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How much experience??


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Hi I'm just finishing my PGCE in early years, I was wondering how many years experience I need to get first for private schools in QLD or WA? I'm aware of the poor job situation in oz, but have been told I would likely stand a better chance at getting a job in the private sector. Many thanks Jess x

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To get a positive skills assessment and to start the visa process you don't need any experience and PGCEs are recognised by AITSL who are the assessing body. Of course when you apply for jobs experience will help you and I've heard new Australian graduates are struggling for work so you will need something to make you stand out x

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thanks :-) I was thinking of starting the visa process this summer, as I am aware of the 5year period once visa is granted to come out to oz. I guess I am hoping I can get a job before the 5years are up. I am reluctant to come out without a job as it is just me, so if I can't find work I can't pay the rent lol x

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What you need to ask yourself is why give you a job in the UK, when they can interview people locally. You would have to be really special surely?!


Are you saying then there is absolutely chance of getting a job? As I previously explained, I don't have a partner to rely on, so if I don't have a job I wouldn't be able to afford to pay my rent, therefore I would need to have a job before coming over. I really love oz, and previously lived there for a year in my previous occupation, which is why I can't wait to come back. However, I previously lost my job and ended up having to come back home as I couldn't afford to pay my rent. I just understandably don't want to be in that same situation again. :-) I would happily work in state schools as well, however, as I previously said I was told (maybe incorrectly) that I would be more likely to get a job in private schools.

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I've no idea why you'd be more likely to get a job in private schools, although there are rather a lot of them so maybe it is just numbers. No inside knowledge though so it could be right. Plenty of teachers make the move and do get jobs, would you be willing to live rurally for a while? Plenty of opportunity outside of major cities.


Getting a job from the UK would certainly be much more challenging though - I would work and save and even if you just went out for a three month holiday and used that time to look for jobs - you'd need to validate your visa anyway. My OH and I went for 5 weeks and both got job offers (completely different fields).


I would see being on your own as an advantage - you can house share and work as a waitress if you need to - it depends how much you want this really.

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Thank You for the advice Lady Rainicorn. That is gud to know that plenty do get jobs. Yh I don't really want to go rural, I'm sure there are so many opportunities, but I'm not a fan of the country lol, defo a city girl.

Yes I am aware of the validation process, I was hoping to come out for a few weeks in summer 2016 and look for work then. The problem with coming out for a few months is it would require me to leave a potential job here, and there could be nothing at the end of it maybe. I think if that 5year period was cumin 2 an end, after say 4yrs I would probs cum out and work in a bar or a cafe or sumthin until I found work.


can anyone advise where is the better place 2 work or where are there more jobs WA or QLD. Or is the job situation just as bad in both lol.

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Can anyone advice as well what sort of things could make me stand out? I'm just qualifying in early years, so I certainly won't be up for any leadership roles soon lol. So what other things would look gud? :-)

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What have you done previously? I don't there is any substitute for experience in reality. I think Lady Rainicorn is spot on, your best bet is to come out to Oz and house share. You may want to consider some volunteering to add to your CV whilst you're over and would need some other job to tide you over.


look at it as an exciting opportunity, time to meet new friends and gain new experiences. Lucky you-being single has its advantages!

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At the moment your spelling is making you stand out, that's something to sort out. All child care centres now have to have an early years trained educator, that's your best bet. Private schools want good teachers as the parents are paying so I'd say less chance in private schools.

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What have you done previously? I don't there is any substitute for experience in reality. I think Lady Rainicorn is spot on, your best bet is to come out to Oz and house share. You may want to consider some volunteering to add to your CV whilst you're over and would need some other job to tide you over.


look at it as an exciting opportunity, time to meet new friends and gain new experiences. Lucky you-being single has its advantages!



Thanks for this info. I was previously a children's nurse, for 2years in UK before moving over to oz to work as a nurse, however, things didn't work out, I ended up loosing my job and then ended up having to come back to UK as I couldn't afford to live over there (I was on 457 visa so couldn't find any more work). That's when I decided to go into early years teaching.

Can I ask about tutoring, is that common over in oz, I was just thinking if I came over in a few years, and couldn't find a job, I would still be teaching if I was tutoring at weekends or after school.

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At the moment your spelling is making you stand out, that's something to sort out. All child care centres now have to have an early years trained educator, that's your best bet. Private schools want good teachers as the parents are paying so I'd say less chance in private schools.


Thanks for your reply, my spelling isn't really an issue lol, I can spell properly when it is important haha. Thanks for this info, however, I will be a qualified teacher with qts, so taking a job in a childcare centre/nursery is not what I want, I prefer to work in schools. I am an 'outstanding teacher' according to my final placement grade, but I'm sure many teachers are also outstanding.


Anybody have any ideas what I could do here in UK for next few years to make sure I look good? Would working in a school abroad like Dubai/Middle East look good when applying for jobs in oz? I guess I could show then I had previous experience working abroad? Thanks Jess :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest littlesarah

I don't want to sound like I'm being really negative, but I have a few friends and relatives who are primary school teachers (and one who is training to be an early childhood teacher). Graduates struggle to get more than casual work in the more metropolitan and bigger regional centres, and most who score permanent jobs do so by spending a few years in the country which earns them more points when it comes to a job in an area where they'd rather work. Here, a lot of child care centres go right up to preschool and Kindy, so they employ teachers to run the programs, especially for the older children (obviously, those under 3 tend to have less structure in their activities). Personally, I'd think it wise to have a 'back-up' plan because the reality is that teaching is a very competitive field at the moment, unless you happen to teach science to secondary school kids.

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Thanks for your reply, my spelling isn't really an issue lol, I can spell properly when it is important haha. Thanks for this info, however, I will be a qualified teacher with qts, so taking a job in a childcare centre/nursery is not what I want, I prefer to work in schools. I am an 'outstanding teacher' according to my final placement grade, but I'm sure many teachers are also outstanding.


Anybody have any ideas what I could do here in UK for next few years to make sure I look good? Would working in a school abroad like Dubai/Middle East look good when applying for jobs in oz? I guess I could show then I had previous experience working abroad? Thanks Jess :-)


You could get a special needs qualification and a few years teaching in the UK under your belt.

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