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Bon Voyage Party in UK


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Hi all just wondering if anyone who has had a Bon Voyage Party before moving to OZ had any advice. We have hired a hall for ours but are thinking of having an Australia theme party just really wanting to hear if anyone else could give me some ideas of what they had for theirs ??


Any Help appreciated.

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We just paid £20 to use the huge BBQ at a great pub with huge garden, invited our friends and family and also about half a dozen of our son's friends and their families (he was 5 at the time). Meant we didn't have to worry about entertaining the kids or keeping an eye on other peoples. We took a football, a cricket bat and ball and a frisbee. The kids just ran round and made their own fun.


Then I made some salads, potato salad, pasta one etc. Asked my friends to bring desserts and we bought a stack of snags and burgers and we were away. Being at a pub people bought their own drinks which they were fine with. We let them know on the invite that would be the case. It started from 3pm iirc and carried on till the last person left about 9pm. Paper plates, cutlery and so on. All disposable.


Honestly I would not make it too much work for yourself. Keep it simple, ask those you know won't mind to bring some stuff to ease the pressure on you and just enjoy being with your family and friends. As for a theme, ours was along the lines of 'Whatever the weather we're off to Australia leaving BBQ'. We did not want anything to organised preferred the more low key low rent approach. We didn't do anything else, no Aus theme on the food or anything, too much hard work.


ETA - that's a very Aussie thing to do btw, ask people to bring a plate of something or a dessert ;)

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Hi all just wondering if anyone who has had a Bon Voyage Party before moving to OZ had any advice. We have hired a hall for ours but are thinking of having an Australia theme party just really wanting to hear if anyone else could give me some ideas of what they had for theirs ??


Any Help appreciated.


We had family only and it was more dinner than party. But it was a big dinner in back room of a pub that we had to ourselves. We didn't theme it but the relatives did the Australia theme - the pub was near them rather than us - as it was best location for everyone. If I were to theme it myself, I am not sure I would have done Australia because even supportive relatives (like ours) willl feel sad about the situation so I wouldn't have wanted to ram it down their throats. Them choosing the Australia theme, which was a surprise was ok though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are in the same position in deciding what to do. Our two small children have their birthday' the weekend of 14th Niv and we leave on 30th. We though of having a children's part 11-1 and the keep the hall for the afternoon and invite any foreigners to join us to say farewell. Not really sure how to entertain though - what type of food would be best as people will drop by at different times and do we need entertainment? Trying to think about this with everything else they'd going on seems silly but I also think saying farewell properly is important! Any suggestions welcome

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We had a going away get-together with all the family around and lots of friends too. That was before the visa's had been finalised (for wife & kids) but it was the only weekend for months that I was at home.


My wife kept on bumping into people whilst out and about for the next couple of months, and getting the usual confused look from folks. "Eh? Are you still here??????"


And then the kids had to go back to school after the summer holidays, only to experience similar surprise from school and friends!


But it was an enjoyable evening with friends and family. It makes a real change to have such a gathering that isn't a wedding or a funeral!

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