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Quick update!!


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Well hello everyone!!

we made it back to blighty 27th April & honestly it's the best thing I've done!! When I got onto the plane & cried & cried tears of relief that I was heading home. Olivia was an absolute dream on the plane & to see her face when she saw her nana & granda at the other side was priceless. I've settled up at the farm with my parents whilst I sort out our house to

get ready for renting again as I can't afford to live there. I'm not getting any help

from my oh. My mam bought me a car so I have freedom & I've given myself 6 months to get back on my feet. Biggest thing is I feel free, yes I've not got much but I'm happy. Olivia has started nursery & I'm looking for jobs...loving the countryside & even heading into

the shops where there's so much choice is great! & my sister is flying me down to London to stay with her, taking me for food at tom kerridges place & then to see fleetwood mac!! So excited. Sorry its a short update xx

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I am so happy for you hon!Nice that you are staying with your parents while you have time to get sorted.Also nice you have transport so you can get around.Great re your trip to London,and it'll be a nice change for you,and of course give you quality time with your sis!Sorry to hear your OH hasn't given you any help,but the main thing is you are happy and that,as you'd know is priceless!Best wishes for a happy future!xxxxxx Fleetwood Mac?Wow lucky or what?

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Would you believe this! I rang up this week an old place I used to work when I finished uni to see if they had anything pt time (just crappy packing homemade artists pastels but good money & good craic!) I thought I need something small

to kick start after not working & I'm not bothered what it is. They didn't have anything but the owner phones me before & has a job for me doing account management of the customers!!! Part time & it's only 5mins from my folks & 15mins from Olivia's nursery!!! Start date mid-end June. The words were I think

you will be perfect for the job!!!!!!!!!!! Still putting my app in for the police force

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