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How much money should you have in the bank to be able to get a PR Visa in QLD?


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Hi :-)


We are looking at moving to QLD next year and I will be applying for a 189/190 Visa all being well, unless I can get sponsorship (I am a nurse)


It will be myself, my partner and our 2 children (6 & 2 years) on the application.


is it right that you are expected to have $45,000 AUD in the bank? I have read this on the QLD Government page but wasn't entirely sure I am understanding it correctly.


I won't be able to use my pension fund as I have been told this is not possible at the moment (shame as there has to be at least £10k in there now!)


Just wanted to get that cleared up so we can set up a financial plan for the next 14-15 months.


Thanks in advance.



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There are no monetary requirements for a skilled migrant visa. That said, migration is very expensive and I would be concerned if you do not have funds behind you, for your own good not because of any rule. We spent about £30k on our move and we are two adults and both had jobs to go to.

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Thanks Bungo


We will have approx £30k equity from the sale of our house and plan to save at least another £10k before the move. All of our migration costs in terms of Visas and medical checks etc will be paid for out of our own pockets as we go along. So all being well we hope to have £40k to take with us. I will definitely have a job and my partner will find one when we get there. We haven't counted the money which will be made from selling our possessions such as vehicles and electrical appliances etc.


If you don't mind me asking, do you have a rough breakdown of your costs when you emigrated to Oz?


Thanks in advance



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Hi :-)


We are looking at moving to QLD next year and I will be applying for a 189/190 Visa all being well, unless I can get sponsorship (I am a nurse)


It will be myself, my partner and our 2 children (6 & 2 years) on the application.


is it right that you are expected to have $45,000 AUD in the bank? I have read this on the QLD Government page but wasn't entirely sure I am understanding it correctly.


I won't be able to use my pension fund as I have been told this is not possible at the moment (shame as there has to be at least £10k in there now!)


Just wanted to get that cleared up so we can set up a financial plan for the next 14-15 months.


Thanks in advance.




If you can, go for the 189 visa - no restrictions.


190 visa: there's moral obligation to live/work in the state who sponsors you. QLD have fund requirements: http://migration.qld.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/pdf/Settlement-Funds_skilled.pdf


"unless I can get sponsorship" - I would strongly advise against this if you are eligible for a 189 or 190 visa. You're in for a world of pain if your employer drops you.

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Thanks itegoa :-)


So we are better off going for a 189 visa and ensuring we have a decent amount in the bank although this isn't compulsory?


Any tips on the best places to start researching suburbs/areas to live for a young family in QLD?





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If you can avoid using an agent try too. We did it ourselves, the immigration office are brilliant at keeping you up to date and doing it yourself can save you a lot of money. When we came over 8 1/2 years ago to Melbourne it cost us Seven thousand pounds including visa application, medicals, police checks and shipping of our container. I am guessing it has gone up a lot since then. If you plan on bringing a container of effects put as much in it as possible, we brought our fridge, husbands motorbike, sofa's, beds (not mattresses), vacuum cleaner, table chairs etc... we had a 20ft container and filled it. It saved us heaps as some things are more expensive over here. We even brought our aga rangemaster cooker which was a good move as they are around $7k here and much cheaper in the UK. We used Britannia and they provided excellent service. Be aware of a cost some may suggest... a cleaning of the container insurance if it arrives dirty and customs do not let it though... check their small print they should be covered in their insurance and you should not have to take out an extra insurance for that.

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http://www.realestate.com.au is the best place to look for rental, however you may not be able to rent without actually viewing the place, this was policy in Melbourne. You will get an idea of the best areas by the prices of the houses for sale... but be aware that if you plan to buy be in an area you can afford before putting the kids into school otherwise you could have a long commute. I wouldn't personally wouldn't recommend Ispwich but Southport is nice. Other than that I am not sure of the areas. Check out stamp duty costs https://www.cua.com.au/personal-banking/home-loans/calculators/government-fees?gclid=CPe-wKDCgccCFVAIvAod0wsB3w&gclsrc=aw.ds


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You will need to get the visa and see what the job situation is like before deciding on an area. For example,you wouldnt want to sign a lease for a rental on the Gold Coast is you get offered a job North of Brisbane.

Also don't rule out places like Townsville, Mackay and Cairns when job hunting.


I also agree with the post above that if you qualify for a PR visa don't go for sponsorship, you are much less restricted and much more secure on PR.


Cal x

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Thanks itegoa :-)


So we are better off going for a 189 visa and ensuring we have a decent amount in the bank although this isn't compulsory?


Any tips on the best places to start researching suburbs/areas to live for a young family in QLD?






You DON'T have to prove you have funds with a 189 visa - you can rock up with $1 in your back pocket if you like, although that's probably not adviseable because you're going to need a bit more than that for day to day living!


You DO have to prove funds with a 190 visa though (the amount varies from state to state, also depends on number of family members coming with you).


Sorry, can't advise on suburbs :)

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Thanks Bungo


We will have approx £30k equity from the sale of our house and plan to save at least another £10k before the move. All of our migration costs in terms of Visas and medical checks etc will be paid for out of our own pockets as we go along. So all being well we hope to have £40k to take with us. I will definitely have a job and my partner will find one when we get there. We haven't counted the money which will be made from selling our possessions such as vehicles and electrical appliances etc.


If you don't mind me asking, do you have a rough breakdown of your costs when you emigrated to Oz?


Thanks in advance




I kind of forget the breakdown precisely as it was a while ago now but it was something like:


£3k visa

£5k container

£3k pets

£4k flights (business class)

£4k five weeks temporary accomodation (approx $200 per night in Sydney CBD)

£3k deposit on long term rental in Sydney

£1k odds and sods like towels, bedding, crockery,cutlery, until container arrives. Also things like driving licenses.

£5k deposit on car


As you can see no day to day living costs in there as we had jobs to go to, but many would need to factor that in as well.

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Bungo did nearly everything the expensive way.


Visa circa £2-3k

Container..depends on what you bring, our 20ft packed full circa £3500

Flights £1400 cattle class 2 tickets

Temp accom $70 per night in Ascot Brisbane, Airbnb

$2k deposit on rental 3 bed house in Ascot (expensive area)

$9k for 50% of car

$1k max for bits including driving licence, insurance etc.


Everything quite humble but comfortable, just sensible whilst getting established.


Now settled we splashed out on a house changed jobs etc.



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Bungo makes a good point about buying things until your container arrives. We used the salvos for plates, cutlery etc... Radio Rentals for a short term rent of a fridge and Spotlight for bedding. All reasonably cheap and easy to access in any city. Our container arrived quickly 4 weeks after it left the UK and two weeks after our arrival but some can take a lot longer. Expect it to take a while clearing customs too.

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There is a reason they specify funds. It is an expensive business! Also schools, even the state ones, cost. Expensive uniforms for some and administrative fees plus books and equipment to pay for. Not like in the UK. Gets more expensive as they get older too.


even with a job from day one there are a lot of up front costs to meet.

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