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My (personal) findings on the cost of living


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I have a front loader all the way ! Top loaders ruin ya clothes ! Lol love the smell of comfort that's why I use it and if u put a tablespoon of salt in ya wash it locks in the colour ! White vinegar is good for ya washer on a 90 degree wash when empty lol every couple of weeks run white vinegar through it ! And always leave ya door open never shut it ! And ya shower screens after having a shower leave them open too lol :)

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I really do think it depends on what area you live as well. For example up in FNQ we don't have a choice of electricity supplier and no mains gas and every time the electric bills come in the locals all share what they are paying per quarter. Up here in Cairns and Townsville the average is around $1000 a quarter and that's with solar and no pool. Most of us are acclimatised so usually only run aircon 3-4 months a year and we don't need heating. So just for electric you are looking at $83 per week. Buildings and contents insurance is another stupid amount, a lot up here can no longer afford it, a lot of insurance companies refuse to insure us. Prices come in between $10,000 - $20,000 per year, in Melbourne we paid $645 for exactly the same cover. http://www.cairnspost.com.au/lifestyle/edge-hill-homeowner-receives-14400-insurance-bill/story-fnjpuwet-1227149108059 So that's another $192 per week. So just with those two it would be $275 a week.


Wow that crazy amounts, no competition for power is just ridiculous as something the Government should look into. 20k for home insurance, wow again.

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I buy in bulk, always buy my dishwashing liquid, tablets etc from either on line when available, KMart or Masters. I use palmolive and always have so buying in bulk saves a lot. I buy shampoo and conditioner from Greys on Line when I need it which will not be for a long time. Always visit the supermarket late in the day that is when the mark bread etc down. Also if using markets go just before closing as great deals on meat etc.


I have a good income so bit different from others and I do not get a pension but I do still buy on special and in bulk. Dog food I always buy the biggest packets same with cat food.


There are so many cheap options here in Aus you just have to let fingers do the shopping.

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I have a good income so bit different from others and I do not get a pension but I do still buy on special and in bulk. Dog food I always buy the biggest packets same with cat food.


There are so many cheap options here in Aus you just have to let fingers do the shopping.

Petals, you are really going to have to get a dog and cat now:wink:

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