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How do you feel now that Abbott is gone?


How do you feel?  

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  1. 1. How do you feel?

    • Furious at Turnbull?
    • Slightly angry at Turnbull?
    • In a state of shock and grief?
    • Relieved?
    • Jubilant?
    • Psychotic with joy?
    • Don't care: same **** different bucket?
    • Sense of anti-climax?

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It seems Mr Bolt's column has attracted mirth from some quarters




Andrew Bolt’s love letter to Abbott draws scorn


Two weeks after Mr Abbott’s ousting, the columnist is still in a deep, dark well of emotion.


Andrew Bolt says Tony Abbott is not the man the media painted him as. Photo: AAP


Controversial columnist Andrew Bolt has poured his heart into a poignant article defending the reputation of close friend Tony Abbott – and the internet has quickly lampooned him for it.

The Herald Sun writer is a long-time confidante of Mr Abbott and has written a series of columns denouncing his loss of the prime ministership.

The column suggests Mr Bolt is still emotionally reeling from Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership coup.


“Now Tony Abbott is gone I can finally tell the truth about him,” Mr Bolt wrote in News Ltd. “Folks, you made a big mistake with this bloke.

“No, no. The mistake wasn’t that you voted for him. In fact, you got one of the finest human beings to be Prime Minister.”

The piece continues to list Mr Abbott’s virtues and achievements such as “stopping the boats, curbing spending, scrapping the useless carbon and mining taxes, leading the world’s defiance of deadly Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and making us safer from terrorism”.

Mr Bolt even writes the decision to oust Mr Abbott was enough to “break my heart”.

“That he has been betrayed and deposed doesn’t just break my heart. It makes me fear for this country,” he said.


Sorry to sound so melodramatic … Truth is that Abbott is not a thug, bully, racist, fool, liar, woman-hater, homophobe or bigot. He’s not cruel or lacking compassion.”

Since the leadership challenge from Mr Turnbull swung into action on September 15, Mr Bolt has posted a series of pieces to his blog – 32 to be exact – lamenting Mr Abbott’s dumping.

Their titles include: Abbott – a good prime minister destroyed, ABC killed Abbott but lauds Turnbull and A fine man and good Prime Minister destroyed.

That’s not to mention discussion on his 2GB Radio slot, comments on The Project and during his Sunday morning television program The Bolt Report.

Mr Bolt qualified his bias in the piece, saying it didn’t cloud his vision of Mr Abbott, but rather it helped him be a better judge.

“Now, I must declare straight up — I call Tony Abbott a friend,” he wrote.

“So you’ll call me biased. You’ll laugh that I can write this massive praise of him when almost everyone else is horse-laughing.”

Unfortunately for Mr Bolt, many on social media had little sympathy for the notorious champion of conservative politics.

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No they played and their conservative nature pondered to a specific narrative, often insincere with the aim to make good radio. (sensationalist) Ratings are all that matters.

For radio, for TV, even for the ABC, which after all is supposed to be for ALL Australians, not just the ones who don't like 2GB.

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Of course I read it, that's why I posted the link, silly! I thought it was a fantastic satirical rant.


Agree that neither Turnbull or Shorten have the courage to do anything about the detention centres, but they at least respect the role of the human rights commissioner. Funny how you say 'refugee camps'. I thought they were all 'illegals'?

What's the point of posting a link we can't read? I think you COULD have done so but that would have revealed you indeed have a subscription to the Herald Sun!

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FFS its all over the internet, just Andrew Bolt Tony Abbott and the links come flying at you!

Admit it Harpo, reading The Age and watching the ABC bores the buggery out of you.


I should have twigged long ago from the nature of your posts and threads that you ADORE tabloid journalism! So no The Oz, far too high brow, which leaves the Herald Sun?!

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Admit it Harpo, reading The Age and watching the ABC bores the buggery out of you.


I should have twigged long ago from the nature of your posts and threads that you ADORE tabloid journalism! So no The Oz, far too high brow, which leaves the Herald Sun?!

You got me bang to rights, its a fair cop guv!

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Di Natale on Andrew Bolts show the other day was a good watch. Bolt was desperately trying to corner him with his loaded questions and ended up being totally owned. A pathetic character.

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Di Natale on Andrew Bolts show the other day was a good watch. Bolt was desperately trying to corner him with his loaded questions and ended up being totally owned. A pathetic character.

Yeah I saw that. Di Natale is an interesting choice for the Greens, much more mainstream than people would assume. I think ol' Bill is sleep walking to electoral Armageddon.

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I think the problem was that he was regarding by a large majority as a dangerous loon and a Luddite: completely out of touch with the needs of 'ordinary Australians', totally resistant to any form of social change, regressive in the extreme with regard to science and progress, a completely over inflated idea of his own self worth to the point of delusion, prepared to sell off his country's environmental future for the sake of a few powerful lobbyists in the mining and coal industry.


The only people who cannot see that are the uber conservatives like yourself, Jones, Bolt, Bernardi et al.


For all his blokey volunteering, he was still prepared to overlook children being abused in Australian run detention centres, and even attack the very people whose job it is to protect those children.


I'm not sure the 'vast majority' did think he was a loon. Not sure where you get this fact from.


You seem to use the word 'conservative' (small c) as an insult when conservatism in life is fairly common.


Many aspects of social change take time. Just because a small group of activists decide today on the new issue for change, doesn't mean that everyone either agrees or is ready a handbrake turn of change.


Hectoring people because they aren't as socially aware as you is simply soapboxing and has no more relevance than my elderly neighbours opinion.


If you are running a country you can knee jerk to every news article and a particularly vocal left wing view of life which seems very loud these days. Or, you can respond to the views of the wider public and find a path acceptable to a diverse electorate


Much of the vitriol aimed at Abbot by the left appears to be because he didn't just roll over and accept their student politic preaching and agenda.

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I'm not sure the 'vast majority' did think he was a loon. Not sure where you get this fact from.


You seem to use the word 'conservative' (small c) as an insult when conservatism in life is fairly common.


Many aspects of social change take time. Just because a small group of activists decide today on the new issue for change, doesn't mean that everyone either agrees or is ready a handbrake turn of change.


Hectoring people because they aren't as socially aware as you is simply soapboxing and has no more relevance than my elderly neighbours opinion.


If you are running a country you can knee jerk to every news article and a particularly vocal left wing view of life which seems very loud these days. Or, you can respond to the views of the wider public and find a path acceptable to a diverse electorate


Much of the vitriol aimed at Abbot by the left appears to be because he didn't just roll over and accept their student politic preaching and agenda.

Andrew, is that you?

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by Ross Sharp


Malcolm Turnbull is addressing the media.I am sitting at the kitchen table in the dining room of my parent’s home in Sydney’s south-west, my mother is in the living room watching a murder mystery on ABC Onetitled “Vera” when the program is interrupted by a “flash” of news, news that Malcolm Turnbull will shortly be addressing the media.He does.He will be challenging the incumbent Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, for the leadership of the Federal Liberal Party, and for the Prime Ministership of the country. He will be challenging tonight.This “flash” of news becomes rolling coverage and keeps a-rolling for the rest of the night, thoroughly pissing off my mother who shall now never know who murdered who or why in the show she was watching, and she makes her feelings about this known to me more than once over the next few hours (as mothers are wont to do), whilst I am left to my own thoughts, chief amongst them this, “He (Malcolm) would not be doing this if wasn’t absolutely certain he had the numbers.”He has the numbers.You’re ****ed, Tony.


I feel a sense of relief at this turn of events, a great sense of relief, and, about 11.30pm, I finally bed down for the night to the baying of various callers on ABC Radio 702lulling me to satisfied slumber with howls of betrayal and outrage and anger over what has been done to “their” Tony, and how none of them, ever, ever again, will be able to bring themselves to vote for the Liberal Party, ever, ever again, not after this, and I think, “So, you’ll all be switching to Labor and the Greens now, will you?”, how I wish they’d take their oh-so-righteous, instant knee-jerk apoplexy and moral “outrage”, shove it and shut up.So precious. So very delicate.I do not own a computer, and my phone is not smart, and I am in Sydney for two weeks (unexpectedly) “managing” my elderly parents, one of whom is in hospital, so I am spared the incessant white noise of social media during all of this, and I am spared the views of people whose views don’t count to me; I am spared tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of words explaining to me what has just happened and why, what context I must place it, how I must feel, and who I must feel it for, and instead, all I am left with is a sense of relief.What has just happened and why?A tiresome and tedious fool has been expelled from the Palace, banished from the Kingdom, he had no hand to eye co-ordination, his slapstick was ****, and every time he flicked the switch to vaudeville, the auditorium exploded.Tony was a silent movie star playing to a dark theatre, and the rest of us had all long ago fled to the talkies.


Tony was a ****ing idiot, and he had to go.It was reported, by whom I cannot recall, that upon being told he was to be challenged for the leadership by Turnbull, Abbott asked, “What do you think I should do?”, andthis, this forlorn and bootless plea, this pitiable yelp alone stands as a simple, yet exquisite measure of this “man” made as he always was and always will be, in the image of a child.“What do you think I should do?”“You’re in charge. Don’t you know?”The tabloids fired up Photoshop after his deposition, doing a few tricky things with Turnbull, with Shorten, and they cranked up their pun generator for a couple days, but overall, it really did feel as if their hearts were not truly in it, and now that their boy was gone, not only did Rupert have no one to order around anymore, neither did theyhave to continue their desperate defences of Abbott’s unrelenting talent for saying and doing things that made both him, and the country, a laughing stock and embarrassment across the globe.The obituaries have not been kind


“He will not be missed. He should not be praised. He was a failure selfishly wishing that the world would fail with him. We can only hope his like will not be seen again.”
The Saturday Paper, Editorial



There will be more of them, at least of the ones that matter, but it may take some time for these to fully develop, to ripen, for all the tawdry facts and fantastic fictions of these last two years to be laid bare, and to fully explore his failure as a man, and as a government, to do him the justice he so truly and richly deserves, to dish back at him the contempt he so freely and frequently dished out at us, a contempt ably illustrated by his assuming the position “Minister for Women”, a ministry he did nothing with, but claimed purely as a juvenile, middle-finger “**** You” to every woman in his past personal and political life who had ever dared take issue with his infantile brand of lip-licking, nod-and-wink patriarchy.That’s Abbott, the little fella in the kitchen banging away on a saucepan with a wooden spoon, driving the adults crazy but they won’t shut him up lest he have a tantrum; his entire life and political career one long, continuous “**** You” to anyone or anything that challenged his view of himself as some Golden God on high, wise, noble, all-knowing and just, infallible, in charge or taking over, and, as former PM Paul Keatingonce noted, “wrecking the joint if you don’t give him the job”, then proceeding to wreck it anyway because he can’t think of anything else to do.


“The man does not want to be who he is, and thus, when he can do anything he wants, he became a force of destruction and failure.”
Guy Rundle, Crikey



Thank God that’s over.Of course, there are some in the media, print media mostly, who have been moved to decry his fate, the usual suspects; they have turned to poetry and prose, hymns, elegies, and soaring symphonies of praise they have offered up in honour of their favoured saviour, but nobody with eyes or ears or who has been conscious in this world over this brief time is buying that **** anymore, not least without laughing a lot. Andrew Bolt, the Herald-Sun’s resident expert on Andrew Bolt, went all Jodi Picault a couple days ago and made himself cry.People laughed a lot.Former Liberal Minister For Something I’ve now forgotten, Eric Abetz, marked the occasion of Abbott’s removal by declaring “The King is dead, long live the King”.No.Rather, let’s grab a shovel, dig him a hole, and dance on his ****ing grave.**** you, Tony.You were ****.







Too strong? Too soon?


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I'm not sure the 'vast majority' did think he was a loon. Not sure where you get this fact from.


You seem to use the word 'conservative' (small c) as an insult when conservatism in life is fairly common.


Many aspects of social change take time. Just because a small group of activists decide today on the new issue for change, doesn't mean that everyone either agrees or is ready a handbrake turn of change.


Hectoring people because they aren't as socially aware as you is simply soapboxing and has no more relevance than my elderly neighbours opinion.


If you are running a country you can knee jerk to every news article and a particularly vocal left wing view of life which seems very loud these days. Or, you can respond to the views of the wider public and find a path acceptable to a diverse electorate


Much of the vitriol aimed at Abbot by the left appears to be because he didn't just roll over and accept their student politic preaching and agenda.


When conservatism is used in the sense of to conserve what we have at present I can find agreement. When it means regressive politics and favouring a specific side of politics, namely the big end of town and corporates I find only discord.

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by Ross Sharp


Malcolm Turnbull is addressing the media.I am sitting at the kitchen table in the dining room of my parent’s home in Sydney’s south-west, my mother is in the living room watching a murder mystery on ABC Onetitled “Vera” when the program is interrupted by a “flash” of news, news that Malcolm Turnbull will shortly be addressing the media.He does.He will be challenging the incumbent Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, for the leadership of the Federal Liberal Party, and for the Prime Ministership of the country. He will be challenging tonight.This “flash” of news becomes rolling coverage and keeps a-rolling for the rest of the night, thoroughly pissing off my mother who shall now never know who murdered who or why in the show she was watching, and she makes her feelings about this known to me more than once over the next few hours (as mothers are wont to do), whilst I am left to my own thoughts, chief amongst them this, “He (Malcolm) would not be doing this if wasn’t absolutely certain he had the numbers.”He has the numbers.You’re ****ed, Tony.I feel a sense of relief at this turn of events, a great sense of relief, and, about 11.30pm, I finally bed down for the night to the baying of various callers on ABC Radio 702lulling me to satisfied slumber with howls of betrayal and outrage and anger over what has been done to “their” Tony, and how none of them, ever, ever again, will be able to bring themselves to vote for the Liberal Party, ever, ever again, not after this, and I think, “So, you’ll all be switching to Labor and the Greens now, will you?”, how I wish they’d take their oh-so-righteous, instant knee-jerk apoplexy and moral “outrage”, shove it and shut up.So precious. So very delicate.I do not own a computer, and my phone is not smart, and I am in Sydney for two weeks (unexpectedly) “managing” my elderly parents, one of whom is in hospital, so I am spared the incessant white noise of social media during all of this, and I am spared the views of people whose views don’t count to me; I am spared tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of words explaining to me what has just happened and why, what context I must place it, how I must feel, and who I must feel it for, and instead, all I am left with is a sense of relief.What has just happened and why?A tiresome and tedious fool has been expelled from the Palace, banished from the Kingdom, he had no hand to eye co-ordination, his slapstick was ****, and every time he flicked the switch to vaudeville, the auditorium exploded.Tony was a silent movie star playing to a dark theatre, and the rest of us had all long ago fled to the talkies.Tony was a ****ing idiot, and he had to go.It was reported, by whom I cannot recall, that upon being told he was to be challenged for the leadership by Turnbull, Abbott asked, “What do you think I should do?”, andthis, this forlorn and bootless plea, this pitiable yelp alone stands as a simple, yet exquisite measure of this “man” made as he always was and always will be, in the image of a child.“What do you think I should do?”“You’re in charge. Don’t you know?”The tabloids fired up Photoshop after his deposition, doing a few tricky things with Turnbull, with Shorten, and they cranked up their pun generator for a couple days, but overall, it really did feel as if their hearts were not truly in it, and now that their boy was gone, not only did Rupert have no one to order around anymore, neither did theyhave to continue their desperate defences of Abbott’s unrelenting talent for saying and doing things that made both him, and the country, a laughing stock and embarrassment across the globe.The obituaries have not been kind


“He will not be missed. He should not be praised. He was a failure selfishly wishing that the world would fail with him. We can only hope his like will not be seen again.”
The Saturday Paper, Editorial



There will be more of them, at least of the ones that matter, but it may take some time for these to fully develop, to ripen, for all the tawdry facts and fantastic fictions of these last two years to be laid bare, and to fully explore his failure as a man, and as a government, to do him the justice he so truly and richly deserves, to dish back at him the contempt he so freely and frequently dished out at us, a contempt ably illustrated by his assuming the position “Minister for Women”, a ministry he did nothing with, but claimed purely as a juvenile, middle-finger “**** You” to every woman in his past personal and political life who had ever dared take issue with his infantile brand of lip-licking, nod-and-wink patriarchy.That’s Abbott, the little fella in the kitchen banging away on a saucepan with a wooden spoon, driving the adults crazy but they won’t shut him up lest he have a tantrum; his entire life and political career one long, continuous “**** You” to anyone or anything that challenged his view of himself as some Golden God on high, wise, noble, all-knowing and just, infallible, in charge or taking over, and, as former PM Paul Keatingonce noted, “wrecking the joint if you don’t give him the job”, then proceeding to wreck it anyway because he can’t think of anything else to do.


“The man does not want to be who he is, and thus, when he can do anything he wants, he became a force of destruction and failure.”
Guy Rundle, Crikey



Thank God that’s over.Of course, there are some in the media, print media mostly, who have been moved to decry his fate, the usual suspects; they have turned to poetry and prose, hymns, elegies, and soaring symphonies of praise they have offered up in honour of their favoured saviour, but nobody with eyes or ears or who has been conscious in this world over this brief time is buying that **** anymore, not least without laughing a lot. Andrew Bolt, the Herald-Sun’s resident expert on Andrew Bolt, went all Jodi Picault a couple days ago and made himself cry.People laughed a lot.Former Liberal Minister For Something I’ve now forgotten, Eric Abetz, marked the occasion of Abbott’s removal by declaring “The King is dead, long live the King”.No.Rather, let’s grab a shovel, dig him a hole, and dance on his ****ing grave.**** you, Tony.You were ****.







Too strong? Too soon?



Tell your Mum to watch Vera on ABC Sunday nights, it's on at 8:30. I think the guy that wrote this piece needs to learn to put his argument over a bit better than resorting to swear words and using words like "obituary", as if Abbot were dead.


Mind you the media use some funny expressions when they are talking politics, blood on the floor, stabbed in the back, head kickers, on the front line, as though half of the politicians would know what to do if they were in real physical strife. They are OK talking and slagging each other off but a long way off actually drawing blood.

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Andrew, is that you?


Odd isn't it, you can use words like 'uber conservative' but get all indignant over phrases like 'left wing'


Having shared a student flat many years ago with a full on citizen smith devotee, I've never ceased to be amazed at how those on the left demand to be heard, and hector, smear and heckle anyone who doesn't agree with them.


Yet when you ask a question or look to engage in debate they run away, or deflect.


or, as I found out on here recently, they'll suddenly pull an accusation of racism, etc, out of nowhere and hide behind that.


Anything to avoid a real discussion b

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At a recent office after work 'hydration' session were were debating whether it would be possible to fit an 'outrage' button to a computer keyboard.


It would save soooo much time. Read one line on a web page you disagree with and you can bash the outrage button which will immediately draft a 'horrified'...'disgusted'....'outraged' email and sent it to someone.


I'm beginning to think some members on here have beaten me to it.


I was going to get rich off that.

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Odd isn't it, you can use words like 'uber conservative' but get all indignant over phrases like 'left wing'


Having shared a student flat many years ago with a full on citizen smith devotee, I've never ceased to be amazed at how those on the left demand to be heard, and hector, smear and heckle anyone who doesn't agree with them.


Yet when you ask a question or look to engage in debate they run away, or deflect.


or, as I found out on here recently, they'll suddenly pull an accusation of racism, etc, out of nowhere and hide behind that.


Anything to avoid a real discussion b


And yet you say stuff like 'full on citizen smith devotee', 'those on the left demand to be heard, and hector, smear and heckle anyone who doesn't agree with them', and the other phrases I previously bolded but can't be arsed to re copy/paste, but which clearly betray your obvious right wing political bias.



Am I right in thinking you were a fan of the Abbott?

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And yet you say stuff like 'full on citizen smith devotee', 'those on the left demand to be heard, and hector, smear and heckle anyone who doesn't agree with them', and the other phrases I previously bolded but can't be arsed to re copy/paste, but which clearly betray your obvious right wing political bias.



Am I right in thinking you were a fan of the Abbott?


I didn't complain about you having a go at those on the right. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of you insulting those who don't share your political views yet have a hissy when some one calls you left wing.


Free speech knock yourself out, insult away.


Abbot fan, mixed. I have had the opportunity to spend a bit of time chatting to him at a dinner in Adelaide I sponsored a couple of months ago. Nice bloke. Didn't like his speech, bit formulaic, but he was very friendly and down to earth. He let a couple of my staff take selfies with him. Had dinner just before the last election with Scott Morrison in a closed room (no press). I've got a lot of time for that guy. If he gets to be the next leader it could be vey interesting.


Met a few pollies now since coming here four years ago. Julia G told a very un-PC joke about homosexuals in a lift...


What I do like here is the access you get to pollies. If you have an opinion it doesn't take a lot to get in front of any of them and express it.

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I don't think you actually appreciated the point I was making mate.


What you took for a hissy fit was me just picking out some sound bites of yours which place you firmly on the right wing side of politics and IMO, someone who has 'a lot of time' for a person like Scott Morrison is on the extreme end of the right wing spectrum. Which I why I suggested that you are an Abbott fan.


I think you're out of touch: the guy was loathed by the electorate (approval rating something like -60%), but beloved of the far right.


I didn't complain about you having a go at those on the right. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of you insulting those who don't share your political views yet have a hissy when some one calls you left wing.


Free speech knock yourself out, insult away.


Abbot fan, mixed. I have had the opportunity to spend a bit of time chatting to him at a dinner in Adelaide I sponsored a couple of months ago. Nice bloke. Didn't like his speech, bit formulaic, but he was very friendly and down to earth. He let a couple of my staff take selfies with him. Had dinner just before the last election with Scott Morrison in a closed room (no press). I've got a lot of time for that guy. If he gets to be the next leader it could be vey interesting.


Met a few pollies now since coming here four years ago. Julia G told a very un-PC joke about homosexuals in a lift...


What I do like here is the access you get to pollies. If you have an opinion it doesn't take a lot to get in front of any of them and express it.

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Odd isn't it, you can use words like 'uber conservative' but get all indignant over phrases like 'left wing'


Having shared a student flat many years ago with a full on citizen smith devotee, I've never ceased to be amazed at how those on the left demand to be heard, and hector, smear and heckle anyone who doesn't agree with them.


Yet when you ask a question or look to engage in debate they run away, or deflect.


or, as I found out on here recently, they'll suddenly pull an accusation of racism, etc, out of nowhere and hide behind that.


Anything to avoid a real discussion b

I know that if anyone from the right is invited to many unis to speak there are both staff and students who will try to stop.them speaking using violence and how Nazi is that?


I know there are those on the left who still defend the students who disrupted a Q and A last year, yet that was Nazism too.


Ditto the climate sceptic who was a bona fide academic yet had his contract offer withdrawn from uni in WA after staff ganged up to force a turnaround. Another eg of Nazism in action.


All designed to throttle free speech.


And öf course the slightest slip or slur from someone on the right and you know it will be headlines on the ABC and Fairfax including some blatant lies like accusing Tony Abbott of gay slur again ambassador's partner or smearing Lib candidate in WA as war criminal.


And whilst those slips by Abbott are treated as crimes of the century, similar slips by the left are just "jokes."


Finally, the ALP Govt relaxed the border controls leading to hundreds of drownings. Yet the left ignore that and concentrate on relatively small 'crimes' on Nauru.


And öf course all allegations are treated as fact to be reported as such and if wrong so what?

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