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Chances of finding a job in UK whilst still Australia??


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My HB and I planning to return to UK at the end of the year with our 2 young children (2yo and a newborn!). We have agreed that the most sensible plan would be for my husband to secure work before we move as we both have good jobs here and don't want to risk all that for a possibility of unemployment and living with our parents for who knows how long?!


My husband is an insurance broker and currently in a management position. We are hoping he will be given the opportunity to use Skype/FaceTime to interview. Has anyone else had any experience/luck in finding a job in the UK whilst still in Australia? Are we kidding ourselves into thinking this is achievable or will we have to take the plunge and risk everything on a hope?


Any information would be great!

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Yes, I managed to secure a role from Australia last November and took it up when I moved back in January. Also in financial services industry, interviews were by telephone, if he is targeting larger companies I doubt they would permit the use of Skype in the office for their interviewers. Took maybe three weeks from reaching out to an agent and securing the job offer, the UK is on the up and doing well.


Having said that, we were prepared to go back without jobs and you might need to take that risk. Perhaps you could mitigate it by one of you going first and the other remaining in the good job here to keep money coming in. Or maybe both of you need to look for jobs there to up the odds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My DH got a job in the UK while we were still in Australia. I just asked him for his advice and he said:


Sign up with all the relevant recruitment agencies in the UK - they get to know you and will start coming to you with jobs.

Apply directly to companies you'd like to work for.

Always explain that you're a British citizen and in the "process" of moving back to the UK if you haven't booked flights yet (sounds better than "I'm not exactly sure when we'll arrive"!)

As soon as you see a job, apply for it. Even if it doesn't seem perfect - you just need something to get you over there and get you started.


My DH applied for a job that was being advertised directly by the company. The CEO interviewed him via telephone then two days (or evenings I should say - the interview was at 10.30pm) later he had a Skype interview with the guy who would be his boss. He was told at the end of that interview that he had the job pending references so it can happen really quickly. That was in December 2014, they asked him for a mid-Jan start, my DH asked for early Feb (we had booked flights prior to his first interview) and they said yes. It's all been great so far.


Good luck, it can happen!

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My DH got a job in the UK while we were still in Australia. I just asked him for his advice and he said:


Sign up with all the relevant recruitment agencies in the UK - they get to know you and will start coming to you with jobs.

Apply directly to companies you'd like to work for.

Always explain that you're a British citizen and in the "process" of moving back to the UK if you haven't booked flights yet (sounds better than "I'm not exactly sure when we'll arrive"!)

As soon as you see a job, apply for it. Even if it doesn't seem perfect - you just need something to get you over there and get you started.


My DH applied for a job that was being advertised directly by the company. The CEO interviewed him via telephone then two days (or evenings I should say - the interview was at 10.30pm) later he had a Skype interview with the guy who would be his boss. He was told at the end of that interview that he had the job pending references so it can happen really quickly. That was in December 2014, they asked him for a mid-Jan start, my DH asked for early Feb (we had booked flights prior to his first interview) and they said yes. It's all been great so far.


Good luck, it can happen!


Thanks Aunt Agatha, that's very reassuring and helpful! Hopefully we'll have some luck as we really don't want to be here for Xmas! Can I ask what does your hubby do for work and are you pleased to be back home?

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You're welcome - glad to be of some use! :-) My DH is a business analyst and we are really enjoying being back. We joined the National Trust and have lots of lovely days out with a picnic. The kids are in their element spending time with Grandma and Grandad and the shops are great! We loved Aus too so are very lucky.


I see from your signature that you moved back to the UK and then back to Australia in 2012 - what made you go back to Aus?

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...and you're expecting a little heatwave this weekend! I wish we were going back for summer! Where abouts in England do you live?


yes we returned in 2011 for 7 months and we regretted it instantly but as we reflect back on that experience we left Australia at the wrong time in our lives; we were young, had just gotten married, childless, living close to the city and just starting to progress in our careers. We went back the the UK at a time when it was suffering and my HB and I ended up living in different counties for work reasons (I moved back in with my mum!) so we were doomed from the word go! The experience obviously makes us very nervous to admit that we want to go back again but after much much much discussion we hope we are right in thinking we are completely different to that of 3/4 years ago! We have a young family now with little support, we live out in the suburbs and our careers are stable (I particularly have little interest in progressing after my attention is so torn between family life and job!). We are going back to be with family and raise our children in that environment. I don't think we have rose tinted glasses on, we appreciate it will be very different from our life in Aus - some what better and worse, Australia after all has been very kind to us, but there will be no more expensive trips home, isolation when dealing with the children and guilt that both grandparents and children are missing out on very valid relationships!......I hope we're right!!! We've just got our citizenship.....just in case we're not!

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We're in beautiful Northumberland :-) Where are you moving to?


I know what you mean - we moved from London to Aus at the exact same stage in our lives - no kids, recently bought a house, careers really taking off etc. - and a part of me wishes we hadn't done that. I wouldn't swap our Australian experiences or friends for the world but our timing wasn't ideal.


I'm sure you'll be fine back in the UK, you're at a different stage in your lives now and your reasons for going make perfect sense!


PS We moved back with a three year old and a one year old - the journey isn't as bad as you'd think but I highly recommend a stopover or two, made the world of difference for us.

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We will be returning to Lincolnshire with a near 2 year old and 8 week old! I'm dreading the journey with the 2 year old rather than the 8 week old! We did the flight twice last year and it was a breeze when she was 6 months old and she just fed and slept the whole way, but the Xmas trip (when she was 1) was a little more hectic and difficult to manage! We do plan to just go straight home with no stop overs; we've always been in the mindset to just get it over with and get there, but may be we should consider a stop over with 2 under 2?! Either way I just want to be home and get that difficult part over with.....then deal with the dreaded settling in period-I don't imagine living between our parents for a few weeks with 2 babes is going to be much fun?!!

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Hi - both my Hubby and I secured job offers whilst in Australia, we were on holidays last November and had interviews whilst there. My Hubby had to have another telephone interview whilst in Australia but just a formality really. The jobs have been held for us. We've just arrived back in the UK and are sorting out the jobs next week - Hubby may have to start the week after but I'm hoping to wait until beginning of next month. We also have a nearly 2 year old and we highly recommend a stopover - we did 3 nights in Singapore. My Son only slept for one hour on the first leg but it was a day flight anyway, he then slept for about 9 hours out of the 13 hour second leg :-)

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You can add me to the list as well - still here in AU and have managed to secure a position in London with an agreed start date.


Definitely was a lot easier looking for and securing a job from the AU to UK, versus the other way around.


I posted a message on the IT thread that your husband might find helpful... just some tips for looking remotely.


PS I have to mention, video conferencing is quite common now and most business, large and small, have some sort of service that supports the capability. One thing I'd mention, make sure you have an account set up that's associated with a "professional" name... rather than any nickname or "handle".


Good Luck with the Search!

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Guest Guest109139

You can add me to the list too, had a telephone interview and was offered a job next day, starting in August. Could have started sooner, but didnt want to, wanted to have some time off and enoying quality time with our families.

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