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Acceptance from Aussies


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Well today after 13 years of living in Australia I have my citizenship ceremony. I have been amazed and overwhelmed by the response of Aussies when I tell them I have my citizenship ceremony. My colleagues, friends, neighbours are all so excited for me. At work my colleagues decorated the place in aussie flags and brought in food, some of the doctors I work with were hugging me and congratulating me. Even at my boys school the teachers were telling them what a special day it was to watch their mum become an aussie. Such a contrast to arriving here 13 years ago with one suitcase and not knowing anyone. Makes me feel really proud to become an Australian.

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well done Kate. Its taken me 17 years to come to the same decision as you. I'd previously never really seen the need, but more and more over recent months, I've been watching and reading about all the bad that's happening in the UK, immigration out of control and the governments apparent undermining and belittling of anything which the country I was born in and once stood for being eroded, so I decided to apply.

Coincidentally the day I filled out my application was the anniversary of when my visa was granted.

I would have gone a step further and renounced my UK citizenship, but the money grabbers over there want a 3 figure fee, which I'm not prepared to give them.

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Well today after 13 years of living in Australia I have my citizenship ceremony. I have been amazed and overwhelmed by the response of Aussies when I tell them I have my citizenship ceremony. My colleagues, friends, neighbours are all so excited for me. At work my colleagues decorated the place in aussie flags and brought in food, some of the doctors I work with were hugging me and congratulating me. Even at my boys school the teachers were telling them what a special day it was to watch their mum become an aussie. Such a contrast to arriving here 13 years ago with one suitcase and not knowing anyone. Makes me feel really proud to become an Australian.


Lovely story!


My co-workers also decorated the office when I became a citizen then took me out for lunch. The neighbours held a barbecue for me as well. Did you receive a tree to plant at the cremony? I received a bottlebrush which thrived in the back yard.

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