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ePassport/SmartGate at Sydney airport


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Just in case this is news to anyone...


If you and your fellow passengers are over 16 and have a biometric passport from the UK, Ireland, Canada, USA, Singapore or Switzerland (as well as Auz/NZ), you should use the ePassport machines as you arrive at Sydney airport (international).


(Even though some of the airport signage and info videos on planes still say they're only for Aus/NZ, these need updating for the list above.)




There are now ePassport "self service" machines just before the duty free shop at arrivals (which is also handy!), as well as at immigration. They look like small ATMs with a screen. You scan your passport, answer some questions, then get a "SmartGate" ticket which means you don't have to join the huge, snaking queue at immigration.


When you get to the Smart Gate you simply stand on the magic spot, insert your ticket, get your photo taken, collect your validated ticket and then walk through the automatic barrier. Keep your SmartGate ticket along with your immigration card for collection at the exit at customs.


Explanation video: https://youtu.be/d-cw59lMf6A


I was through there yesterday literally in a couple of minutes -- no waiting at all.


(And then waited 20 mins at baggage carousel and another 20 queueing to get out through customs... but hey you can't have it all.)



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The smart gates are great except you can't take children through them so families have to go through the normal route. I'm all for everyone else using the smart gates as it makes my queue much smaller.

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The smart gates are great except you can't take children through them


Correct, and this is why I pointed out that you have to be over 16.


(10-15 year olds are allowed on a trial basis for Aus/NZ passports at the moment.)


This isn't well signposted and I saw a family with small children standing there puzzled as to why it wasn't working.

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Correct, and this is why I pointed out that you have to be over 16. (10-15 year olds are allowed on a trial basis for Aus/NZ passports at the moment.)


This isn't well signposted and I saw a family with small children standing there puzzled as to why it wasn't working.


I realised you had after I posted. I wish you could take children through as it would be much quicker. My kids fall in to the 10-15 age group so I might be able to take them through next time we fly anyways.

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I tried to use the one in Melbourne and it didn't work so had to go back and line up. Should've just lined up as i was at the front to start with. Grrrr!!!

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I tried to use the one in Melbourne and it didn't work so had to go back and line up. Should've just lined up as i was at the front to start with. Grrrr!!!


Apparently Melbourne as well as Sydney now both have them in the "concourse" (ie. the walking along bit).


Which was the main impetus for my post... if you try it there, where hardly anyone is thinking of using it, it's very quick and if it doesn't work you just move along and join the huge, snaking queue.


The instructions on these machines could definitely improve though... I struggled first couple of times, and I work in user interface design!


(Hint: you have to keep the passport on the scanner until you've answered all the questions)

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When I returned to Australia recently into Perth, these were in operation. Everyone with a biometric passport, whatever nationality, was sent through them. Quick and easy and saved that awful long queue. Took me less than 20 minutes from disembarking from the plane to go through immigration and customs.... Quickest I have ever done it by heaps. In fact I was very impressed with the new Perth International Arrival Terminal. Big and spacious and so much better than the old tatty place, and my luggage was actually already in the baggage hall when I got there! Mightily impressed after that longhaul journey.

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I think most people don't realise they can bs used. I fly through Sydney regularly and from BA15 landing to boarding the train to central can be done in less then 15 mins thanks to these machines (with hand baggage only though).

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I fly through Sydney regularly and from BA15 landing to boarding the train to central can be done in less then 15 mins thanks to these machines (with hand baggage only though).


Hi @CaptainR - as a regular flyer on this route I'd appreciate your tips on dealing with the jetlag!


Going back wasn't so bad, but I've done UK to Sydney twice now (via UAE, no stopovers) and the first time I was jet-lagged for a whole week.


This time I'm all over the shop as well... currently trying sleeping 8 hours, awake 8 hours, but work is going to be a struggle Monday/Tuesday.


Any suggestions? Do you take melatonin? I've been trying to get outside to get in the sunlight, but balancing that against the need to sleep is tricky, especially when it's dark by 5.30pm.



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Hi @CaptainR - as a regular flyer on this route I'd appreciate your tips on dealing with the jetlag!


Going back wasn't so bad, but I've done UK to Sydney twice now (via UAE, no stopovers) and the first time I was jet-lagged for a whole week.


This time I'm all over the shop as well... currently trying sleeping 8 hours, awake 8 hours, but work is going to be a struggle Monday/Tuesday.


Any suggestions? Do you take melatonin? I've been trying to get outside to get in the sunlight, but balancing that against the need to sleep is tricky, especially when it's dark by 5.30pm.




Interestingly, I was talking about this with a colleague recently, as in our opinion this is one of the worst routes for jet lag. The only bad jet leg I've ever had is from this route and was wiped out for days once (and I normally do pretty well avoiding jet leg and going the other way work expect us straight in to our simulator training after arriving).

The best technique is to adjust your watch to the time zone from boarding in London, then sleep eat and wake according to that, I normally don't eat on the BA15, but eat in Singapore.

Personally I prefer flying with a longer stopover in the Middle East but my wife complains when i arrive home later then necessary.

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Interestingly, I was talking about this with a colleague recently, as in our opinion this is one of the worst routes for jet lag. The only bad jet leg I've ever had is from this route and was wiped out for days once (and I normally do pretty well avoiding jet leg and going the other way work expect us straight in to our simulator training after arriving).

The best technique is to adjust your watch to the time zone from boarding in London, then sleep eat and wake according to that, I normally don't eat on the BA15, but eat in Singapore.

Personally I prefer flying with a longer stopover in the Middle East but my wife complains when i arrive home later then necessary.


Used to fly at least 6 long haul flights a year for 10 years UK/Brunei. Sometimes I bounced and other times would feel so awful sometimes for 10 days, I was convinced I was ill. I would be rich if I had the answer. Worst coming this way, I have never really suffered going to UK.

The obvious is to drink plenty of water. I never changed my watch, ate what and when offered. Sometimes I stayed awake, other times have a short sleep depending on the arrival time, honestly there was no rhyme or reason to how I would feel.


My husband flew all his working life, and always amazed me how well he coped, flying regularly through the time zones, all hours of the day/night, often with minimal rest, he certainly had no regular routine of how to cope, he just did, perhaps because he had to!?

Good luck mungbean.

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