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Christmas in Melbourne


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Hi all


Husband and I are moving to Melbourne next week (eek!) and it's going to be our first christmas without family


Does anyone have any suggestions on what we can do as a twosome? I guess the city centre would be pretty quiet, so would the beach be a good option?


Cheers! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmm ok so maybe the beach might not be the best idea! Quite tempted by the winery :)


Christmas here is not as big a deal as it is in the UK. It's more like an extended bank holiday and you'll find loads of things carry on as normal. Our bin men even collected on Xmas Day - we were in shock!


You'll have loads of options.

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and it's going to be our first christmas without family. Does anyone have any suggestions on what we can do as a twosome?


As a twosome away from family there are several options we do in Sydney at Xmas - imagine you could reproduce for Melbourne:


BBQ at home


Picnic somewhere pretty - normally at beach or mountains or nature reserve


Lunch at a winery restaurant


Taronga Zoo - took picnic and wine in esky and made a day of it


Luncheon harbour cruise


Few days away staying in boutique country hotel


In fact, after some awful Xmas Days spent with family (stress, fights, drunken arguments, boring long winded day, etc...) we actually now make a rule of spending Xmas Day by ourselves - most pleasurable and you save a fortune on presents!






Or do your own Google search under: "Melbourne christmas day 2015 what to do".

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I love Christmas in Australia by the pool or on the beach with a barbie. No massive feasts to prepare and I cant think of anything worse than being cooped up indoors in the cold watching boring Christmas TV specials


I agree 100%


I remember family in UK sweating and swearing over having to prepare massive feasts. All that stodgy rich food made me sick every year.


Now peel a few prawns and have a cold glass of champagne in the sun - so much more relaxing.

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