awaiting your 6 month or 12 month update.

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So are the flies.....sharks.....and skin cancer.....Bonza!

The only one of those that scares me is skin cancer. But that scared me in the UK too where many people are still obsessed with getting a tan and Ching back from two weeks in Benidorm with a well done browned colour.

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