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Moving in December....can anyone help????....


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Hello poms in Oz,


i wonder if anyone can help....


myself. The wife and the two kids are migrating to cairns Australia on the 2nd of December (7weeks approx)


my sister has a house in cairns and we are going to live with her and the brother inlaw for a year while we establish ourself to Australia.


we have sold pretty much everything we own, and now living with my inlaw's until decemeber.


im a mechanic by trade and this is also how we obtained the 189 skilled visa.


im planning on following my career into Australia and carrying on as a mechanic.


the only thing apart from our suit cases and hand luggage is a 'snap on tool box'


my question is....'is anyone on the forum, shipping/hiring a container around that date, or before', that I could pay for a section in their container???


if anyone could advice?? Or if anyone is shipping could reply....


obviously 'x' amount of money for hiring a space is waiting cash....

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Hi Hubby sent his tool box in a shared container using Crown Relocations, we also sent a few boxes of personal stuff with it and we had no issues, it may be something to look into if you get no joy with a private container. Just be aware if you have a bottom and top box ,you will have to split them as they must be able to be lifted by 2 men.

Hope this helps a bit


Cal x

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There is no way I would let a stranger from the internet put anything in my container. If a stranger asked you to carry something for you as you were boarding a plane would you? Of course not, well this is exactly the same and I find the request a bit offensive sorry. There are plenty of shipping options for small consignments, suggest you look into those.

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Bungo does raise a fair point about the unknown factor and also that the shipping would be the liability of the person hiring the container etc.


I personally would not offer to do such a thing for someone.


FWIW, there are plenty of companies who will ship smaller amounts. Move Cube who are run by Seven Seas shipping might be a good alternative depending how big the item to be shipped it. Or Seven Seas if its a tea box size. Or an excess baggage company if its that sort of thing.


Or go groupage and pay a shipping company direct to have shared use of a container (this is often done by people). This can often take longer to arrive as its 40ft container to be filled, not a 20ft. They do this as its more cost effective for them I think. Your stuff would get boxed up etc still but the shipping company overseas everyones shipping. You would fill in the paperwork to ship it etc and costs and be responsible for it the other end.

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