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Anyone moving to or already in Perth?

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We've decided we aren't going to apply for out visa until after Christmas and we know exactly where we are wanting to go lol we originally thought Brisbane but with more research weve noticed we would probably be much better off in Perth as a young family. where in Perth is good for families? I don't want to live somewhere too quiet where we will struggle to make friends, which I've been told can be a problem with Perth being so far from everywhere else. Any young families in Perth? Or moving to?

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We're moving to Perth, hopefully in the next month or 3, we don;t have kids but our friends are there already and they have 3 kids between the ages or 3 & 13 and they are based in Secret Harbour. They love it there and we'll be heading there initially until we decide on a suburb for ourselves - though we are swaying with Freo just now xx

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Oh my, So exciting!! I wish we didn't have to wait so long but we've so much to sort at home first :( yes I've heard of Secret Harbour I had a friend move there years ago but we lost contact. Really it depends where my husband can get the best work but it's good to know where to look so we don't end up in the middle of nowhere lol

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We're the same in terms of work, that's why we are leaving the final decision until we get there. We've had a few companies say they have work there for my OH but until we get there and get a contract in place we don't want to get too attached to one area. Just need our TRA skills assessment to come back next week and then its full steam ahead with the EOI :) Have you joined the Poms in Perth forum, thats also really good for info and as the title says is all about Perth xx

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Oh that's scary lol I wanted to it that way but I worry we'll end up stuck, my husbands finishing off his qualifications but I worry his experience won't be enough. Then again we would probably have better luck finding work there than here anyway we've always just scraped by his pay is that rubbish here. It's great that you know someone though I'm sure it's a great help. No I haven't joined it I must have a look, thanks! :) xx

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With over a million people in Perth, there surely should be enough people (to make friends) don't you reckon? ;)


i personally would never wait acquiring a visum (if you go for a skilled one). Too much legislative changes going on, that would worry me. It takes some months to get it anyway and then you have year to validate tour visum and then you have another 4 years to actually make the move. But if you can keep it cool, go for it! Good luck.

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I suppose lol we've been watching shows on moving to Perth and it definitely doesn't look as empty as people have made it out to us lol I'm sure no matter where we live it couldn't possibly be any harder to make friends than it is here lol this is where we get confused with the skilled visa. My husband won't be finished his actual qualification until next May. Although he has all the experience he doesn't have any qualifications that prove it yet. So if his skills were to be assessed now were worried he won't qualify :S I wish we could do it all sooner! Lol

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With over a million people in Perth, there surely should be enough people (to make friends) don't you reckon? ;)


i personally would never wait acquiring a visum (if you go for a skilled one). Too much legislative changes going on, that would worry me. It takes some months to get it anyway and then you have year to validate tour visum and then you have another 4 years to actually make the move. But if you can keep it cool, go for it! Good luck.


More like 1.8 million within the Metro area now. Even more potential friends out there if you believe numbers contribute.

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Interested why you would be better off in Perth? Will you earn more there? because house prices and cost of living in general seems to be lower in Brisbane by all accounts.

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Funny...I lived outer metro area in Perth for 2 years...


a really busy area, like where I moved from in the UK ...loved it. But Didnt make any friends, in fact never even met the neighbours. That was just up from Freo.


now 30 minutes further south, in the burbs!! But love it, less going on...but hey we both work the 9-5, in our down time, more than enough to keep us busy, plus its beautiful, no crowds , no traffic...but so so friendly. For families with young kids its a dream.


been made to feel v welcome here...


but if you want busy busy and can afford it then defo stick with the metro area

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Might not be our cup of tea, my husband is the sort of person who makes friends with anybody, it annoys him when his neighbours won't even talk to him, where we live over here we've tried many times to make conversation with the neighbours and to be honest we live in quite an expensive area and everyone here looks down their nose at us because we are young, apparently people in their mid twenties shouldn't live in nice areas lol we would only be renting when we move over so we hopefully won't end up tied to one area, we need to consider schools etc as well before we decide where in Perth we would like to be

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My husband works in refrigeration and the wages for him would be good anywhere he went really, but Besides the fact we prefer Perth it looks like the average wages for what he does is 110-130 000 a year, where as in Brisbane the best he has found is 75-90000


He wont earn that kind of money in the metro area only FIFO, and those jobs are few and far between now as loads of mines are closing making people redundant. He will also have to pay for some retraining and be restricted while he does this training. He will be lucky to get 50-70k for a first job here. Don't come to Perth expecting to land a well paid job.

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No were completely aware he won't make that in the beginning and we also know all the licences and training he will have to do. People from the company he works with here are working for a company over there now that are keeping him on the right track, who had the same qualifications as he did when they first went over, they started off on 70k and are now on 100+ since getting their qualifications, we've done the calculations were better off anywhere there than here, even with the cost of living be a lot higher

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No were completely aware he won't make that in the beginning and we also know all the licences and training he will have to do. People from the company he works with here are working for a company over there now that are keeping him on the right track, who had the same qualifications as he did when they first went over, they started off on 70k and are now on 100+ since getting their qualifications, we've done the calculations were better off anywhere there than here, even with the cost of living be a lot higher


I would really research the salary. I have just being reading our local paper which has an add for an air con engineer. Salary is $29 an hour. Which by the way they are bragging is above standard. That would give an income of just over $60k.


Even doing fifo on a mine site, you might only just get the sort of money you think. But, given mining have laid off thousands recently and more to come, the chances of a mine based role would be slim.

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I appreciate the info. We've been keeping up to date with employment in Perth, like I said my husbands work colleagues that have went through the same thing already are keeping him on the right track , they don't work in the mines they are just shops, homes etc I'm only going by what they have been telling us and what we've seen , so I do really appreciate the info. We really aren't expecting a fantastic wage and once my son is in school I'm hoping to find work myself . We would be better off anywhere than here as my husbands hours and wage mean we're scraping by even with all his overtime. Living in ni there really isn't much opportunity for air con and refrigeration

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  • 1 month later...

Good luck with the move when you make it, sounds like you have done some research and job offers too which is always a bonus, we are hopefully able to get a transfer from my partners company here ,so that will help us if he can . I love Perth so laid back but lots to do too

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My husband works in refrigeration and the wages for him would be good anywhere he went really, but Besides the fact we prefer Perth it looks like the average wages for what he does is 110-130 000 a year, where as in Brisbane the best he has found is 75-90000


WA is in the early stages of a downturn. I would really wonder if that sort of money will prove to be reality.

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My husband works in refrigeration and the wages for him would be good anywhere he went really, but Besides the fact we prefer Perth it looks like the average wages for what he does is 110-130 000 a year, where as in Brisbane the best he has found is 75-90000



To echo Colinmaclec’s comments, an expectation of that salary is unrealistic (in my opinion) these days. For context, I have a close friend who works in that line who expected similar and the best they could find was approximately $85k in the metropolitan area, made up to around $100k by working evenings and weekends wherever possible.


Despite being reluctant, they took on a FIFO role for slightly more ($110k) but which offered a fairly good roster (three weeks on, one week off). That contract is now coming to an end, and they mentioned approximately a 30% pay cut across the board now they are looking for work again.


As an aside, this person had around ten years good European experience, with relevant qualifications. That appeared to amount to very little upon arrival, despite a positive skills assessment. So training and qualifications had to be re-done, and in that time they couldn’t ‘work properly’.


Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

To echo Colinmaclec’s comments, an expectation of that salary is unrealistic (in my opinion) these days. For context, I have a close friend who works in that line who expected similar and the best they could find was approximately $85k in the metropolitan area, made up to around $100k by working evenings and weekends wherever possible.


Despite being reluctant, they took on a FIFO role for slightly more ($110k) but which offered a fairly good roster (three weeks on, one week off). That contract is now coming to an end, and they mentioned approximately a 30% pay cut across the board now they are looking for work again.


As an aside, this person had around ten years good European experience, with relevant qualifications. That appeared to amount to very little upon arrival, despite a positive skills assessment. So training and qualifications had to be re-done, and in that time they couldn’t ‘work properly’.


Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

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Oh, and to add - It seems like you are getting quite a bit of guidance from people already on the ground here. That is fantastic and helped so much in my situation. The numbers mean very little on paper when reviewing them. So that's a good place to be.


With that said, make sure you do your own research. I know people that have been burned by 'mates' telling them how good / easy / buoyant this are here, when the reality has been slightly different.


If you are not chasing money and are prepared to compromise, come with an open mind and I'm sure you will have an amazing time.

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