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Taking medical records, is it worth the cost?


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Hi, wondering if someone could offer advice.

We are a family off four, me, wife and two young children aged 1 and 4. My question is is it worth sending medical records at a cost of £50 each when we have no medical history other than vacinations and trips to the doctors for the odd cold etc. We have no medical conditions, neither take any medication.

Would be nice to save on the cost really.

Thanks in advance!

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I would lodge a complaint over the cost you are being quoted. We bought ours just in case however mine was burned to cd at a cost £20. My wife got hers for nothing. I know it is for the practice to establish the cost but £50 each is ransom.



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Are these just GP records?


I have an extensive hospital record that would be advantageous to take but i'm on my second volume and they haven't bothered putting it onto a computer because I no longer go to the hospital so they don't get updated. My GP records would be pretty minimal but maybe worth taking as they would have an outline of my condition.

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My Wife was concerned about childhood health problems and had extensive operations when younger meaning lots of doctors files , we got around the cost issue by making a subject access request under freedom of information legislation , cost no more than ten pounds.

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I've just got 'summary' reports from our GP ahead of flying out next month.


They said if I wanted comprehensive copies of medical records it would cost, but a summary was free - contains details of last few years consultations, medication, inoculations for the children etc.


Getting the same from the dentist next week too.

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I too am in the same situation. Myself, hubby and 4 children (10-18 years) have been quoted £50 each for our records. This thread is making me wonder if I should bother with all of our children's medicals. Youngest has had the usual childhood illnesses but still wet the bed(nothing medical been found,just a case of waiting I'm told) two middle kids have usual hay fever medicines and one has ibs/anxiety and poly cystic ovaries but I have letters myself for all of these. My 18 year old is healthy so nothing much on records. What would everyone else do? Would appreciate other people's opinions on this.

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