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Plumber,giving it another try


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Hello, I have posted on here before and was wondering if anyone can tell me what to expect on my plumbing skills assessment and cheekily asking what I should be revising, I started this whole process nearly 2 years ago when I had just turned 44, due to a number of factors I was unable to continue with the process, the main one being plumber being moved to schedule 2 for Perth, hindsight is a wonderful thing and yes I should have continued the process as South Australia was still a option for plumbers, so now I am about to turn 46 and my only option is to find a sponsor, I have read on here that this is pretty much impossible but if I dont try I will always be wondering what if, so I have my skills assessment in September and all being well I will be going to Perth in January and knocking on every plumbing contractors door that I can find with, CV's all my plumbing tickets, 12 years worth of experience and some good job references that I had when i was in Australia 15 years ago on a WHV and if that does not work, well at least I tried, so if any plumbers can remember how the day went and dont mind giving me a little insight I would be very appreciative, thank you.

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Hi, I attended in August 2014, it was very easy basic stuff you should have no problem with. Basically a blank wall with a heater manifold to connect to, a bit of drainage, sanitary, hot and cold


after lunch we had the theory for a couple of hours which consists of chatting about the questions and answers. Nothing to worry about ;)


The only thing I believe you would have a problem with would be working as an apprentice for a year transferring your qualifications over whilst on poor money

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Hi, I attended in August 2014, it was very easy basic stuff you should have no problem with. Basically a blank wall with a heater manifold to connect to, a bit of drainage, sanitary, hot and cold


after lunch we had the theory for a couple of hours which consists of chatting about the questions and answers. Nothing to worry about ;)


The only thing I believe you would have a problem with would be working as an apprentice for a year transferring your qualifications over whilst on poor money

Thank you Nickandpaula, i realise this would be the case, i think i would settle for that if i could find a sponsor, i guess i will need a bit of luck. thanks again

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Once you have your skills assessment and when you arrive in Oz, you're best going to the plumbing board in either Perth or Canberra and asking for it to be turned into a cert 3 in plumbing and draining licence. You would have more of a chance with the Canberra office to be honest as Perth office will want to know who you work for etc.


I take it you are coming here with no working rights and trying to find a sponsor?


Perth is sooo fussy on having that ticket and a lot of companies will turn a blind eye to you.


South Australia is dead for work bar a hospital getting built in Adalaide.


Victoria I wouldn't getting look at it as it mainly all Union , he ozzies can't get on them jobs.


Sydney is booming and plenty of work there, I always get emails from companies willing to sponsor boys.


QLD there is a bit of work but nothing long term.


Darwin in NT is booming, loads of jobs in construction , easy to get sponsored as a plumber and wages can be pretty good.


Ive been plumbing in Oz now for 4 years ( originally from Belfast ), done all the bulls **** exams here, got sponsored and PR. it's a marathon alright!


If ya need any advice just hit us up

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Hi Brian, thank you for your reply, its nice to hear from someone who has been there and done it, I think the visa I will be trying to get is the 187 visa which enables you to apply for PR straight away, my family would be coming over and would need the benefits of PR, 2 years would be to long with no help with 4 kids, the 187 is regional, so WA, South and NT, so realistically Perth or Adelaide, not so good to hear that adelaide is quiet for work, I was going to try Ken Hall plumbers first of all and other large firms after that, if no joy in Adelaide I will give Perth a go, Brian any info is appreciated and ultimatley do you think this is achievable or do you think I am being a bit optimistic, _please inform of anything you think might help.

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A 187 is a regional company sponsored visa. You will have to have a company that will sponsor you for that visa before you leave the UK, and that is a non starter as the company has never seen you work. A lot of guys on working holiday visas here in Oz go onto them visas. It's unheard of from gettin that visa straight from the UK.


Your best option is to apply for a 190 state sponsor ship visa which will get you PR from the UK. Some states have taken plumbers from their list like Victoria, WA and QLD as they are not needed there. SA, NT and NSW still have it on the list.


Another option is a 489 visa, it's a regional state visa, you stay in that state for two years and then you apply for PR.


Your best bet is to go for a 190 visa for NSW, because I know NT and SA will only give you a 489 visa as they want people living in their state before they hand out 190 PR visas.

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It would be unusual for a plumber to gain a 187 due to the length of time for processing. Most likely it would be a 457. You would also have to hope that they went on to offer further sponsorship to a 187 or 186 before you turned 50. But there is no obligation for them to do so. You would also need to consider the implications of a 457.

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A 187 is a regional company sponsored visa. You will have to have a company that will sponsor you for that visa before you leave the UK, and that is a non starter as the company has never seen you work. A lot of guys on working holiday visas here in Oz go onto them visas. It's unheard of from gettin that visa straight from the UK.


Your best option is to apply for a 190 state sponsor ship visa which will get you PR from the UK. Some states have taken plumbers from their list like Victoria, WA and QLD as they are not needed there. SA, NT and NSW still have it on the list.


Another option is a 489 visa, it's a regional state visa, you stay in that state for two years and then you apply for PR.


Your best bet is to go for a 190 visa for NSW, because I know NT and SA will only give you a 489 visa as they want people living in their state before they hand out 190 PR visas.


I agree that the chances of getting a 187 are remote indeed. But OP is 46 and presumably cannot make the points for a 489 or 190 visa, it is incredibly difficult after the age of 45.


OP in all honesty I would just forget about it and move on with your life. You could waste a lot of money on this venture that maybe your family could do better things with. And why should you "always be wondering" if you don't try? Millions of people in the UK have never moved to Australia, are they "always wondering"? No of course not.

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When I went back to the UK last year for a visit , a friend was telling me how he paid £12,000 to immigrate out to Oz as a plumber , with his wife and two kids.


He thought he could start up his own plumbing business straight away. I told him its not like that ,

you could take 2 years to get your cert 4 in licensing and it's a lot of hard work. Average wage working for a plumbing company is $25 to $35, divide that by 2 into Stirling and its not much.

Ya earn in UK now and cost of UK is cheaper.


Found out a couple of months ago, the guy and his family returned to UK, no one would take him on as he had no Oz experience and any job offers he had was like $19 a hr. All that money down the drain for nothing .

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When I went back to the UK last year for a visit , a friend was telling me how he paid £12,000 to immigrate out to Oz as a plumber , with his wife and two kids.


He thought he could start up his own plumbing business straight away. I told him its not like that ,

you could take 2 years to get your cert 4 in licensing and it's a lot of hard work. Average wage working for a plumbing company is $25 to $35, divide that by 2 into Stirling and its not much.

Ya earn in UK now and cost of UK is cheaper.


Found out a couple of months ago, the guy and his family returned to UK, no one would take him on as he had no Oz experience and any job offers he had was like $19 a hr. All that money down the drain for nothing .



Ive spent the same to move my family and am fully aware that it will be hard but I would be working for the $19 an hour or doing anything to make it work.

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Ive spent the same to move my family and am fully aware that it will be hard but I would be working for the $19 an hour or doing anything to make it work.


Where are you hoping to move to?



Brits coming over and plumbing has been a nightmare from the start for all of them. I'm not being negative just realistic. We got sold a story 6/7 years ago that Oz needs all these plumbers and you'll easily get a job. We all arrived and told no one can plumb till they have their licences. Some states are harder than others to get the license and can take near a year to get it. I done a 10 week full time time course to get mine, luckily I had a company that paid for me and gave me a wage as I studied.


Good money can be made in remote places, I was on $60hr in Darwin workin for a company. Most big cities are $30mark.


If you have the back up funds then go for it, as the first year will be tough.

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We're heading to the Gold Coast first. I'm also accepting the fact I might be cleaning swimming pools or working in a shop. I will try my dammed hardest to get my family away from the life we have here in the uk. I'm also a qualified chippy and tiler too if that helps the situation?


ive also brought absolutely everything with us for our home so won't want for anything. I have a nice bit of money too so hopefully I'll be ok.

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Thank you for the advice everyone, some good points, Brian I did not realise you had to have a sponsor organised from the UK, I assumed you can do this from Oz, like said in the first post, 1 month to find a company, if I cannot, nothing ventured nothing gained, I have a friend who did this in SA, found a firm, started work in January and was issued is PR in June,so it can be done, perhaps a bit of luck is required.

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We're heading to the Gold Coast first. I'm also accepting the fact I might be cleaning swimming pools or working in a shop. I will try my dammed hardest to get my family away from the life we have here in the uk. I'm also a qualified chippy and tiler too if that helps the situation?


ive also brought absolutely everything with us for our home so won't want for anything. I have a nice bit of money too so hopefully I'll be ok.



I would go down the chippy route once you get here, a lot more work for them. Have you been to oz before and seen how they build high rise building? Its all pumped concrete for each floor, loads of form workers needed and usually chippys take them jobs. With tiling the market is flooded with cheap labour from overseas.

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I would go down the chippy route once you get here, a lot more work for them. Have you been to oz before and seen how they build high rise building? Its all pumped concrete for each floor, loads of form workers needed and usually chippys take them jobs. With tiling the market is flooded with cheap labour from overseas.


Ive never been to oz no. I'll look in to that chippy work...thanks

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