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recommendations for Sydney Ambulance Cover

Captain Roberto

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does anyone have recommendations for Sydney Ambulance Cover?


Some say they don't bother - but many say yes, get it. so - trying to work out how much this is, and whether prices vary.


There are 5 of us. Any deals would do :) (we're not made of money...)



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Guest Dave53

We have ambulance cover with HCF ... We pay around $80/yr for family cover ... I think that seems a good deal for something which is important and probably vital in NSW ... We have never made a claim yet , and hope not to ..


Dave C

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We have ambulance cover with BUPA, it is $128.40 per year. Three days after we arrived (before we even knew we needed cover) youngest daughter and I were whisked to hospital in an ambulance (she had suspected meningitis), cost us about $380 from memory, for a 7 minute journey and no treatment administered. Definitely worthwhile getting!

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We have ambulance cover with BUPA, it is $128.40 per year. Three days after we arrived (before we even knew we needed cover) youngest daughter and I were whisked to hospital in an ambulance (she had suspected meningitis), cost us about $380 from memory, for a 7 minute journey and no treatment administered. Definitely worthwhile getting!


Sounds ok. Pretty cheap. Would you use Medicare for everything else?


I have been on some FB groups on this subject and have a variety of opinions. Many singing praises of Medicare whilst others singing praises of insurance polices

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Sounds ok. Pretty cheap. Would you use Medicare for everything else?


I have been on some FB groups on this subject and have a variety of opinions. Many singing praises of Medicare whilst others singing praises of insurance polices


Yes, we use Medicare for everything else. On weighing up the pros and cons, and being a fairly healthy bunch, we decided that health insurance wasn't worth it. Also, because of our ages (37 and 40) and the fact that we hadn't realised about the age loading until it was too late to be exempted, the cost is prohibitive. We instead pay something into a dedicated savings account so that we have the option to use it if we choose to go privately. We have a bit tucked away now, which of course is earning a bit of interest too. We've not had to use any of it yet, and Medicare has covered the rare instance that we have needed to be seen. I don't really know about extras cover, as OH owns an optometry practice so we get our glasses/contact lenses provided or cheap and dentistry we just pay for as we need to.

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We have pretty much always done the same as you LKC. Never really had any major dramas. Husband had abdominal surgery and was admitted and operated on very quickly all on Medicare.


My friends talk about their health insurance policies, and they really don't seem worth it. You might get surgery slightly quicker, but for the thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses and the cost of the premiums themselves, it just seems pointless. If any of us need surgery at any point, we'll see what the wait is like and then decide whether to cover the cost from our fund or whether to wait. If you were in less than okay health, it might be worth it, but we are not frequent doctor visitors. I think youngest has only seen the doctor once other than for routine checks and vaccinations as a baby (she is seven) and that was when she got something stuck up her nose!

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I was looking into this last night as I had a bit of a panick after reading your post @Captain Roberto! For what I'm currently earning, it makes more sense to stick with Medicare and purchase the extras insurance so I'm covered for ambulance, dental, optometry etc... I was looking at BUPA and there are different tiers of cover (bronze, silver & gold).


If my OH doesn't end up earning mega bucks when he starts work, it would make sense for him to do the same. It's still less than the cost of us getting joint "full" private health insurance.


But I've asked him to look into it a little more closely so I don't end up making a snap decision based on 20-mins of internet research!

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Cool @vickyplum - yes i'm no expert at all, just trying to make sense of it. In the uk I would only use NHS, especially as my wife works for them.


I don't quite get the Oz system yet, but I gather you don't get the tax levy and all the stuff for the 1st 12 months. So I don't think there's a huge urgency to have most of it sorted from day 1. Except ambulance cover, which they say you do need it, or you could get a massive bill if you need one.

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