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Emigrating -- this is one hell of a Rollercoaster ride!!!

barry family

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Hi I have been living in Cairns for 8 months now, I just felt as though I needed to type this to see if anyone else felt the same? I have weeks where I love it here and this is me and my family forever, then I have day`s where I think what the hell have I done! I have left family, good friends and my husband had a good job in UK. I got a local job after 4 weeks of being here which is ideal my husband on the other hand applied for over 200 plus jobs got nothing so he has had to go and work in Perth (Barrow Island) he is away 4 weeks home 9 days! I have made a couple of friends they are from UK also. I know in reality it is only early day`s and I so want this to work out, we have bought a house so show`s we committed to making this work, but it`s a Rollercoaster of emotions that is just doing my head in!

I`m from the North-East of England and the Australians are finding my accent hard to understand, so even that in itself is hard when I`m trying to hold a conversation. I say to myself I have no intention of returning back to UK but then I think of my family and friends and feel why am I doing this and missing out on the next 40 years in the UK with them. (But obviously I was not happy in the UK that`s why we made the decision to emigrate in the first place to give our children a better life than what is on offer back home) They have settled into school very well and tell us there is No Way they are going home and are staying here forever. They are 14 + 13 year old boy`s and so happy they feel this way. Will it get easier for me or will I live with this Rollercoaster in my stomach forever??

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Hi I have been living in Cairns for 8 months now, I just felt as though I needed to type this to see if anyone else felt the same? I have weeks where I love it here and this is me and my family forever, then I have day`s where I think what the hell have I done! I have left family, good friends and my husband had a good job in UK. I got a local job after 4 weeks of being here which is ideal my husband on the other hand applied for over 200 plus jobs got nothing so he has had to go and work in Perth (Barrow Island) he is away 4 weeks home 9 days! I have made a couple of friends they are from UK also. I know in reality it is only early day`s and I so want this to work out, we have bought a house so show`s we committed to making this work, but it`s a Rollercoaster of emotions that is just doing my head in!

I`m from the North-East of England and the Australians are finding my accent hard to understand, so even that in itself is hard when I`m trying to hold a conversation. I say to myself I have no intention of returning back to UK but then I think of my family and friends and feel why am I doing this and missing out on the next 40 years in the UK with them. (But obviously I was not happy in the UK that`s why we made the decision to emigrate in the first place to give our children a better life than what is on offer back home) They have settled into school very well and tell us there is No Way they are going home and are staying here forever. They are 14 + 13 year old boy`s and so happy they feel this way. Will it get easier for me or will I live with this Rollercoaster in my stomach forever??


What you are feeling is very normal and it certainly can't be easy with your husband working away in WA. I also know what you mean about accents. I'm Scottish and one of my friends is originally from Liverpool and we both had a problem with some people with our accents :smile: Once went to see a movie (Riff Raff) about men working on building sites. The main characters were from Glasgow, Newcastle and Liverpool. There were sub-titles so the Aussies could understand them. I thought that was really funny.

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Hi I have been living in Cairns for 8 months now, I just felt as though I needed to type this to see if anyone else felt the same? I have weeks where I love it ate in the first place to give our children a better life than what is on offer back home) They have



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I have been in Australia for over five years now. I still have good days and I still have bad days. But with time, the bad days come less often and the good days come mor frequently. After a while, you start to realise that the enormity of packing up and going home to the UK would be greater than the enormity of staying put. But emigration is hugely unsettling and I don't think you can ever go back to just being "normal" again.

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I think its normal to be up and down for at least 12 mths, add to that hubby working away equaling added stress and im sure anyone would agree its tough. Im 9 years in and from Manchester / Lancashire and people still struggle with my accent,lol, i did learn to slow down my speech and those im with a lot don't have a problem but come across someone new and im forever repeating myself,lol.

As for friends, they will come. Im sure lots of the friends you miss had been friends for a while, so do not put pressure on yourself to make good friends in a few months as its unlikely to happen, as with anywhere building friendships take time.

Its good the kids are enjoying it, do they do sport or anything? i met most of my friends via the kids so tag along with them to everything you can.

Cal x

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I found the sport bit hard though...my kids aren't sporty so the chilling out with other kids on bikes in the street, which is what they did back home (in Manchester !) kind of wasn't here. They are settled now but it took a while.

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Funny you should say that about your accent. My husband has been here over 40 years ( originally from Stockport) and I STILL have to translate for him as many shopkeepers just can't understand him. Especially Chinese people! His accent is not strong but obviously strong enough that they can't understand his vowels!

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Thank you for your reply's, it's good to hear how other people have got through it. My children are both into football and have spoken to a few parent's but they all Australian and when I talk I'm constantly having to repeat myself or explain as they don't understand my lingo and I am talking slower (which is hard to do). I think we will all have a better life here in Australia than back home. And as for drive through I get my children to do it as they never understand me....sorry can you repeat that Grrrrr!!!!

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