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Coming on my own

Alix Fisher

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I thought about just buying one from Argos? I'm not sure though. They all seem really heavy and judging by the amount of clothes I have I think I'll need 2.. only got a 30kg allowance and the last thing I need is a suitcase that weighs a lot on its own :(

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So did I but I can't afford for it to break, Id have a meltdown lol. When I was in the Lake District going home my suitcase broke and I had to take it from there to glasgow without a handle :laugh: it was a nightmare.


I saw a backpacker the other day with a massive amount of stuff and I thought "that's definitelt not going to me". Going to pack lightly. Just stuff that I can mix and match. I usually end up wearing just my favourite stuff anyway

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I packed my holiday clothes for Thailand and it was pretty full but I've left a few tops and things here that are full of suncream and stuff that I haven't worn and won't (don't know why I got it lol)!! So it's a lot lighter coming home. I'm the same as u... u wear the same thing all the time hahaha!! It'll be worse for oz cos I'll have every season stuff Inc jeans and jumpers which are heavy :(

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Travel light not heavy. You'll be able to buy cheap clothes in Thailand, and in Australia, follow Macklemore's advice and find a thrift shop of which there are plenty. I bought ten designer label shirts for $50 and three pairs of jeans for $26 the other day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
 I leave in 46 days and I've not even got a suitcase... I've always used other people's when going away!! Oops :(


I just got a backpack that opens all the way round like a suitcase for £50 reduced from £100... i don't know if they have any of those outlet shopping centres where you live but it was a real bargain. it's Tresspass too so good make - if you have an outlet centre near you i'd try there for luggage!

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I'm travelling to Oz in November on a WHV, I'm going on a group flight so I'll hopefully gel with a few people during the flight and the 4 day stop over in Hong Kong. The only thing I've been struggling with is luggage, I mentioned taking a wheelie suitcase but got laughed at so I think I'm just going to take a backpack and shop once I'm out there but I like to be prepared and the thought of waiting until I'm out there to get clothes terrifies me!

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I'm travelling to Oz in November on a WHV, I'm going on a group flight so I'll hopefully gel with a few people during the flight and the 4 day stop over in Hong Kong. The only thing I've been struggling with is luggage, I mentioned taking a wheelie suitcase but got laughed at so I think I'm just going to take a backpack and shop once I'm out there but I like to be prepared and the thought of waiting until I'm out there to get clothes terrifies me!


where are you landing? Tbh I think a lot of people take suitcases now, I was surprised by the amount that said they had one

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I'm stopping over in Hong Kong and I've heard that their pavements are not "suitcase friendly" hence the backpack but it's rather large and can get extremely heavy when full. After that it's straight to Sydney and to a hostel, I'm not sure what hostel I'm staying in but I'm guessing it'll be safe to leave a suitcase in there


I'm slowly talking myself into taking a suitcase now

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi. I was due to be coming with my boyfriend (now ex) of 3 years to oz in September... We have split up and I'm coming on my own and he isn't going at all. I'm TERRIFIED about it, but I've got myself into a hostel in Sydney for 8 nights. Anyone got any tips? Not a fan of having to fly on my own either :(


It is BEST to come alone, as you will meet more people that way. Couples tend to keep to themselves and other travelers tend to avoid them. You are too isolated in a couple I reckon.


I was really shy before I came out on a WHV alone. But it forced me to make an effort to chat to random people.


Just start by asking for tips on pubs / places to visit / good hostels / etc... or ask people where they have been / where they are going.


You just start chatting to someone else in the backpackers hostel kitchen or tv room or wherever, and before you know it, you are joining together for drinks or travels or meals etc...


Even with my shyness, it was still so easy to make friends. I came out of my shell that year and have never looked back.


Flying on own is fine too. I use to have a smoke and a drink and relax. You cannot smoke on planes anymore. But my last trip from Darwin to London I took a sleeping tablet upon leaving Darwin and woke up two hours before landing in London ~ best trip I ever did.


Don't be terrified. Of course you may be scared of the unknown; but its only Australia and everyone speaks English or something resembling it (you may need a translator for true blue locals from deepest darkest Tasmania). Save your terrified thoughts for travelling in a foreign country where you don't speak the language.

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Hey everyone, thanks for all your kind words and reassurance it's made me feel so much better. I'm staying in Jackaroo.. I needed somewhere I could pay when I get there and that was the best one available. I'm sharing in a 4 bed dorm so I'm sure I'll meet people. I arrive on the 11th late at night..


Jackaroo; is that the one slap bang in the middle of Kings X?


Kings X can be a bit intimidating for new arrivals travelling alone.


Even in the middle of the day, you can see drug deals happening in front of you, homeless beggars harassing you for money, drunks passed out in the street, strip joints touting for business and prostitutes selling their wares.


But you soon get use to it and become quite blase about it.


I stayed in a Kings X hostel for five months and never felt threatened when wandering the streets. If Kings X is "too much" for you, then round the corner Potts Point is much calmer.


If you are nervous about catching the train late at night, then I suggest getting an airport transfer bus or backpackers bus. Or staying at a airport hotel that night, and making your way to Kings X in daylight.


You may even meet another traveller at the airport (or in my case on the plane) and decided to journey there together.

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I just got a backpack that opens all the way round like a suitcase


I had one of those too.

It was brilliant.

Best money I ever spent.


With a normal backpack, you have to take everything out to get to items at bottom - constant unpacking and re-packing is annoying. Especially if you are in bed trying to sleep and someone in your dorm is arriving late or leaving early.


With a backpack that opens all the way round like a suitcase......easy to carry on your back and easy to access quickly.


My suggestion - from someone who has backpacked around Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, USA West Coast and so on - is:


1) A large backpack with a small padlock


Preferably an easy access one that opens all the way round like a suitcase, as your main carry-all.


2) A small backpack for day trips just big enough to hold essentials.....whilst leaving the big one at the hostel in your room


3) A bumbag or money belt for safely securing money whilst on your day trips out and about


And please NO plastic bags. For some strange reasons Japanese girls are obsessed with plastic bags, and there is nothing more annoying than trying to sleep in a dorm with the constant russell of ruddy plastic bags being packed and unpacked into a hard-to-access-backpack.

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Goodness me - don't bring a suitcase - you WILL regret it.

Get a backpack and a bumbag....makes life so much easier.


Off topic but in the USA bumbags are called Fanny packs, I always think back to the time a security guard shouted out "Miss can you come back here I need to have a look in your fanny:laugh:

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With a backpack that opens all the way round like a suitcase......easy to carry on your back and easy to access quickly.



So apparently it is called a "Clamshell Opening" - well I never!


These look good value:




I paid £60.00 for mine and am still using it 25 years later!


Another tip, is to try and get a backpack where you can pack away the straps. As these can sometimes get caught (ripped) on the airport turnstile.

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Well update!! I've been speaking to two girls and they're flying down from London and arriving 2 hours before me. They've booked on the same hostel and are in the same 4 bed dorm as me. I'm so glad, I was nervous about going but now I'm like right whatever kind of thing I just can't wait to arrive. I had a backpack when I went travelling around Thailand for a month and I hated it, i can't carry much on my back cos I get a bad back quite easily, and all my clothes were creased!! To be honest it's not like I'm going to be travelling around a lot were a backpack will be better for me. From the airport I'm getting the train anyway and then after that I'll only be wheeling it to and from a bus or plane to wherever my next stop is haha!! But I ended up carrying my backpack with my hand the majority of the time in Thailand cos my back was sore. Makes sense for me to take a suitcase!! I'm only staying in Sydney for 8 nights then in that time getting a job lined up for farm work :-) Im taking my tote bag and it's got a zip on it, I don't do bumbags they are ugly haha!! But I've got a small backpack for the flight anyway as its the only one I could find that fits my hair straighteners in it!!


Even if I find my suitcase is getting annoying or whatever then I'll just ditch it and buy a backpack, it's an old suitcase anyway!!

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