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Everything posted by NurseyT

  1. Thanks itegoa :-) So we are better off going for a 189 visa and ensuring we have a decent amount in the bank although this isn't compulsory? Any tips on the best places to start researching suburbs/areas to live for a young family in QLD? Thanks Teresa
  2. Thanks Bungo We will have approx £30k equity from the sale of our house and plan to save at least another £10k before the move. All of our migration costs in terms of Visas and medical checks etc will be paid for out of our own pockets as we go along. So all being well we hope to have £40k to take with us. I will definitely have a job and my partner will find one when we get there. We haven't counted the money which will be made from selling our possessions such as vehicles and electrical appliances etc. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a rough breakdown of your costs when you emigrated to Oz? Thanks in advance Teresa
  3. Hi :-) We are looking at moving to QLD next year and I will be applying for a 189/190 Visa all being well, unless I can get sponsorship (I am a nurse) It will be myself, my partner and our 2 children (6 & 2 years) on the application. is it right that you are expected to have $45,000 AUD in the bank? I have read this on the QLD Government page but wasn't entirely sure I am understanding it correctly. I won't be able to use my pension fund as I have been told this is not possible at the moment (shame as there has to be at least £10k in there now!) Just wanted to get that cleared up so we can set up a financial plan for the next 14-15 months. Thanks in advance. Teresa
  4. I was told that I could transfer the credits I have for my DipHE in addition to the CPD modules at level 3 & this would be in exchange for a BSc in specialist (nursing) practice. I don't think it matters what modules you do to top up, as long as it's relevant to your current practice? I really hope hope that's true about the dissertation! I didn't want to part with that much needed £1600 or to sit there writing 8000 words lol. We have family in Brisbane so I think that's where we will be heading all being well x
  5. Hi Tom, I just wondered if I am reading your post correctly? Do you mean a UK degree without honours (ie a BSc) is the equivalent of AQF 7 & that's enough to become registered with AHPRA? Or do they like you to have done the dissertation? I am asking as I only need to do 2 modules to top up my Dip HE to a BSc and am not really bothered about the dissertation/honours if it's not needed. Thanks in advance Teresa x
  6. Hi sjmilly I would suggest you contact your local uni to see what those courses would leave you with, the CPD department in the uni where I trained have been fab I know it's lazy but I really cannot be bothered to write an 8000 word dissertation! A 3000 word assignment is bad enough! I am hoping to hear a BSc will be enough on its own When/where are you thinking of moving to? Teresa x
  7. Hi all, I am new to the forum so getting to grips with all the information about nurses migrating to Oz! I was hoping for some advice on the rules on UK qualifications and what they translate to on the AQF. I am an RGN (Adult) and have a Dip HE, working in the South West of England at the moment and have been qualified for 7 years. Obviously I am aware due to the current rules with AHPRA I can't get into Oz on a PR with the qualifications I have but have been offered the chance to go back to uni next year to do some level 3 short courses to top up. Turns out I have already done some level 3 stuff so I only need 40 credits to get a BSC in specialist practice without honours or I can do a 40 credit dissertation on top and get a BSc specialist practice with Hons. I am trying to work out if I need to do the dissertation or not to be passed for registration with ANMAC/AHPRA? I would prefer to avoid doing the dissertation if I can as a) itll slow down the process by another 6-9 months and b) its going to cost me £1650 to do! We were looking at ideally moving to Queensland at the end of 2016, what are my chances of getting work there? I will have about a years cardiac ITU experience by the time I have done these extra courses to top up. Thanks. Teresa x
  8. Hi all, I am new to the forum so getting to grips with all the information about nurses migrating to Oz! I am a RGN (Adult) and have a Dip HE, working in the South West of England at the moment and have been qualified for 7 years. Obviously I can't get in on the qualifications I have but have been offered the chance to go back to uni next year to do some level 3 short courses to top up. Turns out I have already done some level 3 stuff so I only need 40 credits to get a BSC without honours or I can do a 40 credit dissertation on top and get a BSc with Hons. I am trying to work out if I need to do the dissertation or not to be passed for registraion with ANMAC/AHPRA? I would prefer to avoid doing the dissertation if I can as a) itll slow down the process by another 6-9 months and b) its going to cost me £1650 to do! We were looking at moving to Queensland, what are my chances of getting work there? I will have about a years cardiac ITU experience by the time I have done these extra courses to top up. Thanks. Teresa x
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