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please help - advice needed on medicals/ex problem

Guest skyblue

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Guest skyblue

Hi there, we are new to the site and are in the process of filling in our skilled visa application and have hit a big problem with our medicals. My husband has chidren with his ex-girlfriend. However, due to various reasons there is no longer contact between my husband and the children. We were originally informed by our agents that this would not be a problem but now we are further into the process they have told us they will need to go medicals. There is no way the ex will agree to this and we wondering that as my husband was not married to the ex and the children do not have his surname do we still have to do this? Any advice would be gratefully received. Thank you.


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Guest jeffandmichelle

yes i have the same problem

you have 2 options that i know of either she agrees to the medicals or she has to sign a declaration in the presence of a solicitor that she refuses a medical

im still holding out on this subject until it comes about

some people have told me to tell my ex girlfriend that it is for a mortgage or life insurance policy, but i would rather be more honest and tell her the truth then just bung my ex a couple of quid

funny what you can do with money.

i know that sounds cold but my daughters nearly 16 and in a few years time she can come out on long holidays

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Guest Phil Olsen

Hi there


There are a couple of points worthy of note on this one.


Firstly, there is an onus for honest declaration in the Migration process and not doing so may jeopardise your visa application for not giving full disclosure.


The second point to consider is that this is something that your agent should be advising on since that is what you are paying them for. I would ask your agents the implications of non declaration.


I assume from your post that you haven't submitted your application as yet?





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Guest Phil Olsen

Hi there


There are a couple of points worthy of note on this one.


Firstly, there is an onus for honest declaration in the Migration process and not doing so may jeopardise your visa application for not giving full disclosure.


The second point to consider is that this is something that your agent should be advising on since that is what you are paying them for. I would ask your agents the implications of non declaration.


I assume from your post that you haven't submitted your application as yet?





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Guest skyblue

Hi Phil


Thank you for the speedy reply. I think that you are right in that we do need to discuss this point further with our agents. We just wanted to get some independent feedback before going back to them. It seems that we are penalised for being honest but it really does seem the only option. Will let you know how the application goes.

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We are in a similar position, I have 3 children whom I've lost contact with, albeit through no fault of mine :evil:

We got to the final part of our application with an "agent" who knew our situation :cry: from the beginning and "hey presto" we were asked for my children to attend the medicals.


I wrote to my children's mother explaining the situation, I received no reply.


I then had to have my affidavit sworn by a solicitor declaring that I had written to my children's mother, received no reply and thus was not able to arrange my alienated children's medicals.

To date this was suffice. What else can one do?


Good luck, our visa should be here anytime :shock: :shock: :shock:

Are you listening Choobs and Daisydeeds, ours should be here sooooooon :lol: :lol: It's driving us POTTY :!: :wink:


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Guest daisydeeds

Hey Al


We know Brisbane is quite a wee bit away from where we are moving to but we will definitely buy you a pint ! We have to organise a get together with you all WHEN you get there.


Ok Mate.


Daisydeeds and Choobs

(yep, that bottle of champers is gone- we drank it from three fluorescent pink plastic tumblers) Yes,l I can spell fluorescent.


ps. for the horde! (tut Choobs is a man obsessed by WOW).

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...but we will definitely buy you a pint !


Sorry.... Pots, yes, Schooners, yes, ...Stubbies and Tinnies, definitely... 8)


Pints... Need to find a British or Irish pub.... :lol:


Welcome to Oz!

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Yes, but it was one bottle between three (she did say three tumblers, didn't she?)...not enough to destroy the spelling brain cells!

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Guest skyblue

Hi Daceys


Thank you for your reply, which has definitely given us some hope. You said you had to get an Affidavit sworn by a Solicitor saying you had attempted to make contact by letter and received no reply - did your Solicitor write this letter on your behalf? We were just wondering as we are in a tricky situation where if we send the letter from ourselves, rather than through a Solicitor, we will obviously have to disclose our address, which unfortunately is something we have to avoid due to the delicate situation between my husband and his ex. We are in a bit of a catch 22 situation at the moment and are trying to decide whether we should do as some people have suggested and visit her to say the medicals are for an insurance policy or something, or whether to be honest about the situation and send a letter. Also, did you have to leave a particular amount of time before sending the letter to the ex and then swearing the Affidavit? We were just wondering if the whole thing had caused much of a delay on your sending off your application? Thanks so much for your help, it is really comforting and encouraging to know that we are not the only people in this difficult/emotional situation. Look forward to your reply.



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Skyblue :)


Good luck with your next hurdle, that's all it is.

It is a very sensitive situation for all concerned but you have to get through it to live your dream.

I wrote the letter and draft the affidavit, it cost only £5 for it to be signed by my solicitor. I gave my ex 14 days to reply from the date of the letter.

I do hope that it hasn't delayed our application, we have received good vibes from our agent who have indicated that we should be looking at weeks now :shock:

Regarding the disclosure of your address. Could you ask your partners ex to reply to someone "neutral" like a grandparent or other relation?


I've PM'd you with more detail.


Good Luck



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Guest skyblue



Thank you so much for your reply, it has given us a lot of help now that we know we have another option to consider. We have gone back to our agent to discuss it with them a bit more and unfortunately it seems that we would have to disclose our address on any letter we send so it seems that we have no option but to try to persaude the ex to go ahead with the medicals. If this fails then I guess we will have no option but to go with the letter and disclose the address. Fortunately, I have a friend who is a Solicitor who can help with the letter/docs if it does come to that. We never realised it was going to be this stressful/difficult but hopefully it will be worth it all in the end if we get accepted.


Thanks again for your help on this one and the very best of luck with your application.

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