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stat declarations for tra

Guest jeffandmichelle

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Guest jeffandmichelle

how good are the statutory declarations for the tra

unfortunately due to my old age 44 many of the firms ive worked for in the past have either dissolved or the owners have deceased so this leaves me with just a few references and one of which doesnt look good as it was a family members business

many thanks in anticipation

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I am in a similar boat, employer either deceased or stopped trading but I did manage to track one down and they wrote a letter following the guidlines for TRA


I think you need to find some evidence that can be verified as this seems to be very important


sounds like maybe you need to go through an agent who can help you meet the requirements


good luck


every time I think I am ready something else crops up :roll:

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Your strategy may include preparing Statutory Declarations and evidence the company/ies that employed you no longer exist: you can obtain extracts from Companies House records here http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/


In view of your age it may be prudent to engage an agent to guide you as you must have your visa application submitted before your 45th birthday.


Best regards.

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Guest Phil Olsen

Hi there Jeff and Michelle


The TRA accepts statutory declarations in the cases as you have outlined. If you have a look at the form it states


3.2. Where past training providers and/or employers no longer exist and you need this information for your application, you may submit

a personal statement on a properly signed and witnessed Statutory Declaration. The Statutory Declaration is to detail as a minimum:


the reason/s why you are submitting a Statutory Declaration, and

all the necessary detail about your training and/or work experience.



So in answer to your question, the statutory declaration is acceptable and should be good enough to submit with the the current references but the content of your stat dec should be comprehensive enough to provide sufficient explanation on why you can't get the references and to outline in detail what you did at the employers (apprenticeship, work role etc etc).


Kind regards

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Guest jeffandmichelle

today i got the stats signed but im waiting on one more reference

it does amaze me though, one company ive been dealing with for the past 5 years, when i asked the person i deal with if they could supply a reference they said i have to get an application form from there head office thats 100s of miles away, funny world its becoming

thanks for all your replies everyone its much appreciated that people you dont know are willing to help when family and friends can shy away

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