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Need to move back to UK we believe....


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Hi. I think you have to go where you can get work. I've been in perth for 3 years, we are heading back to UK next month. Don't seem able to progress very easy here despite management level of nursing qualifications. My partner has not been working since January. We still don't have PR and in order to get this would have to do English language test. (Ha ha). Property prices and cost of living expensive. So in 3 yrs we've progressed 0. Not enough for me.

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Hi. I think you have to go where you can get work. I've been in perth for 3 years, we are heading back to UK next month. Don't seem able to progress very easy here despite management level of nursing qualifications. My partner has not been working since January. We still don't have PR and in order to get this would have to do English language test. (Ha ha). Property prices and cost of living expensive. So in 3 yrs we've progressed 0. Not enough for me.


You have got to go where the work is I agree , I feel same not progressed in nearly 3 yrs in sept it's not just that though it's a lot of things how can ya settle when ya not together lol :) although he has a good job that's not the issue although he says he's doing stuff here that he did years ago in UK lol I just go with the flow I've come to the mind set of oh well it's a day away on plane it's no buggy really , Why don't u sit the English test if u r a nurse I mean me I've got bob hope of passing it but u shud Be able to lol my hubby flew it didn't revise just sat it but he's academic and I'm creative haha :) good luck

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I'm baby sitting today both at work and looking after the dog because he's a bit off today so didn't go out don't want leave the dog lol :)and its raining but if the dog was fine I would of took baby soft play :) I forgot what it's like he's like lightning lol :) I've been making baby things lol :)

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Looks like we'll be exchanging places! We're in Yorkshire heading for Tassie where hubby is from . Been here for 9 years both down south and up here and he still hates it, so in the interests of compromise, it's time to give Tas a try! In theory we have desirable jobs ... But theory and practice are 2 different things! Assuming we get jobs, we'll both earn significantly more in Tas than UK. I've had no increase in pay for about 8 years in UK. My husband's pay did increase but had to take a pay cut to move up to Yorkshire. Hubbie feels our kids will have a better childhood in Tas. I think they could enjoy life in either country though weather arguably allows more outdoorsy life in Tas! (yes I know it rains in Tas too but on balance a Tassie winter is less restrictive than a uk one) I believe there is more pressure on class sizes here than Tassie but again it depends where you are. Many have pointed out before that both are 1st world countries so kids should grow up just fine on either side. Hubbie will be getting British citizenship before we leave...just in case we ever need / want to come back.

I would explore working options in Melbourne or other locations in Aus before making the move , unless you are adamant that you belong back in the UK. Good luck with your plans

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]30077[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]30078[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]30079[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]30080[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]30081[/ATTACH] Just a few pics but weather hasn't been great up to now since I've been here but it doesn't stop u getting out and oz has beautiful beaches and weather but something still not sitting right in my belly lol :)

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Hi Shelley,hope you're having a great time!Weather where I am is abit iffy today!A couple of heavy downpours (shortlived though)but quite blustery which I don't like too much.Just returned from a walk along the canal,and not the nicest of weather to be walking in I admit!When do you head back to Oz?

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I find it hilarious I have to do English language test. I came on a skilled visa, cause they need people with my qualifications. Then they want me to do an English language test, where's the sense in that.

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Hi Shelley,hope you're having a great time!Weather where I am is abit iffy today!A couple of heavy downpours (shortlived though)but quite blustery which I don't like too much.Just returned from a walk along the canal,and not the nicest of weather to be walking in I admit!When do you head back to Oz?



Hi jacaranda , yep it's raining lol and I've just put me sons central heating on nice and toasty haha , not long put baby down for a nap I tell ya I'm run off my feet too old for this haha , love it really :) my flight back is two weeks tomorrow I arrive in brissie something like 5:20 am in the morning on the thurs 18th , Im just making a salad for when me son gets in from work but I need go tesco when baby wakes up just chilling today going me mates on wed and then staying over my other mates Friday I'll nip down caravan to me mother Thursday times gone so fast I'm getting worried lol :)

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I find it hilarious I have to do English language test. I came on a skilled visa, cause they need people with my qualifications. Then they want me to do an English language test, where's the sense in that.


Yep my hubbie had to do it for pr it's just the way it is I know what ya saying but just because people can speak fluent English doesn't mean they can write it lol :) my hubby had to do it anyway regardless of points :) it's just how it is Helen :)and yes his skills were on the list and surprise surprise they still are lol :) mind u he does understand y they still are but I better keep it zipped lol :)

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When I look at photos of the UK I always think they've been photo shopped - that green!!


Haha no not photoshopped I wouldn't know how to do it carny even use fb properly lol :) here a couple more for u lol :) [ATTACH=CONFIG]30089[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]30090[/ATTACH] I mean out in the sticks isn't my cup of tea but it's nice to look at lol. It's dovedale :)

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Hello there,

Im from Yorkshire, and ive been left the UK 10 years. I have just recently arrived in NSW, after living in New Zealand for 10 years (Christchurch, New Zealand). I am finding it difficult to get work here, and that is in a big city like Sydney, we moved here from NZ as my husband was offered a job here. I have found when I have gone back home to Yorkshire that it has changed a lot over the years (not the place I grew up in too be honest), I personally would'nt go back to UK, my family in the UK hardly visit us over this side of the world, and my kids are grown up, 1 son in Melbourne and 1 daughter in NZ. Just from personal experience, its best not to look back on what you had, but look to the future, would it be possible to move elsewhere in Australia, just a thought ;)

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With regards to people finding work difficult to find, I know there are plenty more (mainly macro economic) factors, but I'm convinced that Long Service Leave does not help the employment market in Australia. If I had been in a job for any resonable length of time (say 4 years) and thought it was time for a new challange I probably wouldn't bother knowing that in a couple of years time I could take three months paid leave. The result being that people move around and vacancies are fewer.

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