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Medical Checks and High Blood Pressure


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Can anyone advise me about the medical checks you have done during the migration process.


I have slightly high blood pressure (going down now losing weight!!), if it is still slightly raised when it comes to having the meds done will that cause me any probs with getting visa?


Any ideas and answers greatly appreciated.

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Guest donovan

Hiya Anxious mum


I can only speak for myself, but I have suffered with really high blood pressure since having my last baby

in 2004,I really should be on medication to control it, but every time I get it checked I say maybe next time, on my medical they also found that my heart was slightly enlarged but I passed my medical



Hope this helps


Sarah x

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Guest wardy

my hubby found out he had high blood pressure during the meds for Oz because of this he had to go and see his GOP 3 x to try and get it to an acceptable level.


Because he couldn't he had to go to hospital the next day for a heart scan (this was free) he also had blood tests. Everything can back negative so he was put onto medication, this has proved no problem in us getting a visa so if I was you I would try not to worry to much about it .


Neil (my OH) is now on medication permenantly and is fine, many people with high Bp get their visas.


Good luck

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